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How I Deal With Kids Playing in My Driveway

How to Apply Your Mask

BSR says...

I got the feeling after watching some of her other videos that she targets a group of kids that have had a tough and abusive life. Her words or lyrics or style harmonize with victims and gets their attention but may also elude the "fortunate". She also shows hope that they can overcome just as she has.

Music, no matter the genre will reach those that are looking for answers to cope with whatever the damage may be and the answer will always be, "you are not alone in being alone."


All alone, or in two's
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands
The bleeding hearts and the artists
Make their stand
And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall - Pink Floyd



The Spirit of Radio

Begin the day
With a friendly voice
A companion, unobtrusive
Plays that song that's so elusive
And the magic music makes your morning mood
Off on your way
Hit the open road
There is magic at your fingers
For the spirit ever lingers
Undemanding contact
In your happy solitude
Invisible airwaves
Crackle with life
Bright antennae bristle
With the energy
Emotional feedback
On a timeless wavelength
Bearing a gift beyond price
Almost free
All this machinery
Making modern music
Can still be open-hearted
Not so coldly charted
It's really just a question
Of your honesty, yeah, your honesty
One likes to believe
In the freedom of music
But glittering prizes
And endless compromises
Shatter the illusion
Of integrity, yeah
Invisible airwaves
Crackle with life
Bright antennae bristle
With the energy
Emotional feedback
On a timeless wavelength
Bearing a gift beyond price
Almost free
For the words of the profits
Were written on the studio wall
Concert hall
And echoes with the sound of salesmen
Of salesmen, of salesmen - Rush

luxintenebris said:

found that chilling.

the music.
the voice.
the ethereal background.

maybe they showed this to all those anti-maskers?
weirded the living bee-jezzus out of them!
some vicious propaganda that is.

(or would that be anti-propaganda propaganda? 'cause normal propaganda was pro-mask and this was anti-that? either way, haven't felt that spooked since they tried to indoctrinate me into the cult of mary kay)

How to Apply Your Mask

luxintenebris jokingly says...

found that chilling.

the music.
the voice.
the ethereal background.

maybe they showed this to all those anti-maskers?
weirded the living bee-jezzus out of them!
some vicious propaganda that is.

(or would that be anti-propaganda propaganda? 'cause normal propaganda was pro-mask and this was anti-that? either way, haven't felt that spooked since they tried to indoctrinate me into the cult of mary kay)

Fibre. It’s how we internet now.

newtboy says...

I went in the late 80's. Nicest people I've ever met, with Iceland a very close second.
Both made me feel depressed about how Americans act. By comparison, we are a group of uncivil toddlers.

Edit: my favorite story that exemplifies this was from a hot spring we visited with a dozen concrete pools on a hillside, one emptying into the next. Two groups of kids were playfully throwing pebbles at each other from one pool to the next when one, about 12, stood up and in the most calm voice and proper enunciated English said "Excuse me, but I would appreciate it if you would stop throwing stones.", and they all stopped. We just couldn't imagine that working with American kids, they would all target the complainer. It was quite a lesson on how civilized they are, and how far behind American manners have fallen.

Khufu said:

I have family there, and lived in Sydney, Aus for a while and worked with lots of Kiwis, they were great.

True Facts: The Hummingbird Warrior

Coldmoon says...

Beautiful video and a lot of fun and interesting facts. My wife and I are big hummingbird fans, but we were a little disappointed after putting out a feeder that ended up being dominated by a very crafty and very vicious little guy. We put several more up, thinking that he wouldn’t defend them all, but he did. He was really attempting to injure and or kill the others, so we took the feeders down. Little bastard ruined it for everyone!!
I think that it wouldn’t hurt to maybe cut about 40% of the humor. I don’t think that some posters understand how distracting humorous comments can be, and how they can seem forced and entirely irrelevant to the subject.
You have a great voice for this sort of presentation!

Baroness + Mutoid Man + TOWER do “Foreplay / Long Time"

newtboy says...

Pretty good, but the singer really needs to start smoking cigars, her voice is too smooth.

What's the deal with the Cyclops Jolly Roger?
*quality cover

Alanis Morissette performs Ablaze, daughter interrupts


newtboy says...

Whataboutism...the refuge of the desperate.

As far as I know, neither visited the island, but Trump is more likely to have based on their respective relationships. Clinton rode in Epstein's plane a few times, Trump rode in Epstein's plane a few times, partied with him for decades during his pedophilia spree, hosted multiple parties for Epstein including those attended only by Trump, Epstein, and underage girls, and Epstein had 14 phone numbers for Trump.

Clinton has not been accused of any specific sexual misconduct connected to Epstein. As for Trump: During the 2016 campaign, Trump was sued by an anonymous woman who claimed he raped her at an Epstein party when she was 13 years old among various other accusations of sexual assault now numbering >25. However, several journalists who dug into this allegation back then came away voicing caution or downright skepticism, and the accuser withdrew her lawsuit shortly before the election.

So there hasn’t yet been corroboration of Epstein-related wrongdoing on Trump’s part by media outlets, or any accusation against Clinton at all.

Lol....He only finally kicked him out in 2011, >4 years after he pleaded guilty to multiple child rapes and being accused of dozens upon dozens of others, and we now know his abuses never stopped....but that didn't bother or surprise Trump one bit until >4 years later when Epstein started being publicly accused of recruiting multiple young girls at Maralago to be sex slaves while he was visiting Trump and assaulting them on the premises. Did you even read what you linked?! Holy crap!

bobknight33 said:

O great oracle of knowledge AKA TOOL

What about Bill Clinton?
Of both how many times did they go to Epstein island?

2011 Who kicked Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago, for messing with a girl?


Mystic95Z says...

I'm betting like the CDC says that the actual number of infections are FAR higher than actually reported. In Trumps deranged voice "We have the best testing bigly"... FFS, fire this guy or we are DOOMED...

newtboy said:

No, Donald John Trump is responsible for the content of this advertisement, and the injuries and deaths it mentions despite his refusal to take responsibility for anything.

4% of the population - 25% of cases AND 25% of deaths. This is how perfect his response has been, our infection and our death rate is >6 times the average and rising.

More functional testing might have shown higher infection rates than places that don't test at all, but testing rates have zero bearing on deaths, and our death rate correlates with our positive testing rates despite the near worthless tests Americans have been offered that can give up to 90% false negatives or 90% false positives depending on which test is available.

*promote remembering one more massive failure to lead that's cost more American lives than every war since WW2 and all terrorist attacks combined and climbing and more money than the entire Obama recovery from the Republican economic crash of 08.

How it Starts

newtboy says...

Three words....campaign finance reform.

Remove the billionaires ability to buy officials through legalized bribery, remove their ability to become anonymously funded one step removed from candidates campaigns, give every citizen an equal "voice" by strictly limiting total contributions to a few thousands per election, one thousand to any one candidate per citizen with no loopholes, and strictly enforce ethics laws already on the books....I think things will turn so fast your head will spin.
As long as it's in representatives' best interest to sell out, with huge potential personal gains and zero downside, of course most will sell out. Dump trucks of cash are hard to turn down.

To be fair, no party is innocent of selling out for cash, but one party has made it their only modus operandi.

ForgedReality said:

The REAL looters are the Reugnantc*nts. What the hell do I even pay taxes for? Because they're sure as hell not working for me. DO YOUR EFFING JOBS! IT'S WHAT YOU WERE HIRED TO DO. There should be an actual way to fire all these deadbeat employees, or at least withhold their pay.

It would help if billionaires ever paid a single penny in taxes. Billionaires basically run the country and WE pay them to do it. When the f is the government gonna work for me? It's in their f-ing job description. It's what we pay them to do. We hire them, they take our money and give it to their rich buddies. Never in my whole life have I witnessed the government doing my bidding as a citizen. They work to enrich themselves. What the f do we even need a government for at this point? They sure as f aren't leading. Paying taxes feels like the biggest charitable contribution I make every year and it goes to the least deserving people. It should be tax-deductible.

How it Starts

WmGn says...

I think that the scare voice trivializes what's taking place. It could be much stronger to just show us the clips, perhaps alongside those of other crackdowns around the world - e.g. Tiananmen in 1989, Hong Kong more recently, etc.

Your Dog thinking You're the "Alpha" is NOT a Real Thing

TheFreak says...

Hmmm....I'm not resistant to this new information but when I listen to this presenter it sounds to me like she's personally offended by the original Alpha dog theory. The disgust in her voice throughout is unmistakable and I assume she's conflating canine behavior theory with human social cliches or that she feels that any form of negative reinforcement is abuse.

This leads me to believe that I'm getting a biased interpretation of nuanced data.

If I want to know what's going on here I'm going to have to commit to the necessary investigation because this presenter is unreliable on this topic.

Unfortunately, my interest in this topic barely extends to the length of a 6 minute youtube video.

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

newtboy says...

Don't pretend to be so oblivious.
The gallery is one person making decisions on who to allow to hold private rallies in secret at her establishment, and she chooses Nazis and white power personalities. I thought you support taking individual responsibility.
The Nation of Islam, and I'm no fan at all, is a huge, multinational organization of millions I assume lead by some form of committee and encompassing a wide range of views and opposing extremes....They did not all choose to be associated with that one extremists nor did they all agree with him by far, then or now, only some did. That's similar to the same question but changing "nation of Islam" to "America". Obviously that's comparing apples to the president's drag queen makeup.

I won't comment much on Canada blm because I don't know them and don't choose to take the time needed to sleuth out some truths about them, but assuming what you say is correct it sounds like they have some racism in their midst that they should weed out before they become the monster they wish to destroy.

Brett Stevens, did you read any of the links? Or my quotes from them? Did you visit, his website, or his blog amerika? (i won't) Do you have a clue who he is and the racist mass murderer he celebrates?

They have a right to speak, the crowd has a right to protest and take any civil legal action they choose to remove the soapbox from their neighborhood. I never said different. You must have confused me with the protesters.
They don't have a right to shout or hold their signs emblazoned with their stupid wrong things intended to provoke at a protest and attempt to spark violence, even if they cleverly camouflage it so on the surface their message seems agreeable, which is what I think was his intent. If successful, he would gain more fuel for the argument that the racists and Nazis planning a violent race war aren't the problem, it's the fascist liberal grandma shovers and sign thieves we should really be worried about....just like the boogaloos in America that caused many if not most of the riots, shot cops, and planned multiple mass murders and bombings all of which they intended to pin on blm.

They don't actually need any place to speak today, there's a soapbox in every cellphone.


This facility was holding their alt-right events in secret, hiding their speech itself. They wanted it hidden. You can't bemoan their voices being silenced while also defending their secret rallies which no one who might confront or correct them was told happened, can you?

And side note
The government isn't stopping them, so it's not censorship before that idea crops up.

Again, your bar for crying violence in this instance is subterranean. No one would ever be prosecuted for the level of violence without injury that he suffered, nor compensated for his miniscule loss of cardboard. Do you see him hit, kicked, punched, shoved hard, anything? Time stamp please. I'll change my tune if he was actually injured, I didn't see it anywhere, just his sign yanked after being slowly shoved away from one specific spot.

Could you honestly say ANY right wing event, especially any alt-right event infiltrated by a fairly quiet blm activist with a sign bemoaning police corruption would be as gentle and non violent? Edit: I doubt it.

The point of this video as presented is to pretend that's the case, that the shove from grandma is societies downfall, a direct attack on freedom not a rejection of a defender and facilitator of racists and Nazis (if he's not one himself). The Nazis and racists resurfacing and arming themselves (happening here in America) are nothing to be upset about or oppose....they're good people, not like disgusting anti free speech granny and those other freedom haters.
I'm astonished I'm apparently the only one willing to object to that long ago debbunked distortion of reality.

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

bcglorf says...

Do you honestly believe a BLM sign holder at a clan March would be treated better? What about at a Trump rally? If you claim to think either case wouldn't end in hospitalization, you're not being honest.

Not only did I never claim that, I have trouble figuring why you think I would? My second sentence again:"My opinion though lies the same whether it’s this guy treated as he was in the video, or if the situation was reversed and the lone guy had a BLM sign instead, same standard applies."

I oppose meeting speech with force excepting when that speech is being used to promote violence or harm, I'm also willing to allow that 'speech' can also amount to being disruptive or harassment like your notion of bringing inappropriate material to a kids park, or using a megaphone inches from someone's face.

I kind of thought on that point we'd find agreement, or at least understanding and agree to disagree?

Opening a new point from you're statement:He was the instigator. His sign amounts to "you will not silence our Nazi voice" at a rally pushing to silence their Nazi voice in their neighborhood.

I've read a few of the links you provided, and looked up a few articles on the gallery and I'm having troubles with the characterization. Do you have a good specific link that more clearly focuses on the nazi support from the gallery? The reading I've done seems to describe an art gallery, that allowed exhibits and talks from far-right and at least arguably fascist speakers on possibly a few occasions. You seem to talk like it was operating openly as a neo-nazi HQ.

So, what I've looked up so far, it does look an awful lot like a gallery pulled in speakers that people disliked, so they rallied to shut down the gallery as punishment for allowing wrong-think to be spoken. Then when guys like the one in the video came to defend free-speech, they too were classed as nazi's and lumped in as enemies too. Last article I found by the guy in video, so maybe he's lying, but other articles I've found also suggest that the gallery operated more generally rather than being an explicitly alt-right hub:

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

newtboy says...

Do you honestly believe a BLM sign holder at a clan March would be treated better? What about at a Trump rally? If you claim to think either case wouldn't end in hospitalization, you're not being honest.

I'm just guessing, but I bet his chosen spot was right behind the speakers who were on would be stealing their soapbox. He could have been inside the gate, 3 ft away, and held his sign just as visibly....but nope, he had to be in the middle of the protest against Nazis telling them they're wrong, you just need to give those poor Nazis and white power organizations more of a platform and more time to espouse their hatred, and ignore the real violence and murders they commit.

Ok, you see a violent attack, mob violence, I see an older woman gently walking him out and others yelling, not touching.
You see a violent robbery of his sign, I see his tool for disruption being removed.
You act like his treatment was SO far over the line and 100% unacceptable. I see him treated with kid gloves in a way that his group wouldn't even fathom, because they use ACTUAL violence to do ACTUAL harm, not slow tender shoving without hands or feet out of the middle of their event, punches, kicks, machetes, torches, nooses, etc. This wasn't even turnabout, and turnabout is always fair play.

If this crosses your line, and this group needs some repercussions, what does his actually violent hate group need? More than a protest.

So, when is your child's next birthday party? I guess I can come and advocate for more incest pornography, and you would just let me be? Bullshit.
As you saw, the police were there and not getting involved. It's not honest to say "it's the police and court system you want to pull in" when the police were there.

Again, what park do your children have parties in, I'll be there with my sign before the party starts so I won't be "invading" your party and I expect you to protect me from all the angry parents....yeah right. That's asinine. If I intentionally provoke them to violence, that's on me.

He was the instigator. His sign amounts to "you will not silence our Nazi voice" at a rally pushing to silence their Nazi voice in their neighborhood. He is (in part) exactly what they are protesting. It's almost a certainty that before his heavily edited video starts he was being loud and disruptive, then acted reasonable and meek after instigating violence with his typical hate speech. Provocation actually is a legal defense to violence.

Can you at least admit the title and description are total lies? They called him a Nazi for being one, not for supporting free speech.
The liberals removed him from their event for being a well known Nazi, not the sentiment on his sign.
The way this is portrayed is absolutely bullshit. He's not a victim he's an instigator, he wasn't hurt, he's absolutely not interested in freedom of speech for everyone.

bcglorf said:

I openly admit I’m plenty ignorant on the background to all this.

My opinion though lies the same whether it’s this guy treated as he was in the video, or if the situation was reversed and the lone guy had a BLM sign instead, same standard applies. You had a very large crowd around him not content to shout him down, but intent on using force to chase him off and trying to again use force to take his sign from him. Thats over the line and I don’t care who is doing the pushing or what the sign actually says. As above, if the sign or message is itself a promotion of violence, then its the police and court system you want to pull in, not the mob or vigilantism.

The little background I read from your links though suggests the large crowd had been there repeatedly with the same purpose of getting the gallery/HQ shutdown. Seems awful likely to me guy with sign was then standing outside said gallery and all the more aught have the right to stand near it with a simple sign, without being dismissed as the one ‘invading’ or stealing the protestors platform. To be honest most of the discussion about giving or blocking platforms reeks to me of just renaming stuff so folks can duck the well worn arguments in support of free speech.

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