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Grave Digger's record breaking front wheelie

Payback says...

Two speed marine transmission by Coan racing.

Grave Digger drivers are also well known for nary a single fuck being given for wrecking any or all parts on their trucks.

newtboy said:

Nice. They must have built that motor (and trans) with this in mind...dry sump, front pickup, huge external reservoir....or it probably would have seized being vertical that long.
*quality driving

When you miss the exit in Toronto

When you miss the exit in Toronto

DEA Whistleblower Exposes Powerful Players In Opioid Crisis

MrFisk says...

I broke my spine in a car wreck 16 years ago. The pain pills (hydrocodone) I was prescribed sapped my resolve, and I was fortunate enough to stop using them before my addiction cemented itself. Glad you're still around and the new meds are working.

newtboy said:

My story: In 2001 I broke my back. I was started on vicodin and eventually Norco to minimize the Tylenol intake, at one point prescribed up to 8 Norco a day (I never took that many). This continued for 15 years, with my pain getting worse, until my doctor retired. My new doctor would not prescribe opioids at all, and put me on naproxen, which I was certain wouldn't cut it. To my surprise, it did, and soon my pain levels were incredibly lower with no medication (except marijuana) than they had been on up to 4 Norco a day. I still have pain, but averaging 2-3/10 instead of 4-8/10 (where 0 is no pain and 10 is passing out).

I now think I had opioid induced hypersensitivity, and that my meds caused most of my pain. I have to wonder how many others are still in that boat, playing addiction roulette and causing themselves pain.

Why a storm surge can be the deadliest part of a hurricane

Why a storm surge can be the deadliest part of a hurricane

What I've been up to (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

newtboy says...

My wife and I went last year for about 9 days, drove the whole island's perimeter. We stayed at airbnbs, around $100 a day for 2 people, and Iceland's version of rent a wreck wasn't bad (I don't recall how much, but I am a seriously cheap bastard, so it couldn't be much). Most stuff was free, the attractions are mostly nature, but true, food and gas weren't cheap at all.
Many times you can get a deal where you accept a few days layover and get free lodgings, they want tourism.
Definitely worth looking into...I hope you can swing it. Good luck, and good travels.

Sarzy said:

Yeah, you're not the first person to tell me to go to Iceland. I definitely wouldn't mind checking it out, though I think it might be a bit out of my budget. Not just because it's generally expensive (though that's definitely what I've heard), but also because I think I'd have to rent a car, which really adds up when you're on your own and don't have anyone to split expenses with.


StukaFox says...

I'm so stoned I wasn't glad for that!

Sorry, I meant "I'm so glad I wasn't stoned for that."

Wait -- I was stoned for that. And I am glad I was.

Man, this Trainwreck #5 is some potent shit. You should buy some, then smoke it, then watch the video above. Unless you've already seen it. It's good, but I don't know if it's two-times viewing good. So if you've seen it, you've already seen it. Ummm. OH! But if you haven't seen it, make sure to watch it because it's definitely worth seeing so that later, when you come back and read this post in the bleary-eye'd morning you'll remember how good a time you had watching this video last night. You'll be all, "Daaaamn! That was a good video to watch when I was wrecked as balls on Trainwreck #5!"

This is Leafly, right?

newtboy (Member Profile)

Our President Needs The Validation Of Boy Scouts


newtboy says...

If the documentaries are focused on the dead bodies like this one is, probably.

The girl seemed to be in a lifestyle of unthinking foolishness. She will only not drive drunk again because she probably won't ever legally drive again. I doubt even this will teach her, some people simply cannot learn.

These films did little when they used to be the norm in drivers training classes, that's why they stopped using them. They simply weren't effective.

I can deny that this film made me think about being more cautious, because I'm not a moron that doesn't understand the outcome of a bad wreck, having seen a few in person, so beating me over the head with 'wrecks can kill you' is just boring. When I saw these as a teen, while learning to drive, I was titilated by the gore, but not effected otherwise. Most teens don't fully grasp that dangerous things are dangerous to them, and a large percentage are actually drawn to the dangers.

If humans were rational and only irresponsible by accident out of naivete, you would be right, but they just aren't. You have to be pretty brain dead to not grasp that high speed car wrecks can kill without a filmstrip telling you.

bobknight33 said:

I respectfully disagree. It is important to see what the result of ones action, as grim as it is.

What about documentaries of wars where you see dead bodies? Are these to be consider as you say.... snuff?

The girl was in a moment of foolishness and not thinking what could be. She will never get that distracted while she drives again.

If the girl had watched such a educational film as this she might have done different.

You can't deny that after watching this, that this makes you stop and think about being more cautious and or attentive about driving.

Highway to [Hazmat] Hell!

Biker cut off but lands safely... ish

newtboy says...

That makes sense....only if you don't understand carpool lanes.
They are designed for that lane to safely move much faster than traffic...that's why they exist at all. They have zones where you may enter or leave, nowhere else for exactly this reason. If you would counter that it's only safe if people follow the rules of the road, I'll counter that that is always the case on any road at any speed.

Some places have 80 mph limits...but they don't have carpool lanes there. Even at 65, slower than normal unimpeded traffic, he would have wrecked imo. Slowing down to the speed of non-carpool lane traffic defeats the purpose of the special, separate lane and is actually blocking traffic.

I make no assertion about any other video he posted, only this one situation. His being an asshole or not has no bearing this time.

notarobot said:

Just because you have the right of way does not mean you are safe.

If you pause at the 12-second mark you can see the biker is going 80mph. Is the speed limit 80mph? Leading up to the accident, he's passing other cars like they are standing still. Going much faster (or slower) than traffic around you always increases your risk.

He's traveling too quick for conditions, or even for his own reactions and brakes.

Reddit thread about him:

The accident is the fault of the car that pulled out, but this biker could have avoided the accident altogether if he had slowed down to comparable speeds of the traffic around him.

But what would he do that for? He's a youtube asshole who took down other videos of him being an asshole who now has one of his vids go viral to the point that he makes money off it. Insurance will cover the repairs to his bike.

Look at how he drives:

He's a cocky asshole who instigates problems on the road.

So yeah, the car that pulled in front is technically at fault. That doesn't make this guy some kind of angel. It's possible he consciously allowed himself to hit the car....

Bike/Motorcycle Crash, Chase, Fight, and Escape

newtboy says...

Bunch of douchbags.
This is why people intentionally run cyclists over, assholes like this.
I hope the next bike he wrecks is ridden by an over zealous cop that breaks his legs and gets away with it. (Not really) Get his ass off the road.
All those bikers should be in jail, they acted as a group/gang, charge them as a group/gang.

Why it Probably Wasn’t Better Being Single

enoch says...

ah,the days of being in a relationship with a woman,who loved painkilllers with her jug wine.

who would wake me up in the dead of the night,using the super heated metal tops of a bic lighter on the bottom of my feet (those are called "smileys" for those who do not know) to scream at me about some girl who had the audacity to look my way at target,because 3:30am is the time to find out if i am having sexual thoughts about random women.

or an earlier girlfriend whose father was a prominent artist in the country and was holding a weekend jazz festival.i had a customer who had cerebal palsy,and one leg had been amputated,whose boyfriend had just broke up with her and she was a wreck.

so i had this bright idea! why doesn't this poor emotional wreck of a woman come to the jazz festival of my girlfriends dad? that will get her mind off things right?

but,having a second person accompany made me a little when i finally showed up,my girlfriend was already half in the bag,and mad.i tried to explain and introduce her to mary,the heartbroken girl.

and my girlfriend broke my nose with a bottle of michelob.i do not think she cared that mary was heart broken,and an utter wreck in need of human company.i could be wrong,this is just a guess,but the bleeding from my broken nose may have been a strong indicator.

or how about the time i was counseling a long time friend,who had pulled a midnight move out to escape a man who had basically had her trapped in a spare room,chaining her to the wall.that man had gone as far as severing her achilles tendons,after her first attempt to escape,and this woman suffered from a severe case of PTSD.

now she did form an almost childlike bond to me.maybe because i had offered her the first taste of true compassion,and offered her safety and comfort,and allowed her to talk the poison and bile out that had been building inside her for over three years.

but her attachment to me,which was to be expected,was not viewed favorably by my girlfriend.i spent a lot of time and attention in drawing this broken and damaged young woman to feel safe,and to begin to feel human again(which infuriated my girlfriend).my patio was always filled with friends,artists and people of interest,and i did my best to bring a normalcy to this young womans life in order to help her acclimate,and to feel human again.

and my girlfriend would come home,get drunk,and start to whisper the most vile.and disgusting things..not about this young woman,but about me.

which,of course,if you understand the mentality of an abuse victim.especially one who had suffered such as she had.any criticism,or perceived threat to the person who had (in their mind) saved them,will create incredible anger and anxiety.

so because of my girlfriends irrational jealousy of this woman,and in her drunken selfishness,she went out of her way to make this woman feel as uncomfortable,and as unsafe (the exact opposite of what i was trying to do).so much so that the young woman...who didn't want to be a burden,or affect my life in a negative way...left my home,and wrote me she would never come back,because she loved me and didnt want to cause problems.

two weeks later she was found dead in motel room.over dose of piankiller and xanax...and wrists slashed to ribbons.

or how about the time one of my girlfriends broke three of my ribs,because i was being kind to a waitress?

or the time another girlfriend stabbed me,because while she was unhappy with our relationship,she could not abide me talking to anyone who owned a this case a fellow artist i was collaborating with,and who happened to be not only an amazing human being but beautiful as well.

or that one time,when i broke up with a girl,because it simply was not working out and she repeatedly rammed her ford fairmont station wagon into my brand new firebird?

oh..the stories i can tell about all my wonderful relationships,and the women i have shared portions of my life with.i could write a book...

and then i watch this video,and i am overcome with an urge to drive cross country to the creators home,walk inside,grab him by the ankles and crag him outsides....and beat him senseless.

because he is coming from a false premise.
he is implying the that the benefits of relationships outweigh he selective memory our brains create when reliving our moments of singlehood.

when the reality is this:as long as you have friends,who love and accept you for who you are,you are never actually are surrounded and loved by an extended family.

i do not need a girlfriend.
i do not want a girlfriend.
i am not interested in getting married.
and as i have revealed here,i would prefer some memories to remain buried under the much happier and adoring memories of my actual friends who put up with my eccentricities,and my overall oddness,rather than deal with a woman who is smitten with the ideas fed to them by institutions,and periodicals such as comsopolitian and vogue.

though,ironically,i have two ex girlfriends living in my home as i write this.
one is a former porn star,and current stripper who suffers from paranoid schizophrenia,and is a recovering addict.

while the other i had to go do a midnight rescue from a place where she was renting a room,but the house was junkie house,and she is a recovering addict as well (and they also kept stealing everything from her).she has bought a house,but it needs work and that work is taking fooooooorever.

and BOTH of these women still harbor some residual feelings towards me.even though i have been quite clear,open and honest that i have ZERO interest in rekindling anything,with either of them,but that hasn't stopped them from being all catty with each other,and causing drama,and complaining about the smallest,tiniest and most ridiculous of things to bitch about.

at first i tried to play referee.
i did my best to help everyone get along,until i realized they both had no interest in getting along.they wanted to outdo the other in order to get my attention.

which is just.....dumb..but anyways,my new way of handling their insipid complaints is always this response:i don't care.

and it seems to work beautifully.

so there you have my story,or at least part of it.
and i have to say...this guy is kinda full of shit.

for those of you happily married,with a great partner,i salute you.good for you,and i mean that.

but for me?
no thanks.i am good.

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