This week Yahtzee reviews Dead Space 2

This game was a disaster. What a waste of $60. Stupid story, no genuine terror aside from jump scares, sluggish controls, poor collision detection, terrible facial animation, linear, lacking in variety, lacking in bosses... The formula of the game is 1) enter a room 2) fight off 3-5 waves of enemies 3) wait 10 seconds for the door to the next room to open 4) yawn 5) repeat.

Unlike Yahtzee, I really dug DS1. It was scary because you were alone and underpowered. In this game, you are Rambo and there are NPC's everywhere. In the first game, the sound design gave you subtle distant growls to let you know monsters may strike at any moment. In this game, a bombastic soundtrack beats you over the head any time a monster is about to strike. I actually played a good portion of the game without sound, listening to my ipod. In the first game, you are this Gordon Freeman style silent, solitary figure who only reveals his face at the end. In this one, your annoying character talks and shows his poorly animated face constantly.

The multiplayer is also a mess. It's a hackneyed, poorly thought out rip off of Left 4 Dead. (Valve really should make a Left 4 Dead in space game) Not only is the multiplayer horrible, but you need an EA license to play it, which means that whoever buys my used copy is going to have to pony up even more money to EA. Fuckers.


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