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Real Name: Journal of Applied Poultry Research
A little about me...
As you might be able to tell from my posts, I like indie rock, and listen to a lot of Japanese indie in particular. If you hear something you like, let me know; there's a good chance that I could help you find more or something like it.

Member Since: May 17, 2007
Homepage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhDwYdkmM8g
Favorite Sift: Sean Connery Voice Club for Men
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Last Power Points used: October 4, 2015
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Comments to JAPR

alien_concept says...

Thank you so much J, that really did make me smile

Hopefully I can think of something equally as good to follow up!

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
I'm only slightly drunk right now (local time is 6:54 AM, and I've only had about 11 beers since midnight), but this has seriously been one of the most awesome threads of late. I say we all give massive props to Alien Concept for this. Go spend some time checking out her well-deserving queues and personal queues.

thepinky says...

I agree that they're awesome. I'm partial to The Photo Album because my brother used to listen to their earlier albums and I wasn't into them until The Photo Album came out. I feel like they haven't really changed and developed as a band since Transatlanticism, though. I love bands that are always trying new stuff, and I'm waiting for something fresh and different from them right about now.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
The one with the rabbits. I used that song to get my girlfriend into DCFC, and it has a really special meaning for me about my relationship with her. I'm a hopeless romantic, lol. I haven't seen all of the videos on Directions yet, because I don't have the DVD (I plan to get it eventually), so I haven't seen the Different Names for the Same Thing video yet. Every song off of Plans and Transatlanticism is pure gold to me though. I would probably put one of those two as one of my favorite ten albums of all time. Amazing, amazing music. Gibbard has the voice of an angel, lol.

thepinky says...

Yeah. I love Directions. My brother owns the DVD and it has some great special features. Which music video for I Will Follow You Into the Dark are you talking about? The one with Ben Gibbard and the gaping hole in the floor, or the one off of Directions with the animated bunnies? Both of them are cool. None of the Directions videos have any of the band members in them.

I love all of the Directions videos, but I especially love "Different Names for the Same Thing." Have you seen that one? The director went to a middle school band and asked them to perform the song. A little girl sang the vocals and they recorded the kids doing it, then they dubbed Death Cab's performance over it. It's perfectly in sync and just a great video. I got very nostalgic when I watched it.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Directions, right? I've seen some of the videos off of it, but haven't gotten around to picking it up. Fantastic stuff. I absolutely LOVE the video for I Will Follow You into the Dark.

In reply to this comment by thepinky:
Have you guys seen all of the videos that Death Cab contracted people to make for their album "Plans?" GREAT stuff. I love those music videos. I hadn't seen this one and I really like it. Thanks.

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