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Keep squirrels from stealing the bird food

Keep squirrels from stealing the bird food

WTCR Race 1- Big crash in the streets of Vila Real Portugal

New Rule: The Good Sex Economy

heropsycho says...

MAGA isn't anything. It's as vague as "Hope and Change". It's a slogan.

Starting trade wars that wreck the economy is a bad thing. Deregulation that harms the economy is a bad thing. A lot of his policies are bad things.

And before you say, "well, the economy is doing great!" or "black unemployment is at an all time low", or whatever fact that completely ignores the macroeconomic phenomenon known as the business cycle, remember that national economic policy takes time to take effect. Instituted properly, it keeps the economic dips at recession level lows and duration, not 2008 level catastrophes. Aside from emergency measures such as those instituted during 2009, the federal government can't generally have immediate impacts. It'll take awhile.

I'll even go on record as saying that a recession under Trump is virtually inevitable even if he conducted good policy. The measure of his policies will turn into how bad the recession ends up being, and how well the damage is contained.

And that's the problem. Because of his tax cuts, he's put us into larger deficit spending mode in a time that we didn't need it. Macroeconomically, it was time to run surpluses. But he didn't care. In fact, he cared so little, he didn't even just keep deficit spending at where it was. He made it worse.

So when the other shoe drops, there won't be many mechanisms left to do other than lower interest rates when they're already low aside from sacrifice future economic growth when we have to deficit spend out the ass to stimulate the economy.

And the worst part is his poor decisions, when it's evident they were poor, reversing them won't help end a recession. If you realize a trade war screwed us, removing the tariffs doesn't in the short run increase consumer spending because people won't have jobs to buy those goods, and if the recession is globally felt (which it will be), Chinese people will have less money to buy American goods.

Taxing the rich more in the short run doesn't put more money into consumers' hands who would actually spend it. In fact, that reduces capital at a time when capital would help build new businesses to hire more people.

Not that any of this is surprising. Trump has no idea how macroeconomics work. He talks like he does, but he doesn't. Just says stuff that sounds obvious and easy to understand, and too many people fell for it.

But the reckoning is coming. It always does.

bobknight33 said:

So MAGA is a bad thing? How foolish!

ant (Member Profile)

Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 Official Trailer

StukaFox says...

" Directed by Rich Moore ('Zootopia,' 'Wreck-It Ralph') and Phil Johnston (co-writer 'Wreck-It Ralph,' 'Cedar Rapids,' co-writer 'Zootopia,'), and produced by Clark Spencer ('Zootopia,' 'Wreck-It Ralph,' 'Bolt')"

Oi, you lot -- quit muckin' about with this nonsense and get on with making Zootopia 2!

CrushBug (Member Profile)

Close call for Korean traffic cop

Cobra Kai Trailer - The Karate Kid saga continues

Chaucer says...

Everybody loves a good show and everybody loves a train wreck. Seems like a win-win to me.

artician said:

Mr. Miyagi rolls in his grave.

But really... really?

This is so juvenile it's pathetic. The whole concept. It's like they're trying for the ground.


shagen454 says...

My pops had a motorcycle and got into an accident getting onto the freeway - supposedly wasn't even going that fast but took off all of the skin on his side. Can't believe this guy didn't get massively wrecked somewhere in there (and in good spirits directly afterwards)!

Coppers amazing affinity with magnets

Han Solo movie trailer

notarobot says...

I was annoyed at Rogue One having a passive protagonist....

I felt pretty burned by paying money to see TLJ's disconnected train-wreck plot....

Casting wasn't the problem in either film. Amazing CG visuals around greenscreen actors can't fix weak writing.

ChaosEngine said:

Hmm... not sold yet. Looks pretty, but so did Rogue One. A bit worrying that they barely showed Solo in his own movie....

When woman couldn't run in the Boston Marathon...she ran

C-note says...

Michael Buffer announcing ...

Award for "Body Check of the Century" goes to ...

Tom "The Mack Truck" Miller
for totally wrecking John Duncan Semple

newtboy (Member Profile)

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