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doogle (Member Profile)

dag says...

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Hey Doogle- as far as I know Chrome should be all Ajaxed up. Do you have javascript turned on? You're not using the super-duper beta Mac version?

In reply to this comment by doogle:
Hi Dag - I haven't seen it in the sift posts, thought I'd ask you directly -
is AJAX off on the site or something? My Chrome browser keeps having to reload when I click on a video or vote on them.


JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

dag says...

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I found the dialog riveting, well performed and necessary for establishing the characters. The first scene in the farm house which you mentioned was especially good. It introduces you to the character of the Jew Hunter - who is ominous but fascinating.

In reply to this comment by JiggaJonson:
Meh, one of my favorite films of all time is "Before Sunset" where there is literally nothing but dialogue. If I wanted to see that amount of chit chat though I would have preferred to get some philosophical perspective out of it. No one wants to watch a movie where the characters are all simply talking about doing something.

Now there are some exceptions, see: Reservoir Dogs and Suicide Kings, but films tied so closely to that kind of writing need to involve the audience (both I mentioned bring the audience in by presenting a sort of mystery or puzzle that needs to be solved). In the case of Inglorious Basterds I felt like I already knew what was going to happen. This probably came from listening to interviews that Tarantino did where he described 'burning down the theater with film,' and 'changing the course of history.' Tense moments were tense but it was mostly a waiting game for me.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Also, for people who didn't like the copious amounts of dialog - I suggest you take a break from first person shooters to help you enjoy the true pleasures of a good movie. It's not about explosions and CGI.

[/grumpy old man]

Deano (Member Profile)

griefer_queafer (Member Profile)

nach0s (Member Profile)

ponceleon (Member Profile)

dag says...

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I think it's different for every country. I'm getting mine through these guys. and it's not coming until July 1st. :-( I'll be walking into the store.

In reply to this comment by ponceleon:
Hey Dag,

Did you pre-order your 3Gs online or at the store? Mine supposedly arrives in the mail tomorrow, but has still not shown up on the order page as shipped...


JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

jonny (Member Profile)

jonny (Member Profile)

dag says...

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I want my optimistic views of humanity to stop coming up short. I want the sheeple to wake up. I want the robots to take over. I want the bats to stop gnawing at my brain. I want googlebot to index the site a little slower so it doesn't bring it to its knees. (in order of ascending importance)

In reply to this comment by jonny:
History books may be wrong, but reality is hard to question. What is it that you want? Do you want to be the leader that gathers the mob behind him? Or do you want to be the leader that acts in defiance of the mob? Both positions are perilous. But you must pick one. Or find the ever changing balance between the two. The most dangerous and precarious position of all.

In reply to this comment by dag:
How dare you question Siftler's understanding of history. You will need to readjust your definition of Tyrant - all history books are obviously wrong.

In reply to this comment by jonny:
Your new avatar suggests a poor understanding of history. Adolf wasn't a tyrant. He was a mobilizer of nationalistic hatred. If you intend to be a tyrant, you should pick a true tyrant, maybe one of Achaemenids.

[edit] Here ya go:
It's got all the "down on your knees" feel you're I think looking for.

judy0000 (Member Profile)

jonny (Member Profile)

dag says...

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How dare you question Siftler's understanding of history. You will need to readjust your definition of Tyrant - all history books are obviously wrong.

In reply to this comment by jonny:
Your new avatar suggests a poor understanding of history. Adolf wasn't a tyrant. He was a mobilizer of nationalistic hatred. If you intend to be a tyrant, you should pick a true tyrant, maybe one of Achaemenids.

[edit] Here ya go:
It's got all the "down on your knees" feel you're I think looking for.

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

schmawy (Member Profile)

jonny (Member Profile)

dag says...

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You know nothing about the rich, fantasy life I enjoy with my bots. They're always there for me. Well, Gratey not so much- but I couldn't ask for a better pal than Siftius. He sends me private messages- only for me.

In reply to this comment by jonny:
I think you might be getting just a bit too emotionally attached. I recommend professional help. Or a couple of bong hits.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Thanks for doing a grate job.

I want you to know that although I love you and Siftbot differently, I love you the same. It's just that Siftbot sometimes likes to hug me in a special way - and that's not something that you and I can do - not without lots of little cuts all over my body.

EDD (Member Profile)

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