
Member Profile

Channel: Religion

Member Since: August 16, 2006
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Comments to LadyBug

imstellar28 says...

Hey ladybug have you seen this:

Its a national movement to demand the truth on 9/11. Every month on the 11th people go out and pass out flyers, spread the word, and protest, etc. Just imagine what difference it could make if Americans refused to work on the 11th of every month until we found the truth. I'd add it to videosift but I'm a noobie member.

Anea says...

I've been wondering who I should hit up to help me get my queued vids published.... then I found you! You're girl, AND a "child of the 80's"! If you won't vote my She-Ra/ Jem vids up, no one will!

NickyP says...

Your banana vid is the pure essence of nick's naks
The whole idea behind it is a great old jumble shop with excentric stuff in. Wicked. Oh I noticed I got an invite to your religion group, I didn't reply in time, sorry. Could yer drop me another line?

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