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Real Name: Alexander looi
Birthdate: November 13th
A little about me...
I am Looi the 14th! the sun king!...(with googly eyes)

Member Since: January 15, 2009
Last Power Points used: April 26, 2013
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Comments to LooiXIV

Katz says...

well the more things change the more they stay the same. They want power over us it's information control so I'd say just don't go to musuems they make money from the exhibits also if you are inclined then do a protest but make certain you have a good lawyer yet eventually if we don't go then they'll get rid of the stupid rules maybe or you can do a petition. It violates the fair use act in the copy right code. Yet the people who want the money and are preventing free expression have their hooks into government. Lobbiests run things our voice doesn't matter to them at all they own things but that's about to change. It always gets worse before it gets better. Contact the democratic party and the libertarian as well as the ACLU and write your legislators in your area and tell them what you think speak out without hurting anyone. Also vote or you lose the right to complain about your government

NicoleBee says...

Wow, thats so bizzare and really quite insulting. Copyright laws are getting insane. (as if they weren't before, but I didn't think they could get worse.) It seems absolutely ridiculous to me that they wouldn't allow you to bring a Sketchbook to an Art Gallery

In reply to this comment by LooiXIV:
>> ^Fade:
I can walk into any art gallery this very minute, take a picture of any of the many works of art walk out and print out pretty reasonable copies of the work. I'm clearly not committing theft since the original stays where it is.

nothing against your argument but I just want to say that there are a lot art galleries who do not allow people to take any sort of picture. Including hand draw copies. I was in the Philadelphia museum of art and they wouldn't let me carry in a sketch book to this one exhibit because of potential "copyright infringement", stupidest thing ever I couldn't sketch my own interpretation of art. haha I really don't know what to make of such a situation...

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