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Loom - Short Film

Vimeo Blocks VideoSift (Sift Talk Post)

AdrianBlack (Member Profile)

thegrimsleeper (Member Profile)

Japan's 8.9 Earthquake - Amateur Footage

The Final Boss of the Internet

taranimator (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

You can vote for your own video, yes! Go for it!

There are certain things you can't "vote" -- can't upvote comments, I don't think. Vids, you can vote to your heart's content. This is a page I go to all the time. I still struggle with what I can do or not do. You can get to this by going to FAQ, scroll about 1/3 down to the list of stars, then the link is below that to get to this page.


I "promoted" your vid to the front page -- maybe we can snag enough votes to get you out of P.

In reply to this comment by taranimator:
Yes, that's it! I do see it now .. hee hee..
But I don't think I'm allowed to vote on anything yet -- do you vote for your own vids?

I understand it takes a couple of days and then if you don't get enough upvotes it just goes back to your queue.. and I need to keep attempting to get enough votes on something to lose my "P" status, hehe..

This is a really great community. I've been an avid watcher for years but never posted anything.


>> ^bareboards2:
Is this it?
You haven't even voted for it yourself!

AdrianBlack (Member Profile)

thegrimsleeper says...

I'm sorry.

In reply to this comment by AdrianBlack:
Oh! Whew! I totally understand! But boy, was I scanning my stuff for what evil I might have posted, ha ha...I'm awake now. No worries!

In reply to this comment by thegrimsleeper:
Well, I was going to thank you but then I noticed those handcuffs next to your name and without thinking decided to click them. Then i remembered that I have the power to hobble people now.

I think I need to contact Lucky to have him unhobble you.

In reply to this comment by AdrianBlack:
Congrats, Grim! You look good in red.

thegrimsleeper (Member Profile)

AdrianBlack says...

Oh! Whew! I totally understand! But boy, was I scanning my stuff for what evil I might have posted, ha ha...I'm awake now. No worries!

In reply to this comment by thegrimsleeper:
Well, I was going to thank you but then I noticed those handcuffs next to your name and without thinking decided to click them. Then i remembered that I have the power to hobble people now.

I think I need to contact Lucky to have him unhobble you.

In reply to this comment by AdrianBlack:
Congrats, Grim! You look good in red.

Bear Grylls: Balls of Steel

Buck says...

knockoff or not I wouldn't be climbing that transom, that's what it's called right? Whatever it's called I wouldn't be climbing it like that whew...or was he faking that too?

Water Droplet Bouncing on a Superhydrophobic Nanotube Array

deathcow says...

Whew, I'm not a scientist so I was really happy they put arrows on the movie to show exactly when the two droplets merged to form one droplet. I was all like "But I still see two droplets!" and then it turned out it was once the two droplets collided that it happened.

It's true what they say... drugs are bad for you

Last Minute Flash Flood Rescue Caught On Camera

"If you love America, quit voting like you hate Americans"

NetRunner says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

I am lost in recursion there! Isn't a society just a group of citizens! Let's do direct replacement! "...behavior our group of citizens expects of its individual citizens" Whew, that feels better! Sometimes I get lost in ambiguity, I wonder if others do as well.
I would agree that is what democracy is, but I also see that like Socrates did, as groups stealing power away from individuals. In fact, that is what you see now, groups of people making grabs for power to take advantage of other groups and individuals. Group think is more powerful than individuals, so democracies tend to have this leaning towards the same type of tyranny as a monarchy. I don't know how to undo this evil and still have liberty. Perhaps it is as Jefferson put it with the blood of patriots. Perhaps that is what he was really talking about, entropy of any given system? The best that man can make lasts not against the ravages of time? Perhaps this is the sad reality we face, or perhaps we can take solace in the fact and start the rebirth of what has/is dying?

Yep, lost in recursion you are.

Who decides what individual rights are? You? Me? Something some guy wrote on stone tablets or parchment long ago? Maybe it should be up to the guy with the most money, or maybe just the most military power?

With about 5 minutes of self-reflection, you should realize that what you're struggling to come to grips with is that a) your view of morality isn't popular, and b) you think your morals should be popularly accepted as the only right and true ones, and c) realize that peaceful persuasion probably will never get you a lasting, permanent majority who agree with you so d) you start thinking revolution is the answer.

And through all this, you refuse to view your thoughts as being anything other than supporting liberty against tyranny when you have literally described how tyranny fights against liberty.

The beginning of understanding democracy is to admit that maybe the people who think differently from you have a legitimate point of view, and might even be tapped into a facet of the truth to which you might be oblivious.

It's a belief in the idea that if two heads are better than one, two hundred million heads are probably better than one, and that the only way to ever perfect anything -- including justice -- is through a perpetual debate over the issues in a forum where no ideology has an unassailable monopoly on our thinking.

"If you love America, quit voting like you hate Americans"

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^NetRunner:

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
Because democracy is all about controlling others whom don't share the same opinion.

Actually it's all about trying to work out which objective standards of behavior our society expects of its citizens, without having some king or set of stone tablets set those limits for us without recourse.

I am lost in recursion there! Isn't a society just a group of citizens! Let's do direct replacement! "...behavior our group of citizens expects of its individual citizens" Whew, that feels better! Sometimes I get lost in ambiguity, I wonder if others do as well.

I would agree that is what democracy is, but I also see that like Socrates did, as groups stealing power away from individuals. In fact, that is what you see now, groups of people making grabs for power to take advantage of other groups and individuals. Group think is more powerful than individuals, so democracies tend to have this leaning towards the same type of tyranny as a monarchy. I don't know how to undo this evil and still have liberty. Perhaps it is as Jefferson put it with the blood of patriots. Perhaps that is what he was really talking about, entropy of any given system? The best that man can make lasts not against the ravages of time? Perhaps this is the sad reality we face, or perhaps we can take solace in the fact and start the rebirth of what has/is dying?

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