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hPOD (Member Profile)

hPOD (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I see a huge difference in argument styles between the two parties. Conservative arguments are usually little more than a stringing together of buzzwords and slogans, with little understanding of the thinking behind the concepts, or the ability to follow up when put under scrutiny. Fiscal responsibility (code for tax cuts for the rich), socialism (code for public works that don't directly benefit corporations), small business (code for big business), small government (code for limiting that parts of government that don't massage corporations as opposed to say... defense), constitutionalist (I can never get a conservative to explain how corporate ideology fits into the constitution, especially when you consider that corporations were illegal at the time the constitution was composed), etc.

Liberals simply don't have access the same kinds of corporate, think tank propaganda that conservatives do. If they did, I'm sure many would use it, but because that kind of propaganda is scarce and often amateurishly put together (Air America), liberals generally have to logic it out for themselves.

The liberal commentary on this site is very thoughtful.

In reply to this comment by hPOD:
Well, it's hard for me to disagree with you on this specific point. While there are those that I disagree with politically, I don't mind disagreeing with them so long as they at least make solid points, whether I agree with them or not. While it's pretty arrogant for me to 'guess', when it comes to online forums such as VideoSift, Digg, Reddit, I'd say 95% of those posting/responding know very little [or are void of self-opinion] and are merely repeating what they've heard/read from others. And that goes for those on the far left and those on the far right.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
I don't mean it as an insult, they are literally lacking in political knowledge. If you'd like me to use a more respectful term for ignorance, I'd be happy to oblige. Knowledge impaired? Intellectually disabled? I'll go with whatever you like best...

>> ^hPOD:

Calling people ignorant because they have different views/opinions than yourself is, in and of itself, ignorant.
Fiscal Responsibility isn't a vague-to-the-point-of-meaningless slogan unless applied to politicians/politics, be it on the right or the left, as IMO, neither are fiscally responsible. It's hard to be fiscally responsible when you aren't spending your own money. I live my life in a fiscally responsible way. Aside from my mortgage, I have no debt. None. I do not live beyond my means. I do not spend more now expecting everything to work out later, as sometimes it doesn't work out as we expect. That is fiscal responsibility.
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
^'Fiscal Responsibility' is a vague-to-the-point-of-meaninglessness slogan designed for use by those too stupid to formulate their own arguments. It will indeed be interesting to see how well the tea party does tomorrow, as a gauge of just how easy it is to manipulate ignorant Americans.

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xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

There's no vendetta, I just thought your comment was dumb. I find many comments dumb and I usually keep it to myself, but your rudeness made me feel justified in saying it aloud.

As for why I find this comment dumb:

1) Stating the obvious: Do you think there is a person in the world that doesn't understand the concept of using laughter as a way of dealing with grief?

2) Good taste: Would you chuckle at jokes about eating the corpse of your dead friend? Probably not.

3) A very poor point followed up by an unearned coup de grace. If you want to smack someone down at the end of your comment, you have to earn it.

4) Contributing personal factors: Beyond this, I've encountered some painful deaths over the past couple of years, which probably amplifies my annoyance factor when it comes to flippant, rude comments like the one in question.

Why no intellectual debate? Because it didn't seem worth it. But you've asked, and I've explained it now.

I can't remember what I said to you about Milton Friedman, so send me the link if you want elaboration.

I think you are an OK guy, and definitely no moron, but you do have this way of stating the obvious in a really self-righteous tone that annoys the crap out of me.

Just being honest.

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
I wish I had left the "douchbag" comment off and I actually just sent Roachmojo an apology for that line. I'm not surprised to get some flak for it.

However, your ranting a couple weeks ago over my comment about the Friedman video seemed very unlike you. I'd have expected intelligent debate from you, not that.

I was starting to wonder if I had done something that offended you.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
I've always been hostile to lame comments.

xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

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