blankfist says...

Still in the fridge. Drinking margaritas tonight to calm my nerves from working nonstop since just before December of last year. I made a promise to someone on this site that I would do something for them, and I swear I will do so once the advertising world gives me a moment so I'm not feeling so overwhelmed.

But it has really been nonstop since December, except for the occasional moment with the girlfriend that always takes precedent.

VideoSift has been very therapeutic!

MycroftHomlz says...

I am no expert, but for what I can find...

Certain types of champagne are meant to be drunk immediately or within 2 years of bottling.

Dom Perignon champagnes can generally be aged. There are some special storing instructions, but the gist is store it on it's side, in a cold dark place, and rotated every year.

I am sure it will be INCREDIBLE... Rasch is just jealous.

JAPR says...

Hope it's delicious. I haven't ever had any sort of quality champagne, only cheap junk up to about 15 bucks for a bottle...ah, the life of a college student.

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