Bethesda are publishing. Arkane did Dark Messiah of Might and Magic... Wikipedia: "Harvey Smith, known for his past work on the Deus Ex franchise as well as Thief: Deadly Shadows, and Raf Colantonio, who worked on Arx Fatalis and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, are the lead designers on the game."
The game is set in a world that blends both the past, future, and things in-between, of our reality. Nobles ride in carriages, masses of man-eating rats lurk in the dark gutters, the sound of automated factories can be heard in the distance, and towering war-machines prowl the cobbled streets. The economy of the world, which is going well into its industrial age, is booming with the success of a useful, multipurpose fuel; Whale oil. Locations include the desolate Isles, the mighty Pandyssian Continent, and the city of Dunwall.
YT: "Dishonored casts you as a supernatural assassin driven by revenge. You are the once-trusted bodyguard of the beloved Empress. Framed for her murder, you become an infamous assassin, known only by the disturbing mask that has become your calling card. In a time of uncertainty, when the city is being besieged by plague and ruled by an oppressive government armed with strange technologies, dark forces conspire to bestow upon you abilities beyond those of any common man.
In Dishonored, creatively eliminate your targets with the flexible combat system as you combine the numerous supernatural abilities, weapons and unusual gadgets at your disposal. Pursue your enemies under the cover of darkness or ruthlessly attack them head on with weapons drawn. The outcome of each mission plays out based on the choices you make. "
GallowflakYeah, yeah, it's a cinematic. I've had my eye on this for a while, though, and it looks promising.
I hope they get a new voiceactor for your magical benefactor.
rebuilderHmm. My thoughts, play-by-play style
-So, another high fantasy RPG huh?
-Oh great, magic. How new.
-Wait, tech too? Steampunkish? Looks a lot like... Hmm, looks a lot like Arcanum! Man, that was a great game! Please tell me this is inspired by it!
-Kind of... Actiony, isn't it?
-Yes, very combat heavy. Wait a minute. This is another one of those "you're a badass killer superman" games, isn't it?
Gallowflak>> ^rebuilder:
Hmm. My thoughts, play-by-play style
-So, another high fantasy RPG huh?
-Oh great, magic. How new.
-Wait, tech too? Steampunkish? Looks a lot like... Hmm, looks a lot like Arcanum! Man, that was a great game! Please tell me this is inspired by it!
-Kind of... Actiony, isn't it?
-Yes, very combat heavy. Wait a minute. This is another one of those "you're a badass killer superman" games, isn't it?
From the looks of things, in their releases, interviews etc, this game is like Hitman meets Thief meets Half-Life 2 meets Dark Messiah. Set on a steampunk island nation. In an ocean full of whales. With electric bowmen on stilts.
reiwanYou had me at stilts.>> ^Gallowflak:
>> ^rebuilder:
Hmm. My thoughts, play-by-play style
-So, another high fantasy RPG huh?
-Oh great, magic. How new.
-Wait, tech too? Steampunkish? Looks a lot like... Hmm, looks a lot like Arcanum! Man, that was a great game! Please tell me this is inspired by it!
-Kind of... Actiony, isn't it?
-Yes, very combat heavy. Wait a minute. This is another one of those "you're a badass killer superman" games, isn't it?
From the looks of things, in their releases, interviews etc, this game is like Hitman meets Thief meets Half-Life 2 meets Dark Messiah. Set on a steampunk island nation. In an ocean full of whales. With electric bowmen on stilts.
xxovercastxxFor anyone who loved Assassins Creed but thought it wasn't anachronistic enough.
rhiadonAlmost looks like the video game realization of Brandon Sanderson's latest book in the Mistborn world. The symbol on his hand looks like an Allomantic symbol and the main character can create time bubbles. It's not his story, but feels very similar.
Enzoblue>> ^rhiadon:
Nerd baller
Almost looks like the video game realization of Brandon Sanderson's latest book in the Mistborn world. The symbol on his hand looks like an Allomantic symbol and the main character can create time bubbles. It's not his story, but feels very similar.
LukinStoneGameplay, please.
Sepacoresays...Hadn't heard of this game, looks like it's got potential to wasted a few hours.
soulmonarchDark Messiah remains one of my favorite games ever. Arkane totally has my confidence on this one.
rhiadon>> ^Enzoblue:
>> ^rhiadon:
Almost looks like the video game realization of Brandon Sanderson's latest book in the Mistborn world. The symbol on his hand looks like an Allomantic symbol and the main character can create time bubbles. It's not his story, but feels very similar.
Nerd baller
Not sure what that means? Compliment? I'm not the most savvy.
Porksandwichsays...>> ^rhiadon:
Almost looks like the video game realization of Brandon Sanderson's latest book in the Mistborn world. The symbol on his hand looks like an Allomantic symbol and the main character can create time bubbles. It's not his story, but feels very similar.
Hmm I was thinking a mix of Stormlight and the new Mistborn novel. Since Stormlight has more electricity and light centerings and Mistborn is metal.
Plus there's a "dishonored" guy in Stormlight who basically becomes an assassin for others.
kceaton1Somebody should have payed a little attention to their use of, "...Revenge...", because as of right now I think I've seen the 'Prototype 2' commercial using the VERY same mantra--so they may wish to change the wording somehow.
It looks to be a semi promising game, but as is said above: "...gameplay..."! Until then we really don't know what we are dealing with.
rhiadon>> ^Porksandwich:
>> ^rhiadon:
Almost looks like the video game realization of Brandon Sanderson's latest book in the Mistborn world. The symbol on his hand looks like an Allomantic symbol and the main character can create time bubbles. It's not his story, but feels very similar.
Hmm I was thinking a mix of Stormlight and the new Mistborn novel. Since Stormlight has more electricity and light centerings and Mistborn is metal.
Plus there's a "dishonored" guy in Stormlight who basically becomes an assassin for others.
Interesting point. My brain hasn't gotten deep enough into the Stormlight Archives yet to think of that one first. I like it so far, there just isn't enough story yet.
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