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Real Name: Journal of Applied Poultry Research
A little about me...
Member Since: May 17, 2007
Homepage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhDwYdkmM8g
Favorite Sift: Sean Connery Voice Club for Men
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Last Power Points used: October 4, 2015
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Power Points at Recharge: 1 Get More Power Points Now!
As you might be able to tell from my posts, I like indie rock, and listen to a lot of Japanese indie in particular. If you hear something you like, let me know; there's a good chance that I could help you find more or something like it.

Member Since: May 17, 2007
Homepage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhDwYdkmM8g
Favorite Sift: Sean Connery Voice Club for Men
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Last Power Points used: October 4, 2015
Available: now
Power Points at Recharge: 1 Get More Power Points Now!
Thanks, JAPR!
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
*promote racism!
lol, I didn't realize/forgot we HAD that channel. Nice
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Thanks for the promote, JAPR!
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Dunno man. Something is screwy with that video. Fixed it again!

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
It's still not showing correctly for me. Maybe it's a problem with my settings.
EDIT: it displays correctly on GameTrailers, but not on the Sift. Eh.
In reply to this comment by ant:
>> ^JAPR:
I definitely can't upvote this. The video has its right side and bottom chopped off, it looks like.
Thanks Japr! WKUK make it thanks to your effort.
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Let me at 'em, let me at 'em!
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
good stuff
LOL thx! I don't spend a heck of a lot of time on the sift, now I know.. and knowing is half the battle YO JOE!

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
btw, not sure if you responded to me or not, but make sure you respond to other people's posts on your profile via "profile reply" at the bottom of their post so that they get it on their profile and get notified rather than having the post end up on your own wall.
I found a bunch for my phone, but they require a 'Z-code' emulator to run. found that, too, I even found the unzip ap I need to install them, but it's zipped! drats.
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Might this be the game you're referring to? http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/hitchhikers/game.shtml
I never got too far in it, but I did rather enjoy the bit that I did play. Text-based games are both frustrating and amazingly fun at the same time, since you're never quite sure exactly what limitations there are, unlike conventional games.
In reply to this comment by schmawy:
that's the stuff. my fav was 'hitchhiker's guide' which still runs out there on the web as an emulator. I found a bunch for palm os that I'm going to check out.
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
I remember playing some Oregon Trail back in early elementary school. My younger brother was the one who inevitably died of something or other every single time I played.
What sort of text games are you thinking of, purely text-based, or stuff like Police Quest back on those actually floppy disks?
In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Good times indeed. I go all the way back to atari. I even died of dysentary on the Oregon Trail. I always loved text adventure games and was recently looking to see if there is still anyone writing good ones. perfect to run on phones or pda's you'd think, right?
that's the stuff. my fav was 'hitchhiker's guide' which still runs out there on the web as an emulator. I found a bunch for palm os that I'm going to check out.
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
I remember playing some Oregon Trail back in early elementary school. My younger brother was the one who inevitably died of something or other every single time I played.
What sort of text games are you thinking of, purely text-based, or stuff like Police Quest back on those actually floppy disks?
In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Good times indeed. I go all the way back to atari. I even died of dysentary on the Oregon Trail. I always loved text adventure games and was recently looking to see if there is still anyone writing good ones. perfect to run on phones or pda's you'd think, right?
Good times indeed. I go all the way back to atari. I even died of dysentary on the Oregon Trail. I always loved text adventure games and was recently looking to see if there is still anyone writing good ones. perfect to run on phones or pda's you'd think, right?
I've also always wanted to try Katamari Damarcy but I think that's playstation only. i'm definetley a console guy and my PC proudly boasts how Y2K compiant it is on the bootscreen, so it's not the freshest machine around.
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Never had a Dreamcast, so I'm afraid I didn't.
I showed that Passage game to one of my good buddies and to my girlfriend today, they both loved it as well.
I like a pretty huge range of games, from RPGs to FPSs and some RTSs as well once in a while, but it all just depends on my mood. Usually I'm just into gaming as entertainment, but sometimes there are games that manage to be both massively entertaining and still make you think about things or care about the reality the characters are involved in, and those are probably the games that make me like gaming the most (though they're extremely few and far between).
In reply to this comment by schmawy:
I just recently bought an xbox, and as much as I enjoy violence and reckless driving, it often leaves me wanting. I think there's so much more room for art. I recently heard of a game that was audio only, and you put on your headphones or surround sound and play. how cool is that?
ever played Shenmue?
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
I especially liked that "Passage" video, as I'm sure you could tell by my comments on it. I think sometimes people forget that video games are themselves something we can use as a form of artistic expression.
In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Hey, Thanks, JAPR! What do you think of this one, i sorta thought you might like it when I saw it...
Check out my pimp hand, eh?
I just recently bought an xbox, and as much as I enjoy violence and reckless driving, it often leaves me wanting. I think there's so much more room for art. I recently heard of a game that was audio only, and you put on your headphones or surround sound and play. how cool is that?
ever played Shenmue?
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
I especially liked that "Passage" video, as I'm sure you could tell by my comments on it. I think sometimes people forget that video games are themselves something we can use as a form of artistic expression.
In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Hey, Thanks, JAPR! What do you think of this one, i sorta thought you might like it when I saw it...
Check out my pimp hand, eh?
Hey, Thanks, JAPR! What do you think of this one, i sorta thought you might like it when I saw it...
Check out my pimp hand, eh?
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