Croccydile US

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Birthdate: January 31st, 1978 (47 years old)
A little about me...
A crocodile! Sorry I'm a bit shy :o

Member Since: June 10, 2008
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Comments to Croccydile

BoneRemake says...

quiet frankly I forget why I opened your profile. I know it was with good intention.

I went on a tangent about d/l portal and seeing if my videocard on this pos laptop could take portals massive dildo up its....

so I'll find that out ,... but in the meantime keep on keepin on I guess. you seem like a good shit to have around.

go buddy go.

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Portal in a Nutshell. (MAJOR SPOILERS - you'd be better off just playing the thing yourself - it's a perfect game IMO)

Created by Valve, makers of Half-Life, Left 4 Dead and Team Fortress, Portal is at it's heart an ingeneous puzzle game that focuses around a Portal gun. This gun is basically a wormhole gun that allows you to project entry/exit points onto walls, ceilings and floors which you can then travel through. The physics in the game are perfect and momentum figures into the puzzles in a very satisfying way. The increasingly more challenging levels are all based around getting from the beginning of the level to the end, and some of the later ones take some real brain power to figure out.

Beyond this, they've crafted a fairly brilliant story, narrated by the only speaking character in the game, GLaDOS, who is the insane computer in charge of the research facility that you are trapped in. The dialog is very witty and the rapidly decreasing mental state of GLaDOS's AI, and adds a lot of tension to the game. You slowly realize that there are major problems with this facility, and things unfold in an interesting way.

At one point, you are tasked with caring for a 'companion cube'. Later you are asked to 'kill' the cube by dropping it into an incinerator. Later in the game GLaDOS reprimands you for doing this.

As a reward for completing all of the research challenges, you are promised a tasty slice of cake. As inevitably escape research maze, you find notes from others who have presumably escaped too. You find things on the wall that say 'The Cake Is A Lie'.

Great boss battle at the end, and just when you think the fun is over, GLaDOS herself sings this amazing hilarious song by Johnathan Coultan.

In reply to this comment by Croccydile:
Am I the last gamer on Earth to not know what the deal is with this game? The limit of my knowledge involves overplayed jokes about some cake or something.

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