no more video goals
not to sound bitter but damn I just give up. The few videos I find and try to sift are dupes and the ones I find that I believe are AWESOME don't get sifted. I think my tastes are just out-of-synch with most folks. Hell that's no surprise at all, but damn I really thought SOME of the music vids I submitted might make it but *shrug* I guess not. No love for left-of-the-dial music from the 80s and 90s. Mostly, I'm tired of taking a day trying to find videos and the only ones I can put up that get sifted are more of the same old kids bunnies and people falling down. I mean, really. At one point I noticed that the top 15 was NOTHING but comedy vids. For three days in a row. When a non-comedy finally showed up, it was a "cute" vid.
I never thought I'd get tired of comedy but between my husband always putting on comedy when we ride together in the car (with Sirius radio) and videosift's constant barrage of comedy clips, I wonder why I don't just start watching television again. What's the damned difference?
Yeah, I'm tired. Lil Miss needs to get the hang of sleeping alone soon or I think I'll lose my ability to reason right along with my sense of humor.
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