Parrot Singing In The Shower

You don’t need to understand Russian to know that Makesha the Yellow-naped Amazon parrot is having a great time… (dailypicks)

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Поет Беловежская пуща, Браво, Птица счастья, Крокодилы бегемоты пока принимает теплый душ ;)

My father was given one of these at 82. Mom had died, so my sister thought it would be company. Dad survived 3 weeks then passed it on because it, literally, wouldn't shut the f'k up. Apparently it has now had 5 owners.


Man. Giving something that can live for 70 years to an 82 year old seems like a bad idea for many reasons!


My father was given one of these at 82. Mom had died, so my sister thought it would be company. Dad survived 3 weeks then passed it on because it, literally, wouldn't shut the f'k up. Apparently it has now had 5 owners.


You are assuming that the bird was young when given to my father, it was not. It really gets tiring having to explain, in detail, every nuance of every comment, simply to avoid criticism from those who look for things to criticise.


Man. Giving something that can live for 70 years to an 82 year old seems like a bad idea for many reasons!

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