Day 1 on Chantix

I went to the pharmacy today to pick up my perscription of anti-smoking superstar, Chantix.  It was a whopping $133 which my insurance decided they wouldn't pay.  It's ok though because I used my flex spending account to pay for it instead.  I was actually doing ok quitting on my own but it was really difficult at work.  I sit by the door everybody goes out of to smoke and am constantly asked if I want to smoke.  At home, however, I really don't have much of an urge and it's not like the urge will keep distracting me from something important.

So anyway I went to pick it up at the pharmacy and I got to talk to the pharmacist so that he may explain how to take it.  I get these 4 boxes, 3 of them blue, 1 of them green.  I start with the green one and take 1 a day for 3 days then 2 a day for the rest of the week.  He actually told me to smoke during this time.  A doctor in the medical field, told me to smoke. Ha!  Of course, not wanting to go against the pharmacist's orders I immediately bought a pack of cigarettes at the nearest gas station (I shoulda used my flex spending account for that since he told me to smoke).  I had 2 throughout the rest of the day and not 1 since.  I have already taken 1 of the pills so I don't know if I just don't desire a cig or if it's the drug already working.

Another thing the pharmacist told me is that the side effect of this drug is that it'll give me vivid dreams.  That could be good, since I rarely remember any of my dreams anyway...maybe I'll become more spiritual if I can remember my dreams...HAHAHAHAHA! right...


[edit] Last night I had a very vivid dream.  It was almost lucid in that I knew I was dreaming and I could control some of the things in it.  Anyway, in my dream, Lucky banned me so I went to the videosift headquarters (which by the way is in a huge skyscraper office building).  Lucky tried to convince me that I was writing shitty comments and emails to people and yadda yadda yadda.  He had evidence in my dream, I just don't remember if it was really things I've typed.  Him and Dag were very very mean to me...and I don't remember if they had faces.

blankfist says...

What's your brand of poison? I smoked Marlboro Lights (occasionally Marlboro Reds) from 14 to whenever I switched over to Camel Lights. I quit cold turkey.

I refused to take any aids like Nicorette or prescriptions because I always felt like people tell you you cannot do something without outside help, as if we're all helpless to addiction. The first couple of days I wanted a smoke, but it wasn't anything I could withstand.

I do miss smoking. It is fun when it doesn't make your lungs hurt.

rottenseed says...

I started with camel lights and then went over to marlboro menthol lights after I started dating my of us had to change and I guess she was the one that had more cigarettes.

I do feel like it is a weaker choice to use a drug to quit, but then again, it's always an awesome break from work to get up go out and have a smoke with somebody. I don't think I can deal with quitting the psychological enjoyment I get out of smoking and the addiction.

obscenesimian says...

Be aware that Chantix can cause fucking wild mood swings once you get towards the end of the cycle. It is a psychoactive drug, and it was not pleasant for me.
Hopefully you don't have that issue. It's still worth it to quit the damn coffin nails though.

rottenseed says...

^Hahaha you know what? I threw a wild tantrum in the office today...I wonder if it has already had that effect on me. Other than the fact that I work with douches and dipshits, I'd say that outburst was rather excessive even for a drama-queen such as myself.

imstellar28 says...

^next time you are lucid.

I had a dream where I realized I was dreaming...went I started to bounce up and down on my bed. Each time it took longer and longer to fall back to the ground. Eventually I was flying over trees at 100 mph, and I could control the landscape with my mind. I looked at the horizon and said "make the mountains larger" and they grew twice their size. I said "make the sunset more beautiful" and it was, and still is, one of the most beautiful things I have seen in my life.

quantumushroom says...

Why bother to quit smoking? Longer life? You'll miss the last 10 years, drooling in a wheelchair. Better breath? You're getting laid/GF now, aren't you? Yellow fingernails? You're not gay, who gives a shit? Breathe easier? Unless your job involves running from bears, as an adult you don't need to sprint. Ever.

If you're going to choose life, make your vice something healthy, like cigars and pot.

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