dag says...

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Wow, it's very cinematic.

Why is that? Is it the greater depth of field over a regular camera or do you have a special filter on?

The lighting looks almost like it's been professionally set up by the crew of Mad Men.

youdiejoe says...

It's a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflect) camera, and it shoots video at 24fps so it's hard to call it video, as it shoots at film style frame rates. That gives it the film like qualities along with the use of fix focal lengths giving DOF (Depth Of Field).

Farhad2000 says...

Oh man... I so want this camera... I know if I get it though i would probably use it to shoot something stupid.

Focus pulling and panning seems hard to pull on a DSLR body though... How long can you shoot for exactly? Whats the memory consumption and what format is the video spit out at?

*starts saving*

youdiejoe says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
How long can you shoot for exactly? Whats the memory consumption and what format is the video spit out at?
starts saving

The D90 saves the files as AVI, Motion JPEG codec. Files are roughly about 100MB per minute of video. The camera currently allows you to shoot 5 minutes max per video clip, this is reported to be a safety feature to protect the internal parts.

maatc says...


I have a colleague who set up a rig with a digital camcorder that shoots through the viewfinder of an old school SLR. Awesome cinematic effect as well, but this beats it by lenghts.

lucky760 says...

Wow. Another fantastic video. It's really great.

It would be interesting to follow up those shots with clips from the busy time of day there to see what must be a vast difference. E.g., fading from the lonely male janitor mopping the floor into throngs of travelers scuffing it up.

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