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theo47 (Member Profile)

EMPIRE (Member Profile)

timelord says...

In response to your comment here (didn't want to clutter up the video's page)

And what's the maximum SAT score? 1000?
When the video was made, the maximum score was 1600 (800 verbal + 800 math). Now there's a writing section so the max is 2400. Under the old system 1000 was supposed to be the average score.

Is the SAT all that counts, or does the highschool average count as well?
Application procedures vary from university to university. High school averages (known as GPA) are an important factor for all universities (even those who typically will admit almost anyone). Most universities weigh heavily on the SAT as well (though not as much as the GPA), but some have chosen to forgo it (there's some debate over this).

More selective institutions also require essays, letters of recommendation, interviews, etc. Apparently Harvard has an acceptance rate of less than 10 percent these days. But we're talking about one of the most competitive in the country.

Are the most famous universities like Yale, MIT, Harvard, private or public universities?
All the above institutions are private. There are plenty of well reputed public universities as well. For example check out the UC system (California).

Real Time - Chris Rock kinda snaps on Ann Coulter

SaNdMaN says...


"And what's the maximum SAT score? 1000?"


"Is the SAT all that counts, or does the highschool average count as well?"

Of course high school grades count. They also take into consideration extracurricular activities (sports, various organizations you were a member of, etc)

"Are the most famous universities like Yale, MIT, Harvard, private or public universities?"


Real Time - Chris Rock kinda snaps on Ann Coulter

EMPIRE says...

I'm not american, so I always had some doubts about the american educational system.
How exactly is a student's application taken into account to get into a university?
And what's the maximum SAT score? 1000?
Is the SAT all that counts, or does the highschool average count as well?
Are the most famous universities like Yale, MIT, Harvard, private or public universities?

Arrested Development's Michael Cera: Impossible Is . . .

Fox Host Confused About Bush Cocaine Abuse

Wingoguy says...

My father went to Yale with Bush and was good friends with his roommate. Asked about his memories of Bush, "He was always out of the room partying or in the room, drunk". Hehe...funny but true.

Castle Color Illusion

The Simpsons on Iraq

choggie says...

....whats a republian...

so...theo??? What is one of the signs of true intellect??? By the way intelligence is HIGHLY is the good ol' boys club called Yale....unless the idea du universidad is some holy temple

Yale University senior's embarassingly bad video resume

Yale University senior's embarassingly bad video resume

Yale University senior's embarassingly bad video resume

theo47 says...

In his 11-page resumé Vayner claims that he runs a charitable organization, is the CEO of an investment firm and has written a book on the Holocaust, among other things. Research by bloggers has shown many of these claims to be false:

* His investment firm's website lists a non-existent address, and the charitable organization is using an unauthorized Charity Navigator logo. The president of Charity Navigator publicly announced that he believed Vayner should be expelled from Yale for this.

* Excerpts of Vayner's self-published book, Women's Silent Tears, a "unique gender-focused perspective on the Holocaust in Eastern Europe" made available for free at show that at least some of its content had been plagiarized from an online Holocaust encyclopedia.

Before Vayner had even begun his freshman year his tendency to exaggerate was first discussed in an article in Rumpus, a Yale humor magazine. He apparently had visited as a high school senior, and told unbelievable stories about himself. Among his claims to people on campus, or to the public, since starting at Yale:

* He claimed that he "is one of four people in the state of Connecticut qualified to handle nuclear waste".
* He was employed by both the Mafia and the CIA during his childhood.
* He gave tennis lessons to Harrison Ford and Sarah Michelle Gellar.

In addition, Vayner apparently arranged for a film he had made about Zen Buddhism to be displayed in a Yale class on eastern philosophies. The film included a "b-roll of Vayner performing various physical feats of questionable veracity.

Shays: Abu Ghraib was not torture

winkler1 says...

This stuff wouldn't happen if it weren't tolerated at the top...

Branding Rite Laid to Yale Fraternity

Special to the New York Times

New Haven, Nov. 7 - A Yale fraternity accused by the student newspaper of burning its initiates with a brand will have its fate decided Friday by student fraternity leaders.
The fraternity, Delta Kappa Epsilon, could face the temporary closure of its house and a $1,000 fine resulting from alleged violations of rules previously passed by the Interfraternity Council, which consists of Yale's five fraternity presidents.
The charges against Delta Kappa Epsilon were made last Friday in a Yale Daily News article that accused campus fraternities of carrying on "sadistic and obscene" initiation procedures.
The charge that has caused the most controversy on the Yale campus is that Delta Kappa Epsilon applied on "hot branding iron" to the small of the back of its 40 new members in the shape of the Greek letter Delta, approximately a half inch wide, appeared with the article.
A former president of Delta that [sic] the branding is done with a hot coathanger. But the former president, George Bush, a Yale senior, said that the resulting wound is "only a cigarette burn."

Harvard to Yale: "We Suck"

firefly says...

On November 20, 2004. Yale students posed as a Harvard pep squad and distributed posters to the Harvard fans, telling them it would spell out "Go Harvard", while in reality a different message would be displayed.
Although the final result wasn't as clear as it could have been (you can barely make it out if you squint just so), I'll give the Yalies credit for attempting to pull off something like this.
Interestingly, if you see the picture in print anywhere, it's much clearer, obviously photoshopped!

Possibly the Dumbest Gameshow Contestant Ever

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