Unedited Christine O'Donnell:What's the 1st Amendment Again?

Christine O'Donnell debates with Chris Coons at Widener Law School. And forgets a few amendments... most notably, the first one.


I HATE her, I really, really do. SHUT THE FUCK UP! Your opponent was respectful and listened to you spew your silly bullshit, stop interrupting HIM when HE was asked a question.

Ignorant twat.


>> ^lantern53:

She is correct. The amendment prohibits the establish of a religion, not the separation of church and state.

Congress shall make no law respecting AN establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof (Catholic school?)(federal/state schools means...); or abridging the freedom of speech , or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Re-read the bold part and post back when you know the answer.


And I suspect she's hurting the other TP candidates on the way... She's receiving national attention and probably more coverage in Nevada than Sharon Angle for instance. I think if people look at Angle and see O'Donnell they'll either stay home or vote against this kind of lunacy.

After all, Angle is only O'Donnell with enough years to know when to shut her pie-hole.

>> ^Truckchase:

>> ^Skeeve:
This woman needs to be stopped...

Don't worry; she's stopping herself.

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