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BBC Newsnight Heated Debate Over "Climategate"

budzos says...

Whew, for a while I thought this was gonna be Marc Maron, comedian, currently of WTF With Marc Maron podcast. Fortunately it's not and I can continue enjoying the podcast.

"Why Bank Of America Fired Me"

Xax says...

Whew, the stench of self-righteousness from anti-capitalism crybabies is overpowering.

While it would be nice if the bank assisted certain customers on compassionate grounds, it has no legal or moral responsibility to do so. My credit is shit, but it's my own fault. People need to take responsibility for their own spending. Bad things happen in life, of course, but that doesn't absolve them of their responsibility. I'm not a heartless bastard; that's just the way life is.

Customers need to know the terms of their agreement with their lender, and employees need to know the policies and expectations of their employer. If you have a problem with those terms and policies, go elsewhere. It really is that simple.

People bitch about how evil the bank is. They're providing a service that people seek. These "evil corporations" allow people to buy things they may otherwise not be able to afford, like cars and houses. Perhaps they'd prefer to ride a bike and live in a tent, but then I suppose they wouldn't be asking the bank for help. You may not like their fees, interest rates, or how inflexible they are, but if you signed on the dotted line, deal with it.

Straw Bale House made by Single Mom

Olbermann: Worst Person - FOX's Glenn Beck

CBC Archives: Pizza Pie is the new rage!


enemycombatant says...

>> ^BoneRemake:
That is a Bolt from a crossbow. It is not a miracle, it is chance and a shitty shot, all with odds and coincidence. I hate cats, could give two shits if that cat got it head on, but the guy who did it is deranged and needs help with an arrow to his own head or a mental ward.

Whew, for a second there I thought the sift was acquiescing to the existence of a deity. Disaster averted!

Neil Armstrong Ejects From Lunar Lander Testflight

kulpims (Member Profile)

Third World Mentality: Southerners "Earn Their Wings"

Sniper007 says...

Has anyone here ever considered that News itself is virtually useless (and often worse than useless) in nearly every case, regardless the source?

WHY do you want to know about some event in some other part of the world, or another part of the country, or another part of the state, or another part of your city, or another part of your neighborhood, or even in another part of your own freaking house? Seriously. Consider that question. What is the PURPOSE of acquiring that information? What are you going to DO ABOUT IT? In 99.99% of the cases, when someone watches news, it's for entertainment purposes.

Try this: Next time you watch the news, and hear about a story that you believe needs to be addressed, FIGURE OUT WHAT YOU CAN PERSONALLY DO ABOUT IT. Then, ACT. Look up a person involved with the story, write them a letter offering your assistance. Give them a phone call. No, really. Then drive there yourself, collect some FIRST HAND information around the situation. Before you condemn a crooked cop or a racist white/black man, collect some data YOURSELF. If you don't do that, then guess what? For you, the news is WORSE THAN USELESS, because it just desensitized you to the world around you, and you probably made a faulty judgment based on limited data. After watching a story, and hearing about injustice, if you fail to act, you are a WORSE PERSON THAN BEFORE YOU STARTED. You have been slightly more acclimated to the climate of crime and evil and hate.

So turn off the news completely. Chances are, there are enough situations and events in your own personal life that require your input and love and care, that you are either to lazy or to ignorant to solve, or perhaps your too busy watching the NEWS. Fix problems in your own life, in your own back yard, before even gathering any data at all on others half way across the world. Seriously. What is the POINT OF IT ALL, if you DO NOTHING!?!?

Whew, OK, thanks for letting me vent. Peace.

20 years of Dick

Why is America not Hiring? (+ more economic analysis) (Lies Talk Post)

deedub81 says...

So, no matter how long it takes, Obama is going to take credit for the recovery? But, many experts believe that the economy would EVENTUALLY recover without all the bailouts so, is it all just a waste?

And what about this new health care plan? How is that going to help the economy? How is incurring more government debt and increasing government run programs going to help young graduates and small businesses? How is cap and trade going to increase jobs?

What is the Government thinking??? I wish Ron Paul were here!!!

All of a sudden, Congress is paying close attention to Ron Paul.

The feisty congressman from Texas, whose insurgent "Ron Paul Revolution" presidential campaign rankled Republican leaders last year, now has the GOP House leadership on his side -- backing a measure that generated paltry support when he first introduced it 26 years ago.

"In the past, I never got much support, but I think it's the financial crisis obviously that's drawing so much attention to it, and people want to know more about the Federal Reserve."

Whew! That should help. But, we're going to need a lot more than just one guy with common sense in Washington.

Mitt Romney: ""I think [we] have to stand up and make it very, very clear that we run the risk as a nation of having the entire world lose confidence in the currency of the United States and that would lead to something worse than a recession -- that would lead to an extraordinary slowdown globally that would hurt us more than any other."

"When the stimulus bill is wrong, when it wastes money and threatens the viability of our currency long-term, you have to stand up and say 'no.' When a health care plan says we're going to have the government take over health care which is roughly a fifth of our economy, [we] are going to have to say 'no' to that."

"The president's plan makes an enormous error by saying we're going to put government into the insurance business. We got everyone in Massachusetts insured and we did it without putting government into the insurance business. We said instead we're going to help people get private free enterprise kind of insurance they can buy from a number of different companies."

He said the system led to plunging premiums while offering a healthy choice of options for consumers.

"It's working well. We got 440,000 more people insured than when the plan was put in place, it costs less than 2 percent of the state budget -- it's a plan that's working, it's a good model," he said.

Romney also took issue with the climate change bill that passed the House of Representatives last week, saying it was corrupted by special interests.

"It's a lobbyists' delight and as a result it's a lousy piece of legislation. It should not have been passed, it's going to cost the American consumers a lot of money, it's going to cost us a lot of jobs. Yeah we'll create jobs making windmills and solar panels and that's wonderful, but were going to lose a lot of other jobs ... that are creating products that use energy," he said.

Of all the years of wasteful government spending, why now!!!???

I'm in the process of switching health insurance and I just got a quote yesterday. It'll cost me $130 a month to have a HDHP with a $2500.00 Anual deductable and I pay 0% for preventative care. In conjunction with a Health Savings Plan, that's a heck of deal!!! There's nothing wrong with Health insurance! That's less than the combined cost of my cable internet and my mobile phone bill. I don't know the statistics, but I'm willing to bet that most people in this country without health insurance, CHOOSE NOT TO HAVE ANY because they'd rather drive their nice car or have an iPhone or HD TV or whatever.


Massacre in Iran. Protesters Beaten. Thrown Off Bridge.

HenningKO says...

It's really hard not to think we should go in there and help when this poor, crying woman is begging us to. My heart is broken.
But man... *whew*... gotta see it maturely... what could we possibly do besides fuck it up and put everyone in even more danger?

Aurum and Crake together at last (Woohoo Talk Post)

It's Named: "Bodhisattva On The Metro"

Don_Juan says...

Ha! Ha ha! Well, hee hee hee! What, ha ha ha ha hee hee hee ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha haw ha haw! Well, what the haaa haw ha ha ha!! Whew! Hee hee hee haw!! Ha!

Fox News' Video Cropping Shenanigans

enoch says...

kids kids kids..
no need to argue,
their is plenty of crapola for everyone.
so play nice and share-fair.
you both are actually agreeing,
yet caught up in semantics...BLAAAAH.
thats boring.

i have stated this on a different thread,
second times the charm.
maybe i can help put some perspective and context here.
/rubs hands together..
/takes a big breath...
the number one lobbyist in america is NOT..
big oil..
big pharma..
nor the health insurance industry.
its it.../drum roll
broadcast,print and televised.
they spend THREE times what the number two lobbyist spend (big oil)
in order to influence legislators to vote on favorable legislation
A.K.A MONEY,the green,cash,profits
up until the mid 70's television news was NON-profit.
it was a badge of honor to be the most trusted news in television.
that changed in late 70's.
news become FOR-profit.
which meant they now had to start generating revenue.
ever wonder why we were subjected to an almost 24hr barrage of anna nicole?
because we live in a country of semi-retards who wanted to see anna nicole.
ratings go up?
sometimes as much as 47%.
in 1993 michael powell(yes..he is colin's son) head of the FCC at the time,
allowed single ownership of multi-outlet media companies.
and so america gave birth to the mighty media conglomerate:
disney..viacom..and murdoch's FOX.
leaving america with only 5 owners for its media.
/takes a breath...
ok,now that i have posted SOME relevant history.
lets take a look at what this means.
lets get some context here.
we have three branches of government:
executive,judicial and legislative.
but we also have an unofficial fourth.
its called the fourth estate.
freedom of the press anybody?
who would like some extra credit and tell me which federalist paper addressed this very issue?worth 100 pts.
the fourth estates job was to WATCH the elected and the powerful.
basically rat out any wrong-doing in public office.
and for almost 200 years,this system worked relatively well.
but when an institution relies on the very people it was designed to expose
for its very financial existence.
how willing would that institution be to expose...anything?
to risk losing access,beneficial legislation,maybe even their well-crafted monopoly.
answer=they wont and they dont.
they will not risk profit for journalistic truth.
they is in every corporate charter,profit comes before all else.
the losers are the public at large.
who have to "sift" through the massive amount of jargon,half stories and outright bullshit,to get to any modecum of context.
the american media no longer works for the public trust.
they work for those who pay their bills,and give sweetheart deals,so they can retain access and keep the cash flowing.

/wipes brow
while some media companies are more egregious in their attempts to obfuscate
than others (FOX),
all have their hands in the cookie jar,
and all of them no longer work for us.

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