Kicked out of an Australian Ad Network

It's not a huge deal, to be honest - Australia accounts for a fairly small percentage of our visitors. Still brings me down a little more and makes me think that advertising and online communities are a rough fit. Here's the email I received:

Good Evening Brian,

Adconion Media Group has received a complaint from an Advertiser about content they were displayed against.

The offending video contravenes Adconion Terms and Conditions where it states that Adconion will not pay for impressions of a salacious nature.

In saying such we have decided that as of 24 hours you account will be cancelled and final payment will be tallied for impressions rendered up to the 24 hour period.

If you would like to view the offending video, I have enclosed a link.

Kind Regards,

[name redacted]

Media Account Executive - Australia
Adconion Media Group

The online advertising world leaves me shaking my head more often than not - so, maybe we're on a better track with the Amazon strategy. I've already found a couple books I'd like to order - and although it is not generating much revenue now - I like the idea of putting advertising in the hands of the community and quality recommendation for books, movies and music.
Deano says...

Send him back that Bill Hicks video where he advises advertising execs to kill themselves

BTW I know nothing about how these things work but would it not be enough to show any advertising on non-salacious pages or do they object to it appearing anywhere on the site? What if people posted a video in the forum for example, they'd object to even that?

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