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When Geek and the Opera Meet: Voyager EMH sings to Tuvok

Oklahoma State Rep. Goes On Anti-Gay Tirade

Genetically Engineered Virus that Specifically Attacks Brain Tumors (Blog Entry by lucky760)

The 3AM Phone Call (Blog Entry by dag)

choggie says...

the dream is, that a black dude pres will change a single step towards destruction...s'pecially a dude from Yale/politician/Chicagoan, whatever his/her/its color
we're fucked any number of ways.....

Watching the US Presidential Primaries in Canada (Election Talk Post)

choggie says...

It is quite silly to think that a large portion of the Black vote will go to Obama, simply because of his skin color....which, is whiter than most blacks, along with his sensibilities ....
Yale law school, Chicago single-party, boss controlled, Cook county crookedness, that's the political pablum he was groomed on.....Chicago is one of the most corrupt cities in U.S. history......

Frontline PBS Documentary on "The Mormons"

qruel says...

downvote on your comment for gross vagueness.

you say, "True until 4 minutes in", yet do not mention anything specific that you take offense to or disagree with. BE SPECIFIC.

There was nothing negative in this video. perhaps you did not watch the video presented above, as it is a PBS Frontline documentary, and has nothing to do with me ( you say, "as presented by the poster")

you say, "None of the so called experts are members of the church"
please read this page which lists who Frontline interviewed and then please retract your comment.

Gordon B. Hinckley
Gordon B. Hinckley is the 15th president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He has led the church since March 1995.

Jeffrey Holland
Holland was ordained an apostle of the church in June 1994 and became a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles later that year. He received a master's degree in religious education from Brigham Young University (BYU) and has a Ph.D. in American studies from Yale. Prior to joining the Quorum of the Twelve, Holland served as the church commissioner of education and later as president of BYU.

Marlin Jensen
Marlin Jensen is an LDS church historian and member of the First Quorum of the Seventy.

Daniel Peterson
Daniel Peterson is a professor of Islamic studies and Arabic at Brigham Young University, a member of the university's Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, and a contributor to the Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research and the Scholarly & Historical Information Exchange for Latter-day Saints. He is the author of numerous articles and books on Mormon history and doctrine.

for the full list, again please visist

You then bring up a story about Mike Wallace (without sources) which has nothing to do with this video. I personally think your quote is rubbish, back it up with a source.

your not starting an arguement, your just being overly vague and bringing up unrelated storys

silvercord (Member Profile)

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

Falling Up - Escalator Confounds

Orson Welles turns the tables on Dick Cavett

rougy says...

"They are both quite eloquent and have wonderful accents and tones of voice. Does anyone here know what accents those are (if different) and where you speak them?"

I think Cavett's is a mixture of the almost "accentless" meter of Lincoln, Nebraska, and his formative years at Yale University.

Welles' accent, I think, is a product of his education, theatrical training, and his many travels. (he was a very fine actor when he was young)

UF Student tasered at John Kerry Speech

bamdrew says...

These things happen all the time on CSPAN. The difference here is the police at events in the capital have experience manhandling people out the door real quick, and the activists understand they will be jailed if they resist even slightly.

Agreed that Kerry should have interrupted pretty early with a sharp "Thats enough." Maybe followed by... "I've answered your first question many times; despite my feelings that I was the better presidential candidate I did not think it was in the Nation's interest to have a protracted and divisive courtroom battle for the Presidency. I did join one of the more prestigious of the ten or more different exclusionary social groups as a student at Yale and it helped me later to meet and catch the attention of other Yale graduates as I became interested in a career in politics. To entertain the idea that contacts through this college group were influential in my decision to stop my presidential bid is silly; the legends surrounding these groups are myths, they are simply invite-only social groups. Please have a seat and let one of your colleagues approach the mic... or I'll come down there and choke the shit out of you."... woah, got out of hand there at the end.

We Suck!

W: We've captured/killed 1/, 2/, 3/4 of al Qaeda

quantumushroom says...

Would it have mattered, QM? Kerry was a skull and bonesman just like Bush at Yale.... Both were from the same cut. Both designated by Bilderberg conventioners. Both part of the same NWO objective. If your too blind to see it then you will continue to let our freedom be slowly chipped away by a shadow government that dictates from behind the scenes.

>>> This type of conspiracy stuff has been around forever, long before the country was even born. I refuse to play along with the logic that "No solid evidence equals proof of just how good these conspirators are!"

Go ahead and scoff at the notion. One day you will realize when the Constitution is gone. Then it will be too late. Then we will truly be slaves or worse. Al Queda was trained by the fucking CIA. We supplied them arms in Afganistan, trained them in the ways of terror. Now this tool is being used against us for many purposes. To instill fear, to further secure the arms contracts that supply the war, meanwhile those orchestrating the whole thing are getting wealthier from the manufacture of the weapons, the oil fields, the R&D contracts, the NWO's 5th objective that Bush Sr. stated (Sept. 11, 1991 - look up the video they were implementing is now moving into the 6th-10th objectives at once. NAFTA and PNAC, Euros, Dollars into Ameros into National ID with a cashless society, even implanted with a microchip.

It's "too late" already. FDR's threatening to pack the Supreme Court with cronies ushered in the modern welfare state. Up until then even the most liberal Supreme Court justices intepreted the Constitution to mean exactly what it read. Barring alien invasion, a warped, facetious interpretation of the "Commerce Clause" has made government's expansion permanent. I don't like it, you don't like it, but half the country wants everything handed to them for nothing while the other half would see the law manipulate markets to improve the bottom line, also not a new concept.

You don't need conspiracy theories, homey. Here's a crime in plain sight: there's nothing in the Constitution that says the gummint must provide anyone with an education. But since they do--a crappy one at rip-off prices--the teaching of American History, the greatest bulwark against rehashed political schemes--has all but vanished.

If it were up to me I'd scrap the whole public "education" machine, which is a grossly expensive, decades-long commercial for government dependency, and give people their money back.

Are you going to roll over for these elite neocon bastards? Have you already?

The System is the System. Tolstoy wrote, "Everyone thinks of changing the world but no one thinks of changing himself.” Stand up for what you think is right, but try to keep some perspective. None of this political BS or world news, most of it lies anyway, is worth your happiness.

W: We've captured/killed 1/, 2/, 3/4 of al Qaeda

Constitutional_Patriot says...

Would it have mattered, QM? Kerry was a skull and bonesman just like Bush at Yale.... Both were from the same cut. Both designated by Bilderberg conventioners. Both part of the same NWO objective. If your too blind to see it then you will continue to let our freedom be slowly chipped away by a shadow government that dictates from behind the scenes. Go ahead and scoff at the notion. One day you will realize when the Constitution is gone. Then it will be too late. Then we will truly be slaves or worse. Al Queda was trained by the fucking CIA. We supplied them arms in Afganistan, trained them in the ways of terror. Now this tool is being used against us for many purposes. To instill fear, to further secure the arms contracts that supply the war, meanwhile those orchestrating the whole thing are getting wealthier from the manufacture of the weapons, the oil fields, the R&D contracts, the NWO's 5th objective that Bush Sr. stated (Sept. 11, 1991 - look up the video they were implementing is now moving into the 6th-10th objectives at once. NAFTA and PNAC, Euros, Dollars into Ameros into National ID with a cashless society, even implanted with a microchip. Are you going to roll over for these elite neocon bastards? Have you already?

MSNBC Uncovers Skull and Bones Society

Farhad2000 says...

Constitutional_Patriot : This video has been posted before on this website before it vanished off Youtube, most people actually know about this already. Even then, the American people don't really seem to care about Skull & Bones because it's always been explained away as some kind of frat house in Yale by the media, and paid attention to as much as the collusion between big oil, Enron, KBR, Haliburton with the administration which is a far bigger issue in my view.

Rotty : You are nothing but a militaristic chicken hawk who trolls this website making incendiary comments that have no basis in reality or logic. You are the one that requires serious reprogramming.

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