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Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

newtboy says...

Lol. Yeah, right, more liberal (my liberal friends think I'm pretty conservative, I say I'm old school republican... socially liberal and fiscally responsible, definitely not a neocon)...but do you feel the same about BLM activists disrupting other events, they should be allowed to stay and speak, holding their anti police violence signs high even at anti BLM rallies? Would they be allowed?

I agree, getting slightly physical with him was stooping ever so slightly closer to his ilk's level, although the extent they got physical was pretty minor, wasn't it?
Oh no...they grabbed his cardboard sign equivalent to an all lives matter sign at a BLM march. VIOLENCE!! Pay him one cent in restitution if he sues. It's not a civil rights case, it's what he was hoping for.

When a known white power spokesman shows up at a protest against a white power organization he's associated with it's international provocation. Don't be naive.

Removing him by having an older woman slowly walk into him until he's out of the middle of the protest doesn't bother me one bit. I don't call that violence, I call it the opposite. If they punched him, violently grabbed him (not his sign), kicked him, or actually assaulted him I might think differently, but I saw none of that.

If he wasn't doing this in the middle of a protest against his pro Nazi racist organization in an effort to disrupt and distract from the anti racist crowd, I might feel differently. He has every right to his voice, but not their soapbox. No one stopped him from standing outside the active protest area with any sign.

They grabbed his cardboard, he was so intimidated that he held on and went back into the angry mob with it instead of letting them steal it, then cries for years about how he was attacked violently by an entire mob that didn't touch him. He was poking the bull, got a snort, and cries he got both horns.

What I saw was a person who was identified as a well known racist spokesman intentionally provoking anti racists at an anti racist event and being calmly moved out of the crowd without anyone laying hands on him.

I did not see what the title and description describes at all.

It was his well known public support of Nazism being considered support for Nazism, not free speech.

It was not the disingenuous words on his sign they found unacceptable it was his public support of racist positions that were the unacceptable sentiments. (disingenuous because I assume he doesn't think blacks should have a right to openly join discussions of ideas, but his sign meant Nazi/white supremacist opinions matter and you must let them espouse them whenever and wherever they wish including at anti racist events or you're anti free speech...which I find to be hypocritical nonsense).

bcglorf said:

Well, we’ve finally found an area where I lean more left/liberal than you do.

I hate how little evidence seems required to class someone ‘alt-right’ and equally how little effort is needed to re-class anyone ‘alt-right’ as a fascist, racist and nazi. It’s beyond intellectual laziness, and stinks of modern day witch huntery sometimes.

For the video here though, I can even hypothetically cede that all too you, and lets just pretend the guy in the video is 100% a committed, public Hitler enthusiast.

Even then, if all he wants to do is stand in the street with a sign, as he is in the video, then I lean left/liberal enough that I still believe you then meet him with words and counter protest, reveal his ideas as the vile poison they are. You do NOT get to use force and violence to chase him off by shoving him out, physically making him leave, and trying to steal his sign or assault him.

If he crosses the line of messages that promote violence, then the police get to use force to bring him in front of a judge and charge him. Angry mobs crushing dissenting opinion though is NOT the way forwards.


This is Fine! | Adult Swim


JiggaJonson says...

It was my grandmother's birthday on July 5th so I called her up and upon hearing her voice immediately shouted "ALL BIRTHDAYS MATTER!"

I mean where does she get off thinking that her birthday matters more than any other birthday. Just because hers happened to be the one actually happening ?

Bill Burr calls out Joe Rogan about wearing masks

00Scud00 says...

I don't watch Rogan very often, is he fucking serious about this risk taking shit? I mean if he wants to go and risk just his own dumb ass doing something stupid, that's his business. But he's risking everybody else as well. It's even weirder seeing Bill Burr as the voice of reason in this conversation.

NASA Explains Moon Return Plans in Stunning Animated Short

BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


No we don't...some, like the president, never punish themselves, that requires empathy and a conscience. Not everyone has those traits.

We had a video of elderly on a seesaw recently that proves wisdom doesn't automatically come with age. ;-)

I'm ahead of the game then...I broke decades ago.


Yes, anger can be an excellent motivator. Focusing that motivation for good, that's the hard part.

Ok, sure, but the voices in my head aren't usually good company.

True, but you have that right. Really, I just like the line, I don't think of it as life instructions, just something funny.

If only we could transform it into electricity, we would be in an energy glut overnight!

If you wait for them to fall, 1/2 are lost to the dark side. It's totally prudent to give them a shove in the right direction while they're still moveable, imo.

BSR said:

Only you can do whatever you are going to do.

Justice shumushtice. We all punish ourselves in one way or another.

With age comes wisdom.

We are all created to break.

Passion can cancel lazy if lazy is a problem. Sometimes you need to be lazy in order to operate a Pawleys Island hammock.

It takes practice and confidence to harness and transform the raw energy that anger brings. Anger in the right hands can be a gift. Anger does have a purpose. Everything has a purpose. If you don't know what the purpose is then you can create a purpose for it.

You don't need to be social. You can be part of a crowd all by yourself. You're right about the marches. I'm with you on that one.

Saying you've got a right to hate is misleading. Hate will slowly destroy you and others if you mishandle it.

You can't get rid of hate. You can only transform it if you choose to.


Don't be looking for those that are on the fence. Those that fall (break) will be looking for you.

Caught on video, people that's NOT black spray painting

WmGn says...

Thank you for writing this: it's professional, to the point, tells us what we need to hear - that the truth can get out, even if its starting point is just one person's phone, and that black voices matter too.

TheMightyCorsair said:

I do not represent Starbucks Coffee Company. But I am a contractor working alongside them at their HQ in Seattle.

One of my Starbucks Partners shared this link with us on our corporate messaging systems. We've all seen it. And we know the truth. Thank you, ma'am. Bless you, and please stay safe.

Police Who Murder Man In Public On Camera Fired

StukaFox says...

I'm going to say something, and some people are going to lose their shit because they won't understand what I'm trying to say, but I'm going to say it anyway.

You know what this is?
Another dead n****r.

You know what Americans can give a shit less about?
Dead n****rs.

You know when Americans start giving a shit about dead n****rs?
When live n****rs start kneeling at sporting events because America doesn't give a shit about dead n****rs.

If you're dark-skinned in America, you don't matter; you never mattered and you will never matter.
It will always be open season on you. You will always be "them"; you will always be the enemy.
You will never get justice, you will never get equality, you will never be welcomed.
The slightest infraction by any one of you will be equated as a shortcoming of your entire race.
If you raise your voice, then they'll call the police and if you raise your fist then they'll call out the National Guard.
It doesn't matter what you accomplish in your life, it doesn't matter how high you climb in your profession and it doesn't matter how much you better the human race as a whole, America will always view you as JAFN.
But the day you start voting with the bullet and not the ballot, all that changes. Equality has a blood price and when you make them pay it, then you'll start to be considered equal.
And not one fucking second before.

Having A Mental Breakdown Got Us This Song

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Dr Drew's Horrific Coronavirus Advice Compilation

eoe says...

When I bike around town and some asshole almost hits me with his car, I oftentimes catch up to them at a red light. I usually knock on their window and ask them to be more careful because they almost fucking killed me. Politely. But usually a little bit of adrenaline behind my voice because, you know, he almost killed me.

Sometimes they tell me to fuck off. But 9 times out of 10 they say they didn't even see me and that they're sorry. And honestly, even though they almost killed me, sorry makes a lot of the hate go away.

Can one of these pigfuckers please, for the love of fucking god, just say, "I was wrong. I'm sorry that I underestimated the breadth and deadliness of this disease. Please listen to other sources of information. I'm obviously misinformed."

But not one yet. Not a single one has admitted to their inaccuracy. Not even good ol' @bobknight33.

Dance Monkey

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