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Gun Totin'- Facebook Parenting - Tough Love Or Ass?

criticalthud says...

>> ^alcom:

I'm wondering if the people that strongly disagree with this father's tactics are still living at home themselves. At the very least, they're either not parents themselves or they are new parents and their children are very young.
I don't think this father's reaction is "emotional idiocy" at all. He said he grounded her for 3 months for doing something very similar to this before, so the message needed to be made clearer. Furthermore, he is not alone in this sentiment. The girl's mother is also behind him, so it's hard to argue that this is a case of one man gone crazy overboard, despite the number of posts in opposition to the tactic.
>> ^criticalthud:
really? if a parents reaction to emotional idiocy by their kid, is emotional idiocy in return, they're essentially validating emotional idiocy.

uhh. no i don't live with my parents.
but anyway, his response was hardly rational. instead he acted like he got his feelings hurt and his primary response was to try to embarrass his child in front of her peers. not a very stellar example.

also, show me a teenage girl who isn't emotional and "overburdened" by their parents and life.

The generations of the present are products of the generations of the past.

It's Time ... (Sift Talk Post)

Shepppard says...

>> ^darkrowan:

2nd the motion on keeping night mode. In fact, it'd be nice that all channels had the ability to have (note: not required) a night version of their channel theme. It sucks moving from the main sift to a channel that is much, much brighter. It's like turning a flashlight on your face for a few seconds afterwords.
>> ^Shepppard:
Uhh, well, I don't know if this is intentional or not, but it's been bugging the hell out of me for months.
On firefox, if you're not logged in you can't use the search function.
Also, don't get rid of "night" mode. I honestly can't stand "daytime", too damn bright...
I still miss the old sift Grey though

THIS x 1 million.

This was added to controversy and now I can honestly barely read anything on this page, to the point where i'm considering taking it out of controversy.

Ron Paul Recites Revisionist History Before Confederate Flag

NetRunner says...

@quantumushroom, sounds to me like that's 5 different ways of saying slavery.

1. Economic and social differences between the North and the South

From the site you cited:

[T]he southern economy became a one crop economy, depending on cotton and therefore on slavery. On the other hand, the northern economy was based more on industry than agriculture.

So, the Southern economy was based on slavery, the Northern economy wasn't.

2. States versus federal rights

As I said before, the origin of this concept was the schism over slavery. The South wanted to be able to hold slaves, and the North wanted them free. The compromise was the concept of "state's rights".

3. The fight between Slave and Non-Slave State Proponents

Hey, that one's obviously about slavery.

4. Growth of the Abolition Movement

Uhh, that one too.

5. The election of Abraham Lincoln

From the site you cited:

Even though things were already coming to a head, when Lincoln was elected in 1860, South Carolina issued its "Declaration of the Causes of Secession." They believed that Lincoln was anti-slavery and in favor of Northern interests. Before Lincoln was even president, seven states had seceded from the Union: South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas.

And yes, Lincoln said otherwise. Amazingly enough, the South projected all their worst fears and prejudices on a well educated, liberal, African-friendly President from Illinois back in 1860 too.

When a woman loves a gondola...

It's Time ... (Sift Talk Post)

darkrowan says...

2nd the motion on keeping night mode. In fact, it'd be nice that all channels had the ability to have (note: not required) a night version of their channel theme. It sucks moving from the main sift to a channel that is much, much brighter. It's like turning a flashlight on your face for a few seconds afterwords.

>> ^Shepppard:

Uhh, well, I don't know if this is intentional or not, but it's been bugging the hell out of me for months.
On firefox, if you're not logged in you can't use the search function.
Also, don't get rid of "night" mode. I honestly can't stand "daytime", too damn bright...
I still miss the old sift Grey though

It's Time ... (Sift Talk Post)

Shepppard says...

Uhh, well, I don't know if this is intentional or not, but it's been bugging the hell out of me for months.

On firefox, if you're not logged in you can't use the search function.

Also, don't get rid of "night" mode. I honestly can't stand "daytime", too damn bright...

I still miss the old sift Grey though

10 Misconceptions Debunked

Ninja Turtles Are Anti-Christian

Unsung_Hero says...

"We have Vanilla Ice, probably one of the most uhh, well at least one of the wealthiest, I was going to say most talented but talented at making money anyway."

Wow, this is from the 90's... In the words of Nationwide insurance commercials, "Life comes at you fast."

Fox News Guest Accidentally Describes Fox News

F--- YOU - How To Stop Screwing Yourself Over

The Grim Reaper gets his present from Santa Claus

Cat Base Jumps Without A Parachute

Auger8 says...

"He limped a bit after the grain truck incident,..." LOL Couldn't stop laughing at that point.

Ya I had a tom cat that slit it's belly open one time in a fight, I could see his intestines even, I bandaged him up gave him penicillin shot's a few days in a row and he was just fine for years didn't even stitch him up. Well that part was more his idea then mine but you get the picture here.

>> ^bcglorf:

>> ^Thumper:
Uhh, That cat just died. Or it was badly hurt. Look at the view and things in the distance. This window is at least a second floor possibly 3rd

I grew up on a farm and can assure you that cats are tough. We had one that survived a fight with a muskrat, only to snag itself on a fish hook which was deep enough that some of it was left in him, and he then went on to be fully run over by a loaded grain truck. He limped a bit after the grain truck incident, but ultimately lived on to die of old age.

Cat Base Jumps Without A Parachute

bcglorf says...

>> ^Thumper:

Uhh, That cat just died. Or it was badly hurt. Look at the view and things in the distance. This window is at least a second floor possibly 3rd

I grew up on a farm and can assure you that cats are tough. We had one that survived a fight with a muskrat, only to snag itself on a fish hook which was deep enough that some of it was left in him, and he then went on to be fully run over by a loaded grain truck. He limped a bit after the grain truck incident, but ultimately lived on to die of old age.

dannym3141 (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

Its Schrodinger's cat all over !

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
>> ^Thumper:

Uhh, That cat just died. Or it was badly hurt. Look at the view and things in the distance. This window is at least a second floor possibly 3rd

Dunno about what you see in the distance, but what i see is a corner wall and given the angle involved, i'd be forced to guess one up from ground floor. That's assuming the house isn't on a raised bit of land.

You also don't know whether there was a garage roof underneath, a pool, a pond, a little tree or bush, a kitchen extension... the list is endless.

I also feel like the reaction would be more significant if it had fallen a really huge distance. If they wanted the cat to die they'd want to film it, and if they wanted it to live they'd be desperate to see if it was ok.

Cat Base Jumps Without A Parachute

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Thumper:

Uhh, That cat just died. Or it was badly hurt. Look at the view and things in the distance. This window is at least a second floor possibly 3rd

Dunno about what you see in the distance, but what i see is a corner wall and given the angle involved, i'd be forced to guess one up from ground floor. That's assuming the house isn't on a raised bit of land.

You also don't know whether there was a garage roof underneath, a pool, a pond, a little tree or bush, a kitchen extension... the list is endless.

I also feel like the reaction would be more significant if it had fallen a really huge distance. If they wanted the cat to die they'd want to film it, and if they wanted it to live they'd be desperate to see if it was ok.

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