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In the 2007 elections Ron Paul used the term "Blow Back", often used by the CIA to describe the unintended consequences of foreign operations that are deliberately kept secret from the American public. Paul described the United States foreign policies and interventionism against sovereign nations created the hostility towards the United States, eventually leading to the 911 attacks. Paul was Booed by the crowd.It was not until 2011-2012 the term "Blow Back" was eventually understood by more people. During this presidential campaign Paul sparred with Rick Santorum over Iran. Santorum thinks Iran first became hostile towards the United States beginning with Iran taking American hostages in 1979. Paul was quick to correct Santorum's logic by reminding him the hostilities began with the United States CIA intervention in Iran. In 1953 the CIA was used to oust an elected leader. The reaction to this was the later taking of American hostages.In this video a former employee and civil servant; CIA 1967-1973, Charles Johnson describes the unfolding events in Iran and Iraq and the blow back caused by the United State's foreign action.Ron Paul was correct in 2007, just he is today and people are beginning to understand his message, and it has not changed.
dystopianfuturetodayWelcome to foreign policy 101.
"Blowback" is a widely known term and concept that goes back decades. Chomsky has written extensively about it since the 70s. Ron Paul did not invent or popularize this term. In fact, Ron Paul is 30 years late to the party, which I guess is pretty good for Ron, considering he is still stuck in the 1800s with regards to economics.
GrimmUh...the point of the video was that the term "Blow-Back" and what it stands for was NOT made up by Ron Paul. That it is a real thing and that RP was using the term to correctly explain his point of view. The fact that most people watching the debates including the people participating have no idea what blow-back is doesn't do a lot to support your claim that ""Blowback" is a widely known term"...perhaps in certain circles this is true...but not for most people.>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Welcome to foreign policy 101.
"Blowback" is a widely known term and concept that goes back decades. Chomsky has written extensively about it since the 70s. Ron Paul did not invent or popularize this term. In fact, Ron Paul is 30 years late to the party, which I guess is pretty good for Ron, considering he is still stuck in the 1800s with regards to economics.
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