Fade IE

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Real Name: Bryn
Birthdate: February 11th, 1980 (45 years old)

Member Since: September 12, 2007
Email: gryphonboy at gmail dot com
Homepage: http://gryphonboy.wordpress.com
Last Power Points used: October 18, 2011
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Comments to Fade

vairetube says...

Racism, by its simplest definition, is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

People with racist beliefs might hate certain groups of people according to their racial groups.

I.E. Hispanics, which he clearly means. It's glaringly obvious the hate in his words.

You obviously feel the same why and will justify it, so don't bother wasting muh times!

In reply to this comment by Fade:
I'm not worried. You clearly don't understand what racism is.

In reply to this comment by vairetube:
exactly my point. if you dont get what he's implying then of course you dont get it. dont worry about it.

schmawy says...

I can imagine that they'd have to do an awful lot of reassessing of their world if they even entertained the possibility. Personal realities can be so fragile, and are defended with great vigor.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
I don't understand why the people who defend the "party" line are such assholes about it. THey get their knickers in a twist and start calling people names. Very immature. I'm surprised Japr didn't weigh in and start pooping in his hand and flinging shit around.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Sick of it. I just had some questions and I can't handle the assholery. Sorry you wasted a promote, Eric. *kill

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

True, though I heard Judas Priest also thought the movie was send up of them.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
Ah come on Dag, Spinal tap was basically a documentary about Led Zeppelin

In reply to this comment by dag:
wow - never knew the lyrics with such clarity before.

Have to say, I kind of liked the song better before I knew all the lyrics. It now reminds me a bit of "Stonehenge" by Spinal Tap.

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 14 stars, earning you status of Bronze Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

alien_concept says...

Thanks mate, I know. But when I couldn't find a dictionary definition to prove it, I just thought it easier after being pulled up on it three fucking times to change it

In reply to this comment by Fade:
Corpse has been a verb for a long time. At least as long as people have been causing other people to laugh when they're trying to be serious.

NordlichReiter says...

Hi... i thought I would reply to an old comment of yours, take from it what you will.

What hath god wrought? - Common saying among the religious and non religious.

There have been incidents (wars) throughout history portrayed by all religions, what people would do in god's name.

So when you say that Islam is bad, you must take into account all of the deeds that every other religion has taken part in.

Buddhists in Taiwan, christian fundamentalists (theocons, crusades), Jewish and Palestinian, Palestinian and Jewish, protestants and Catholics in Ireland, and these are only the monotheistic religions.

I'm not a defender of Islam or any religion for that matter, but I am a defender against fundamental religion. So yes religious zealots (extremists, terrorists) are fucked up, it matters not what religion they are from. Only that Islam has gotten so much publicity over all of the other atrocities that have been committed in gods name.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
Now I hate fear mongering propaganda as much as the next person but you gotta admit, Radical Islam is pretty fucked up, right? I mean, you do see how far off the deep-end some of these people are?

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