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Chomsky dispels 9/11 Conspiracies with Logic

jmzero says...

scumbag academic: "Best theory that Al Quada did 9/11" (doesn't present a shred of evidence)

Meh - he clearly presented the strongest argument against the "conspiracy theory": that it doesn't make any sense. As he explains, it requires tremendous risk, is far from foolproof, requires magical execution, and there's much, much simpler ways to get to the same place. These are the same simple objections that should come up in anyone's mind when presented with this theory.

Why don't you tell us what you think happened and who did what? Don't be a coward and say "well, I don't know what happened, but I know what didn't because of these X things that I don't accept the explanation of". How about you just tell us what happened and why you think that it makes any sense whatsoever? Or, and this is a much bigger task, provide an explanation that makes more sense and fits better with evidence than the official explanation?

Chomsky would love to be able to get behind this kind of conspiracy (or even leave open the possibility) - heaven knows he loves the underdog, and obviously he had no love for Bush - but he's a rational, smart guy.

Now, if you were calling him a scumbag for defending some dictator in the 70s, then whatever - but calling him a scumbag because even he's not willing to get on this crazy bus? You don't know him, or you're nuts. When Chomsky won't even entertain an idea like this, it says something about the idea, not about Chomsky.


dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I think you'd like all moderation on this site to be done based on popularity - it fits in nicely with an underdog persecution outlook. I gave the poster you are referring to an official warning over 14 hours ago - as soon as I noticed it. Calling someone a dickhead in all seriousness is not acceptable - no matter who posts it. I know you'd like things to be different, it would fit your outlook better - but that's the way it is. You're welcome to dredge up old examples of bias - they're probably out there - I'm human, but fairness is what I strive for. >> ^blankfist:

>> ^ldeadeyesl:
Wow looks like being mocked by FDR really pisses people off. I mean he did a pretty good impression of modern day republicans so I can see why it might hurt your feelings, nobody wants to think their party hasn't progressed at all in over 70 years.
I did laugh when someone called Dag a dickhead, and then claimed he is working on self-important bullshit while commenting on his website. Even if it was sarcasm that's pretty good irony. By the way I like the sarcasm button haha.

Lastly, and most importantly, some have been banned or temp-banned or even hobbled for a lot less than the "dickhead" comment. But it all has to do with popularity on this site. Just ask Siftler.

Louis C.K. Saves His Dumb Dog's Life

Sam Harris on the error of evenhandedness

hpqp says...

>> ^SDGundamX:

It's a very tricky thing he's doing here... he wants to sound like the voice of reason while promoting something unreasonable. His unstated premise is that people who practice Islam as a religion are more likely to commit violence or cause misery to others than those who practice other religions--and that there is in fact something inherent in Islam that causes this. As others have pointed out he offers no evidence to support this position. His "support" instead consists of making false analogies (between the Amish and Islamic extremists, for instance) and anecdotes. For Chrissakes, you're a scientist, Sam! If you don't have any empirical support for your claims, conduct some research!
This is really my biggest pet peeve with the so-called New Atheists--they claim to be the voice of reason and yet I often find that their arguments are as wholly flawed, illogical, and based on conjecture as their fundamentalist religious opponents.

What is unreasonable about stating the facts?

Let me correct this for you: "people who practice Islam as a religion are more likely to commit violence or cause misery to others in the name of religion than those who practice other religions." Not only is this true today (especially in countries that are entirely Islamic, less in the "West"), but there is something inherent in Islam and the Qur'an that causes this.

Before taking the defense of what seems to be the "underdog" in "western" countries, you might want to look up the core fundamentals of Islam and the effects it has on those who live it. And before accusing Harris and Co. of conjecturing, you might want to read some of their books (it's not as if one can cite all one's sources in a short talk).

Lars Von Trier stuns Cannes with "I understand Hitler"

ponceleon says...

I feel like this quote was just not coming out the way he wanted it to. He starts out by saying that he wanted to be jewish until he realized he was a nazi. I think he was trying to say that he wanted to identify with the disenfranchised when in fact he was part of the establishment that tramples the underdog.

I mean, I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. Barring that, he's just an asshole.

Ron Paul Officially Declares Run for Republican Nomination

blankfist says...

He may make it past the primaries this time around. He's no longer coming at the candidacy as an underdog. But the media will be unkind.

When bullied kids snap...

Opus_Moderandi says...

>> ^robbersdog49:

I went to a school where bullying was just a fact of life.

This is true in all schools, I believe.

>> ^spoco2:

It saddens me to read all of you saying how happy this makes you, hurray for him etc. etc.
There's nothing good in this.

You've obviously never been picked on or been in a fight in school. The good in this video is not the situation (that was brought about by the smaller, asshole kid), it's not watching the smaller kid get body slammed (yes, he absolutely deserved it), and it's not the fact that the big kid walked away while the little kid stumbled around like a drunken sailor.

The good in this video is that someone stood up for themselves and came out on top. Sure, it wasn't the best way to prove himself but, the situation was brought to him. He faced it and, imo, dealt with it the way any normal human being with a backbone would. It's not the fight that makes people happy, it's the fact that someone who was clearly an underdog came out on top. With a vengeance. I don't think any of those little shits saw that coming.

Everything is a Remix Part 2

kronosposeidon says...

I know this comment is remix of commentaries from many individuals over the span of forever, but here goes anyway.

I'm not going to defend Hollywood's endless regurgitation of the same material. The dearth of original ideas in that town is appalling. However, if you read Joseph Campbell, other mythologists, and literary experts, you'll know that there are really only a limited number of original stories in the first place. Kirby Ferguson even mentions Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces. One author whose name completely escapes me at the moment wrote that there are only about 60 stories - various tragedies, romances, heroic adventures, and even comedies have their roots in basic stories that have been told for millennia. Other experts will say there are fewer stories than that, others will say more, but you get my point. However, it's HOW those stories are retold is what makes them great, mediocre, shitty, etc.

Take the movie The Fighter. It's a classic story of an underdog beating the odds and achieving greatness. In this case it's a true story, but it's a classic. Just ask Rocky. However what made The Fighter great was in the details, especially the acting. Melissa Leo, Amy Adams, and Christian Bale all turned in great performances.

Also George Lucas did take a LOT from other films, but he made the material his own and succeeded wildly with Star Wars. (Then 20 years later he took all that greatness and took a huge fucking dump on it, almost souring me on my love of the originals.)

So I don't mind stories being retold, as long as the filmmakers can make them their own, keep them interesting, and stock them with good actors (not necessarily famous actors, but good actors). I hope Kirby Ferguson touches on this in the third part.

Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty

Matthew Good Band- Everything is automatic

BoneRemake says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:

I found out about Matthew Good from MuchMusic (amazingly our local cable company had a Canadian channel in 1997.) I tried to order the Underdogs CD from and other online outlets in America, but none had it at the time so I finally had to order it from a retailer in the great white north. I believe that is the only parcel I have ever gotten from Canada. Most of my imports come from Sweden.

I found out about them from MM as well, Rick campanelli and racheal.. Master T, Suk yin or whatnot, It was from the Canadian music channel my mind started to twist and churn into a state where this music appealed to me. It REALLY meant a lot to me, this song especially ( I tear now I think about it ) I went for a walk with my Mega earphones and cd player back in the day while really high on mushrooms, beautiful experience which I never forget the blinding apocalypse which are high pressure sodium street lights.

I pretty well HAVE owned every , well I can not state that, I indeed have owned every output of the Matthew good man mind.

Matthew Good Band- Everything is automatic

kronosposeidon says...

I found out about Matthew Good from MuchMusic (amazingly our local cable company had a Canadian channel in 1997.) I tried to order the Underdogs CD from and other online outlets in America, but none had it at the time so I finally had to order it from a retailer in the great white north. I believe that is the only parcel I have ever gotten from Canada. Most of my imports come from Sweden.

Take the "For Sale" Sign Off the Capitol Lawn!

Ultramarines - Teaser for Warhammer 40K Movie

necrontyr says...

>> ^gwiz665:

>> ^gorillaman:
>> ^xxovercastxx:
There really aren't any good guys in WH40K, though I'd say the Eldar are the most innocent.
>> ^gorillaman:
Also, the Imperium are not the good guys.

Exactly, though the Eldar are as xenophobic and ruthless as anyone else. The Tau are the obvious candidates as heroes - they're young, innovative, and they've got that underdog thing going, almost an idealised, progressive human race; but look closer and they're an ultra-communist slave society, aggressive and coercive in getting other races to join their Empire. If any race can claim innocence it can only be the Orks. They just dig fighting, and don't understand that other people don't like having their limbs hacked off.

Necrons are the only good guys.
"You can die, or you can run then die."

Aw, all Necrons want is to regain their galaxy of simple purity. Or rather I should say, all the C'Tan want. At least they want to exterminate Chaos.

Ultramarines - Teaser for Warhammer 40K Movie

gwiz665 says...

>> ^gorillaman:

>> ^xxovercastxx:
There really aren't any good guys in WH40K, though I'd say the Eldar are the most innocent.
>> ^gorillaman:
Also, the Imperium are not the good guys.

Exactly, though the Eldar are as xenophobic and ruthless as anyone else. The Tau are the obvious candidates as heroes - they're young, innovative, and they've got that underdog thing going, almost an idealised, progressive human race; but look closer and they're an ultra-communist slave society, aggressive and coercive in getting other races to join their Empire. If any race can claim innocence it can only be the Orks. They just dig fighting, and don't understand that other people don't like having their limbs hacked off.

Necrons are the only good guys.

"You can die, or you can run then die."

iPhone 4: The Dark Side of the Force

ponceleon says...


Damn it. That was funny. Because is true.
It's ironic how Microsoft had this bad image, and was generally viewed as evil, and Bill Gates as the overlord of our tech demise, and Apple was the scrappy underdog, making do with ingenuity and originality.
Yet... Microsoft has actually made a pretty good product with Windows 7, Apple is producing hype-crap after hype-crap, Steve Jobs is now out as the asshole he is, and Bill Gates is using his fortune (and the fortune of others) to actually try to make the world a better place.
Oh.. how the tables have turned.
(let the flame war begin! )

Same thing with Google, they try to portray themselves as happy hippies or something when in reality they are all about gathering as much power and control as possible...

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