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The most amazing ukelele playing you will ever see (Jake Shimabukuro)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'music, beatles, guitar, ukelele, cool, amazing' to 'music, beatles, guitar, ukelele, amazing, while my guitar gently weeps' - edited by xxovercastxx

The most amazing ukelele playing you will ever see (Jake Shimabukuro)

blankfist says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:
Kreegath at least cat fart videos go through the sift on the table. Not under the table like this one did.
When I posted a cat fart video, I didn't go out to my YOUtube subscription members and ask for them to make accounts on the sift to get my video to be over 9000.

But you should've, because cat fart videos is what made the Sift.

George Harrison - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (live 1971)

Too many men in the siftlounge today

The sweetest thing you've heard all week

Baby Pictures (History Talk Post)

rant (Sift Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

>> ^MrFisk:
The Art of Sifting.
1. Seems the shorter a video, the more views/voting.
2. The more you sift and comment, the more friends/enemies you'll make, thus more views/voting.
3. A serious election year will inevitably and justifiably mean more political videos; cut the hogwash bellyaching.
4. Comedy is king.
5. Long is the opposite of the aforementioned.
6. Employ a nifty avatar.
7. Rock the boat.
8. One hand washes the other.
9. The tenth vote is crucial.
10. Beggars canyon is a dark and dreary alley, chalk-full of despair, disappointment, loneliness, and regret.


Take the voting power of the Piggers then we'll at least get rid of stuff like and similar aberrations. Piggers aren't real sifters, anyway. Their bodies are more adept at ocular labor than sifting. We should make a Pegrosift, only for P's where the colors are inverted.

Damn Piggers.

Take on Me: Literal Video Version

dannym3141 says...

>> ^viewer_999:
In fact, it's sad reality that for those who are and choose to remain "Probationary" (negative connotation), the site really is only an affirmation site. We are not permitted to downvote video or comments. Is there some kind of fear that those who haven't submitted video will rise up and destroy the site? Is there no consideration of time as a member which enters into a regular member's "Probationary" status? How long would be long enough, to no longer be "Probationary?" How does 2.5 years sound?

Hilarious video, by the way.

You make a very good point. It is a sad thing, but perhaps necessary. Being able to downvote would let people make countless accounts and downvote to hell. I mean, it's already imbalanced (see the ukelele video for proof), so i'm not sure whether the probie-downvote would make it worse or even it out.. let's assume that any false vote is bad for the site and say "probably make it worse".

I actually aim to get stars via comments, doing quite well so far, but i had to submit a video or two to get off probationary.. i had something like 3 applauded comments but still the little P because i hadn't submitted a video. In the end i posted some run of the mill trash that i knew would easily get upvotes just to get the video in and done. And if you check the sift as often as i do, you'll see people doing the same IN ORDER TO GET 250 STARS (or 500, or 100, or whatever). Music video after music video that has no real value. But then some people would say they do have value, and i can live with that. Personally, i only post what i think is top quality. And most of that stuff i get beaten on, but i don't think "omg i could have had a star", i just think good, the sift has profited.

Women and VideoSift: Why I'm a feminist. Guys, I quoted you. (Terrible Talk Post)

thepinky says...

You completely missed the point, and I don't have the energy to explain it other than by saying that I was not suggesting that the videos were upvoted because the people were male. I'm just pointing out the general underrepresentation of women in all forms of media. And when a women DOES happen to be popular it is often has a lot to do with her being pretty. And that's okay, really. Men like to look at pretty women. That's natural. I like to look at pretty men, too.

But did you read my comments of what a nice job sifters did of focusing on the factors that were deep and meaningful rather than shallow. Really. It was nicely done. I like VideoSift men a lot more than most.

>> ^MarineGunrock:
Ugh. I'm going to make this point as simple and clear as I can:
Woman CAN NOT be objectified without becoming objects. Pr0n "actresses" are objects of desire. Yes. That is THEIR choosing.
And really? Complaining about the top videos because they're all male? Sift more awesome clips with women. It's not that hard. I can run through your list and tell you which ones would have just as many votes if they were of a female:
1. A very talented MAN playing the ukelele.Doesn't count - those votes were all cronies. I've ben tempted to just discard it.
2. Two talented BOYS' well-made lightsaber video. Yup. If it were girls, it would have had the same. Thing is, you don't see many uber-geek girls, do you?
3. Autistic BOY being awesome at a b-ball game It's not the fact he has wedding tackle that made this video great, it's that he triumphed through his autism
4. Talented MALE robot dancer Again, it got the votes because it was really cool to see, not because he's got a banana and kiwis.
5. Prairie Dog, generally accepted as MALE. Thus: Drama KING I don't know about anyone else, but I didn't check for a prairie pecker before I clicked upvote.
6. Very clever rant about Pachebel. Again, a talented and clever MAN. What's that first adjective? And then the second? Those would be the reasons for the votes, not his twig and berries.
7. FINALLY, an intelligent WOMAN with integrity. What can I say? I like getting my bad news from someone that's easy on the eyes..
8. Awesome commercial. The Wind is a tall MAN doing funny things. Love this sift. I got nothin'
9. Drug spiders. MALE spiders? (Mr. Crack Spider, etc.), Male narrator. If they had made the crack spider a crack spideretts, I'm sure feminists would be pissed about that instead. Gender of the narrator does not make a difference. The script was the humor.
10. Quantum Physics narrated and explained by a MALE scientist.Maybe you want to get a degree in quantum physics and deliver that same speech? NO ONE watched that video and said "oh, I LOVE that Captain Q guy!" - No, they loved the explanation.
11. Clever prank, talented FEMALES, MALE narrator. (Yay!) All old/overweight women are the ones being tricked, all beautiful and young females are the tricksters. Oh come on. Are you really suggesting that they only let fat old women into that washroom? And are you forgetting about the guy? "No! You can't go in there! You're too hot to be pranked!" I think not.
12. Jon Stewart (MAN) being funny and clever and awesome. Again, the three adjectives?
13. A beautiful GIRL with a great bod doing something pretty cool. I would bet that at least 85% of the votes were received because of the comical novelty of the act.
14. Dolphins blowing bubbles
15. Cool music video. MALE vocals, MALE hands. Again, are you telling me that people only voted after they looked and made sure they could see hair on the arms? I sincerely doubt it.
The lesson here is that you could see shit anywhere you look for it. That doesn't mean it's true.

Women and VideoSift: Why I'm a feminist. Guys, I quoted you. (Terrible Talk Post)

MarineGunrock says...

Ugh. I'm going to make this point as simple and clear as I can:

Woman CAN NOT be objectified without becoming objects. Pr0n "actresses" are objects of desire. Yes. That is THEIR choosing.

And really? Complaining about the top videos because they're all male? Sift more awesome clips with women. It's not that hard. I can run through your list and tell you which ones would have just as many votes if they were of a female:

1. A very talented MAN playing the ukelele.Doesn't count - those votes were all cronies. I've ben tempted to just discard it.

2. Two talented BOYS' well-made lightsaber video. Yup. If it were girls, it would have had the same. Thing is, you don't see many uber-geek girls, do you?

3. Autistic BOY being awesome at a b-ball game It's not the fact he has wedding tackle that made this video great, it's that he triumphed through his autism

4. Talented MALE robot dancer Again, it got the votes because it was really cool to see, not because he's got a banana and kiwis.

5. Prairie Dog, generally accepted as MALE. Thus: Drama KING I don't know about anyone else, but I didn't check for a prairie pecker before I clicked upvote.

6. Very clever rant about Pachebel. Again, a talented and clever MAN. What's that first adjective? And then the second? Those would be the reasons for the votes, not his twig and berries.

7. FINALLY, an intelligent WOMAN with integrity. What can I say? I like getting my bad news from someone that's easy on the eyes..

8. Awesome commercial. The Wind is a tall MAN doing funny things. Love this sift. I got nothin'

9. Drug spiders. MALE spiders? (Mr. Crack Spider, etc.), Male narrator. If they had made the crack spider a crack spideretts, I'm sure feminists would be pissed about that instead. Gender of the narrator does not make a difference. The script was the humor.

10. Quantum Physics narrated and explained by a MALE scientist.Maybe you want to get a degree in quantum physics and deliver that same speech? NO ONE watched that video and said "oh, I LOVE that Captain Q guy!" - No, they loved the explanation.

11. Clever prank, talented FEMALES, MALE narrator. (Yay!) All old/overweight women are the ones being tricked, all beautiful and young females are the tricksters. Oh come on. Are you really suggesting that they only let fat old women into that washroom? And are you forgetting about the guy? "No! You can't go in there! You're too hot to be pranked!" I think not.

12. Jon Stewart (MAN) being funny and clever and awesome. Again, the three adjectives?

13. A beautiful GIRL with a great bod doing something pretty cool. I would bet that at least 85% of the votes were received because of the comical novelty of the act.
14. Dolphins blowing bubbles
15. Cool music video. MALE vocals, MALE hands. Again, are you telling me that people only voted after they looked and made sure they could see hair on the arms? I sincerely doubt it.

The lesson here is that you could see shit anywhere you look for it. That doesn't mean it's true.

Shepppard (Member Profile)

thepinky says...

You're very ignorant if you think that everyone has the same rights and opportunities. And degrading attitudes about women still exist today. The stereotypes that label men as rational, strong, decisive, and protective and women as emotional (irrational), submissive, weak, and nurturing are still very much alive. Just look at the top sifts of all time:
1. A very talented MAN playing the ukelele
2. Two talented BOYS' well-made lightsaber video
3. Autistic BOY being awesome at a b-ball game
4. Talented MALE robot dancer
5. Prairie Dog, generally accepted as MALE. Thus: Drama KING
6. Very clever rant about Pachebel. Again, a talented and clever MAN.
7. FINALLY, an intelligent WOMAN with integrity. But, wait! She's also very beautiful. Do you think this would be the #7 sift if she hadn't been so gorgeous? I don't think so. Listen to some of the comments:
"Plus, uhmm - she's like a hot Christiane Amanpour. But I like her integrity too."
"She's 40% Kylie Minogue and 60% Naomi Watts."
"...Plus, shes hot."
"Is there anything better than a hot, articulate, angry blonde ... I don't think so."
"Lara Logan is hot. Not only is she drop dead pretty, she is smart, she has an acerbic tongue and she tells the truth. Lately, she has been wearing tight tops with a push-up bra that really make her tits looks great. More Iraq stories, please............"
"shes hot and reaaaaaaly intelligent..."
"I want this woman to have my children."
"Lara Logan, will you marry me?"

I give major props to the guys of videosift for focusing FAR more on her integrity, intelligence, and how articulate she is. They really were very good about that. But I really, really think that a lot of those votes had everything to do with the COMBINATION of brains and looks. If this had been an ugly woman, it would not have received NEARLY as many votes, I'd bet you anything. Moving on.

8. Awesome commercial. The wind is a tall MAN doing funny things. Love this sift.
9. Drug spiders. MALE spiders (Mr. Crack Spider, etc.), Male narrator.
10. Quantum Physics narrated and explained by a MALE scientist.
11. Clever prank, talented FEMALES. (Yay!) All old/overweight women are the ones being tricked, all beautiful and young females are the tricksters. Some sample comments:
"...also, they were hot."
"Those twins could prank me in the bathroom anytime."
"Twin hot German chicks in a bathroom is guaranteed to make #1."

Again, the majority of the comments had nothing to do with the way the girls looked, but on the prank itself. Cool. Movin on.

12. Jon Stewart (MAN) being funny and clever and awesome.
13. A pretty GIRL with a great bod doing something pretty cool. Comments:

"She can spin on my escalator any day she likes."
"This is cool and I think it's pure science. For example, it would be interesting also to rub her down in various oils and see how it affects the results. Or underwear versus no underwear for example. What would happen?"
"She's a hottie."
"oh and this is *nature too because humans are part of nature.
and *sexuality because those tight jeans make her look sexy to me."
"I predict a chubby girl stuck between the glass railings of a shopping mall escalator near you."
"Indeed, perhaps she will leave a trail of freshly erected posts behind her as she spins her way from town to town."
"I suspect she already left a trail of freshly erected posts, both at the original venue and among some of the male sift viewers judging by the comments."
"Videosift seems to have an immense fondness for rotating women."
"You males are all full of bull putty. If this was a 15 year old pimply faced fella doing this it have about 20 votes and an eia tag immediately."

14. Dolphins blowing bubbles
15. Cool music video. MALE band, MALE hands.

Most people see the world through the eyes of a man and they don't even know it. Men look, women are looked upon.

Top Box-Office Movies of all time: (I'm going to point out the gender of JUST the main character (protagonist).

Titanic (1997)- As far as I can tell, not having seen the movie, the MALE/FEMALE share the main character spot.
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) - Male
Shrek 2 (2004) - Male
E. T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)- Male
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) - Male
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) - Male/Female?
Spider-Man (2002) - Male
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)- Male
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)- Male
Spider-Man 2 (2004) - Male
The Passion of the Christ (2004)- Male
Jurassic Park (1993) - Male
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)- Male
Finding Nemo (2003) - Male
Spider-Man 3 (2007) - Male
Forrest Gump (1994) - Male
The Lion King (1994) - Male
Shrek the Third (2007) - Male
Transformers (2007) - Male
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) - Male
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) - Male
Iron Man (2008) - Male
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) - Male
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007) - Male
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) - Male
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) - Male
Independence Day (1996) - Male
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) - Male
The Sixth Sense (1999) - Male
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) - Male
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) Male/Female
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) - Male
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) - Male
Home Alone (1990) - Male
The Matrix Reloaded (2003) - Male
Meet the Fockers (2004) - Male
Shrek (2001) - Male
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) - Male
The Incredibles (2004) - Male
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) - Male

I could keep going, but I think you get the picture.

In reply to this comment by Shepppard:
Alright, this is a video of someone doing what they love.
I don't understand the controversy. Just because I watched this doesn't make me think of a woman as an object. I see her dancing, and I see her doing something she loves to do. I'm not sitting here thinking "I'd hit that so hard she'd walk funny for a week" I'm actually sitting here enjoying it because it's a dance.

People need to seriously reconsider what they want to pick fights with. Society on the whole has come to terms of equality. Black, White, Yellow, Purple, brown, male or female, everybody has equal rights and opportunities.
No race is better then the other, and same goes for the Sexes.

People don't treat women as brainless objects anymore. You can vote, you can drive, you can work, the only thing you can't do is pee standing up. People have accepted that women are NOT objects anymore, and therefore can actually watch something like this and appreciate it as art.

Because we (at least not all of us), don't have our head in the gutter anymore and can accept it.

Green Lantern Sucks (3 seconds of hilarity)

Ukulele weeps by Jake Shimabukuro

When I'm Cleaning Windows: George Formby

Why do we even have a down vote? (Sift Talk Post)

MarineGunrock says...

>> ^Grimm:
Example of "Quality Control" at work.
Has over 500 up votes and 14 down votes. Seems more like 14 people who just didn't like the video as opposed to any "quality control". This btw would be one of the shiet videos MarineGunrock wants to keep off the site.

No it wouldn't. But I'm glad you know me that well. I never said the SOLE purpose for the downvotes was to keep shit off the site. When I downvote something in the queue, it is, but it also means I simply really do not like the video. When I downvote something that's been published, I am merely expressing my distaste for it.

As for the ukulele video, well, I just don't think it deserves so many votes. I think everyone here would agree with that.

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