Llama US

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Real Name: Camelid

Member Since: April 8, 2009
Last Power Points used: July 4, 2011
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Comments to Llama

schmawy says...

Those pooches were having the time of their lives.

In reply to this comment by Llama:
I didn't start out wanting to stay with a theme, but I love a challenge and I fear if I stop now, I'll get harped on by the Sifters. They'll all gather around me chanting "llama llama llama" and my character will be brutally reamed in SiftTalk! Hehe, but really, I may stop if it starts to bore me, but for now I'm enjoying it.

I had that video bookmarked for a few weeks and it makes me sad to watch it and hear the llama's terrified death bleats.. I knew it would get a few downvotes, but I really wanted to post it if only as a warning to people who think dogs are cuddly and won't eat their llamas. Heh. That sounds funny. I'm trying not to be facetious about it, but hehe..

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
It was a little interesting, but the sound of the llama got to me, Llama. And as for the canines, well, no. Not a big fan.

You're bringing some real fun to the Sift, and I look forward to seeing how far you can push the camelid theme. They are fascinating family of critter. If you run out will you re-register as a goat or the like?

In reply to this comment by Llama:
I wouldn't expect an upvote from a cat for a video about dogs, anyway.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Still, not what I come to the Sift for, so I exercise my downvote privileges. Sorry Llama. I know there are more good llama videos out there.

schmawy says...

It was a little interesting, but the sound of the llama got to me, Llama. And as for the canines, well, no. Not a big fan.

You're bringing some real fun to the Sift, and I look forward to seeing how far you can push the camelid theme. They are fascinating family of critter. If you run out will you re-register as a goat or the like?

In reply to this comment by Llama:
I wouldn't expect an upvote from a cat for a video about dogs, anyway.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Still, not what I come to the Sift for, so I exercise my downvote privileges. Sorry Llama. I know there are more good llama videos out there.

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 10 stars, earning you status of Bronze Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

Sagemind says...

Well, Llama-Ddama-Ding-Dong!!!
Welcome, it took me forever before I registered and then forever again before my first post... But I'm hooked now..., as you soon will be.... Mwaaahaa!

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