Jim Rogers: GOP Presidential favorites clueless on economy

From wiki-

The expression "QE2" became a "ubiquitous nickname" in 2010, usually used to refer to a second round of Quantitative Easing by central banks.[54] In retrospect, the round of quantitative easing preceding QE2 may be called "QE1". Similarly, "QE3" refers to proposals for an additional round of quantitative easing following QE2

A summary of what I saw:

Dude says Romney, Santorum and Obama are clueless on the economy, but Ron Paul is super-fantastic with his talk about hyperinflation and dollar devaluation.

Smart interviewer asks "So tell me Mr. Smartypants Ron Paul supporter guy, are you putting your money where your mouth is? Are you selling your dollars? Are you shorting U.S. Treasuries?"

The answer? "Uh, no, I'm holding onto my dollars, and I'm gonna go long on Treasuries, because there are 'lots of reasons' to do the exact opposite of what Ron Paul says a smart investor would do..."

Indeed there are, indeed there are.



Who is the best candidate? How do we fix this broken political system?

How do we get: Timothy Geithner out of the Treasury? Lloyd Blankfein on trial for the biggest white collar racket in history? Troops recalled from quagmires of death boredom and despair?

You got any solutions, bro?

Or just more fallacious arguments?


The solution is to start writing off bad debts, so people can get back to work.
Instead, we have corporations chasing after low-paid workers, and killing unions.


Right, so..

1.) I never said Ron Paul is some panacea for the world's troubles.

2.) I even admitted that Paul is more or less a racist homophobic religious cuke.

3.) I don't think Paul or any single person should have that much power to begin with.

The fact that we're still stuck with a two-party system in which we vote for one president "in charge of everything"..

..as opposed to 50 governors and local communities making their own decisions for their own goddamn selves is mind-numbing.

Point is:
The immediate effects and sincere discussions that would take place in the wake of such a radical candidate becoming president are the best thing that could happen for the American political process at this conjunction in our history.

For fuck's sake, YOUR AVATAR & GALAXY STAR ARE A GUY FAWKES MASK! You should support a grassroots underdog upheaval like the one Paul represents more than anyone on this site.

Ron Paul represents the chance to reclaim our Foreign Policy from Warmongers; our Economics from Speculators; our Health, Safety, Labor, and Ideas from Robber Barons.

But then again, he did stereotype blacks as fleet-footed so.. I guess you make a good counter-point.
>> ^NetRunner:

Hah. No. Of course not.

I'd liked to remain as status quo-y and entrenched in my beliefs as the Conservative Republicans I like to gripe about.

But it's okay cause I wear & cheer lead for the blue team while I do so.

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
You got any solutions, bro?
Or just more fallacious arguments?


@GenjiKilpatrick my "argument" here is that the guy in the video contradicts himself. At the beginning he says "no one but Ron Paul understands the economy" and then the follow up is "so are you following Ron Paul's advice?" and the answer is no, he's not because there are "lots of reasons" to not follow Ron Paul's advice.

Your reply to this was to launch into some spiel about how I'm not providing you with solutions that resolve several complaints you have about government, and then at the end declare my argument fallacious, without ever actually touching on the argument I made.

If you want to have some other debate with me, that's fine, but first why don't you accept that I made a valid point about the video you're posting?



So Jim Rogers is a hypocrite, what's your point?

Are you implying/concluding something about Ron Paul's economic policies?

Because if you are, Jim Roger making hypocritical statements is irrelevant to that.

I assumed you were intelligent enough to understand that. Especially after I googled it for you.

Jim Rogers is advocating a shift in our society but he still knows where his bread is buttered.

He's a speculator and Trading 101 Rule 1 is: Follow the trend.

You think he's gonna put his livelyhood on the line, cross his fingers and hope like hell entrenched niggas like you will suddenly about-face?

You oppose war in Afghanistan, right?
But you still pay your taxes, which supports the war there.

Your actions are contradictory therefore.. I can conclude what?

Obama is a shitty president? Of course not.

I'd love to address your invalid point, but you'll have to clarify your conclusion first.


>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

So Jim Rogers is a hypocrite, what's your point?
Are you implying/concluding something about Ron Paul's economic policies?

Not so much Paul's policies so much as Paul's supposed knowledge of macroeconomics.

Paul's Austrian economics says that expanding the monetary base the way the Fed has should result in immediate inflation since monetary "stimulus" doesn't do anything but raise the overall price level. According to Paul's prediction, anyone holding a stock of U.S. dollars in cash is a moron, because those dollars are expected to fall in value dramatically any day now. Smart investors would "sell" their dollars and move their wealth to a better investment instrument.

Similarly, Paul's Austrian economics say that running massive government deficits never have a positive effect, and will only lead to inflation and a rise in the government's borrowing costs. In investor terms, that means that you should expect treasury bond prices to fall -- and an investor looking to capitalize on that knowledge can make a profit by shorting bonds.

Jim Rogers is not doing either of those things. Which means one of two things:

1) Jim Rogers is a moron who knows nothing about investments.
2) Jim Rogers thinks Ron Paul's central economic predictions are wrong.

Either way, that means this is not a particularly ringing endorsement of Paul's economic chops. Either he's being praised by a Grade A moron, or his so-called supporter thinks Paul is actually full of shit on the economy, and was stupid enough to make that abundantly clear on TV.

The title I'd probably have sifted this with would be "Paul endorser forced to admit Paul doesn't know jack about economics." Well, at least I would have if titles could be that long...

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