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chicchorea (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Rather than dissect and analyse your comment and mine - or call out other users for similar action, how about you just be nice and perhaps stop commenting to this particular user.

If you don't think this is possible - or you don't understand my intent, perhaps take a break from the Sift - go out and smell the flowers, take some time off. If you're not capable of this, eventually, a break may be enforced. Thanks.

In reply to this comment by chicchorea:
Starred what out Dag? Point of fact, you/she/others may construe or infer to your mind's content or discontent. By design or otherwise, it is rather up to the mind(s) of the reader(s). However, it does indeed seem you are 'bots looking for bad words. Are you going to ban me for *'s. I have seen much worse here, by far. That is neither here nor there. It is your cite after all.

BTW, this unfortunate situation was promulgated by this individual(**********) calling me names and accusing me deleteriously and not just once. Hence my ire and venom. I rather feel like not letting it go as have I before, other cheek and all that.

While not generally given to responding in kind. I unfortunately feel justified if not morally on the high ground.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Just becaused you starred it out - it doesn't make it OK. We're not 'bots looking for bad words. These kinds of ad hom comments are against the guidelines of the Sift. Please desist.

In reply to this comment by chicchorea:
Awwwww...poor whiny *****...don't worry, you'll always be Queenie of the dupes.
In reply to this comment by bareboards2:

chicchorea (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Just becaused you starred it out - it doesn't make it OK. We're not 'bots looking for bad words. These kinds of ad hom comments are against the guidelines of the Sift. Please desist.

In reply to this comment by chicchorea:
Awwwww...poor whiny *****...don't worry, you'll always be Queenie of the dupes.
In reply to this comment by bareboards2:

rychan (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Give it a go. A license is still pretty cheap. It's one of those kind of games that's hard to describe - and it looks a bit lame through videos and whatnot - but play it for a solid hour (through your first day/night cycle) and you'll either be into it or not.

In reply to this comment by rychan:
I've never tried Minecraft at all. Maybe I should.

peggedbea (Member Profile)

SuperHotbUNZ (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Sorry, but this kind of comment violates our community guidelines. Per your probationary status - I'm banning your account.

In reply to this comment by SuperHotbUNZ:
In reply to this comment by Lawdeedaw:
Osama is dead. And the toll? 3000 American civilians. 5585 troops. Tens of thousands more grievously wounded. A super power financially brought to its knees. And hatred that will last generations.

And the true cause? America's pride and complacency--not one terrorist. And yet, we the citizens, do not take blame--it is obviously the politicians faults. Makes me sick...

Your a piece of shit

WKB (Member Profile)

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

chicchorea (Member Profile)

doujingvv (Member Profile)

griefer_queafer (Member Profile)

chicchorea (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

oops - sorry about that. You can still ban posts using the * ban invocation - just not instaban in a profile.
In reply to this comment by chicchorea:
What a nice fantasy there for a brief moment as I actually tried to ban the dingo breath. Mind you, the Mouseketeers duckwalking across the stage behind you singing Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport was a bit suspect, but I thought...what the heck and tried twice.

I am just a goldie afterall. In reply to this comment by dag:
Totally bannable. Ban at will
In reply to this comment by chicchorea:

chicchorea (Member Profile)

chicchorea (Member Profile)

HaricotVert (Member Profile)

Kevlar (Member Profile)

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