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30 Seconds of Wonder Woman Pilot

bareboards2 says...

*terrible , then, my friend.

Technically not cancelled -- they did the pilot but the series wasn't picked up.

From Wiki

Reports surfaced in October 2010 that Warner Bros. Television was teaming with writer-producer David E. Kelley to pitch a new Wonder Woman television series to networks.[23] The major networks all turned down the series,[24] but NBC, the final network to initially pass on the project, announced that they had ordered a pilot on January 21, 2011. ... On May 12, 2011, NBC announced that it would not be picking the project up to series.[32]

>> ^BoneRemake:

hahahaha, its so debatable that this should be in 1sttube. How is this the best of the net. ewwww I can smell it from here it reeks so much.
- so the tag with canceled ? the show was canceled ? no more wonder woman 2011 ?

First World Problems

Epic Racist Moment on Game Show

dannym3141 says...

I've gotta admit, linking that poll in support of any argument is the worst thing you could do. 28 people total (meaning hundreds, thousands? didn't bother to vote), and the question/description states "X is bad. Is x good yes or no?"

I think you just shouldn't be allowed to discriminate. You shouldn't be forced to hire someone BECAUSE they're a minority, that's discrimination too! Hard to enforce "don't be discrimanatory", though.

It's hard for someone who isn't racist, never has been, and never has had a racist thought even begin to cross their mind to consider anti-discrimination policies. If i saw (random imagined example) 10 white guys pay to get on a train, then a black guy turned down, then some more white guys allowed on, i'd probably not even consider it could be racism unless i thought about it for a while. I'd assume he didn't have the right ticket or money or something. Whereas someone who's had to deal with racism every day might immediately think racism.

Tough to get an unbiased viewpoint on a topic like that; i think no one is racist where i live when there clearly may be racist people there, and the other guy might think there's at least x amount of racists in my area when there might not be any.

6 Foot 7 Foot (Lil Wayne) Cover by Karmin

vpvpvp says...

>> ^TheSluiceGate:
>> ^vpvpvp: She can sing, why the hell does she keep doing what she's not good at... Rapping. Ugh. I don't like this or the previous one. A whiter than white dainty female jazz singer reinterpreting rap tracks is a lot more internetz friendly than a jazz singer singing her mainstream jazzy pop stylings. I don't get the impression that she's done this cynically - it's just something that's resulted in her getting lots of attention. Her own stuff is a world away from this, and I can't see much of a crossover possibility in terms of people who'd be into her original stuff... But it's hard to turn down all those internet hits that lead to guest spots on Ellen. The fact is, even if you're ridiculously talented at what you do, you don't necessarily get to choose what people decide gives you notoriety. ( not that she necessarily is.)

Well put, and true. Still as a rapper myself it's annoying to see someone getting notoriety for something they don't even do well just because it's done in a novelty way. What makes rap something to appreciate is the writing and delivery by that writer. All the puns, play on words, metaphors, similes, and just over all display of clever wit. I'm just a die-hard I guess so seeing some chick covering a song pretty much exactly how it already is bugs me. And the dude in the video might as well not even be there?! He plays like two chords and sings a note or two in each video. Good job?!

6 Foot 7 Foot (Lil Wayne) Cover by Karmin

TheSluiceGate says...

>> ^vpvpvp:

She can sing, why the hell does she keep doing what she's not good at... Rapping. Ugh. I don't like this or the previous one.

A whiter than white dainty female jazz singer reinterpreting rap tracks is a lot more internetz friendly than a jazz singer singing her mainstream jazzy pop stylings.

I don't get the impression that she's done this cynically - it's just something that's resulted in her getting lots of attention. Her own stuff is a world away from this, and I can't see much of a crossover possibility in terms of people who'd be into her original stuff... But it's hard to turn down all those internet hits that lead to guest spots on Ellen.

The fact is, even if you're ridiculously talented* at what you do, you don't necessarily get to choose what people decide gives you notoriety.

(*not that she necessarily is.)

Canada's first Slut Walk

peggedbea says...

wtf? have you all lost your minds?

1. you can't compare a womans vagina to a wad full of cash. but presuming that you could... just because i flashed my wad full of cash does not make it less wrong or even permissible for someone to steal it. your rights end where mine begin.

2. women don't get raped because they're scantily clad. rape is less about sexual gratification and more about power and control. i was a wild ass teenager and i put myself in a lot of unwholesome situations, i experienced my fair share of unwanted, boundary violating sexual advances. i was also a raging tomboy/baby crusty... my clothing didn't have anything to do with the creeps who wanted/tried/did take advantage, it was ALWAYS about power and superiority and control. ALWAYS about some mental defect that made dudes get off on the ability to overpower.

3. you can't blame anyone for mistaking your flirtation with interest. anyone who does is probably being a bitch. but flirting and be provocative is not "stepping into the lion's den and asking to get bit" and you're not contractually obligated to put out... anyone who thinks that it is does is a defective asshole and possibly predatory and almost certainly has issues with women and their ability to own their sexual power, again.. its about power and dominance and control.

4. i sort of agree with the notion that you attract what you put out there. like i chat it up with a lot of mentally ill/homeless men... so a lot of these guys tend to want to marry me.... when i go dancing at the hip hop club, i dont get offended when i get balls rubbed on my leg or some horny drunk guy wants to take me home.... i just go find a girl to dance with after that.... when i go dancing at the gay bar looking like a big dyke, i dont get pissed off when a lesbian flirts with me... i go bowling a lot, i dont get mad when bowling alley people hit on me.... if you dress and behave in a certain way in a certain place, you're bound to attract someone.. you have no right to be surprised or offended when that happens... it may even be what you're looking for.. ... but it does not negate someone else's responsibility to control themselves and respect your words more than your tits. and anyone who doesn't see that, has issues with women and their sexual power. and rape is, once again, about power and control. it is not about cleavage or temptation.

edit: there is also offensive language... i dont get mad if you thought i was flirting with you and expressed an interest, i do get mad if you don't speak to me with respect. again, its about power and control ooorrr maybe you're a social piarha with no idea how interact with people, either way, you're getting turned down and that doesnt make me a tease. it's your problem.

blankfist (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

So let me see if I've got you right on this, because if so that is really beyond the pale:

No Wonder Woman?
In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Missed opportunity. You should've said, "What are you smiling about? I was talking about me sitting in this chair while I fucked your corpse."

See? Oh, and then throw something in there about Anne Frank in case she's Jewish.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Here's something that I'll leave public:

I just came from OfficeMax, where I went to buy a new executive chair for my computer desk. There was a cute gal who was helping me pick the right one. (Mind you I didn't need help, but who am I to turn down assistance from an attractive clerk?) After I tried out several of them she asked me if I liked a particular one, so I said "Yes, this one. But do you think it can support the weight of two people?" Too much? She smiled; it seemed genuine, not a polite-but-secretly-offended smile.

Should I mention that my son was with me, but he was over in the next aisle, also trying out chairs?

She was strong too. She carried that chair in its box from the storage room to the counter like it was a helium beach ball. I wonder if she would dress up like Wonder Woman? Her hair was short and red, but I'm flexible.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

Missed opportunity. You should've said, "What are you smiling about? I was talking about me sitting in this chair while I fucked your corpse."

See? Oh, and then throw something in there about Anne Frank in case she's Jewish.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Here's something that I'll leave public:

I just came from OfficeMax, where I went to buy a new executive chair for my computer desk. There was a cute gal who was helping me pick the right one. (Mind you I didn't need help, but who am I to turn down assistance from an attractive clerk?) After I tried out several of them she asked me if I liked a particular one, so I said "Yes, this one. But do you think it can support the weight of two people?" Too much? She smiled; it seemed genuine, not a polite-but-secretly-offended smile.

Should I mention that my son was with me, but he was over in the next aisle, also trying out chairs?

She was strong too. She carried that chair in its box from the storage room to the counter like it was a helium beach ball. I wonder if she would dress up like Wonder Woman? Her hair was short and red, but I'm flexible.

blankfist (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Here's something that I'll leave public:

I just came from OfficeMax, where I went to buy a new executive chair for my computer desk. There was a cute gal who was helping me pick the right one. (Mind you I didn't need help, but who am I to turn down assistance from an attractive clerk?) After I tried out several of them she asked me if I liked a particular one, so I said "Yes, this one. But do you think it can support the weight of two people?" Too much? She smiled; it seemed genuine, not a polite-but-secretly-offended smile.

Should I mention that my son was with me, but he was over in the next aisle, also trying out chairs?

She was strong too. She carried that chair in its box from the storage room to the counter like it was a helium beach ball. I wonder if she would dress up like Wonder Woman? Her hair was short and red, but I'm flexible.

Should we distinguish between NSFW videos vs. GRAPHIC videos? A vote to... (User Poll by blankfist)

Deano says...

Seems a bit redundant overall to me. Most people understand the NSFW label regardless of the site they are visiting. These proposals seem like they'll simply complicate things for the casual visitor.

How about something useful like a *loud invocation? Sometimes the odd video is crazily loud and you have to rapidly turn down the volume. Advance warning would be cool.

TYT: Legalizing Drugs Decreases Use

poolcleaner says...

>> ^curiousity:

One point that always seems to be missing from talks about this subject is about the false propaganda regarding risks for individual drugs. With drugs legalized, the government should lose initiative to maintain the lies that are funded by government money. Anyone remember the emotional trite of "This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs", as they crack an egg into pan?
Having real information about the risks instead of made-up bullshit empowers people to make decisions based off of facts instead of emotional arguments. I've personally turned down some experiences because I didn't like the risk when combined with my personality type (or just the risks by themselves.) But man, I had to really search for information. Luckily I found some sites that try to fill this knowledge gap for safety purposes.

You can't mention websites without linking us! Give us the informed drug sites!

Republican's once again boldly defend our freedom (Politics Talk Post)

Republican's once again boldly defend our freedom (Politics Talk Post)

TYT: Legalizing Drugs Decreases Use

dannym3141 says...

>> ^curiousity:

One point that always seems to be missing from talks about this subject is about the false propaganda regarding risks for individual drugs. With drugs legalized, the government should lose initiative to maintain the lies that are funded by government money. Anyone remember the emotional trite of "This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs", as they crack an egg into pan?
Having real information about the risks instead of made-up bullshit empowers people to make decisions based off of facts instead of emotional arguments. I've personally turned down some experiences because I didn't like the risk when combined with my personality type (or just the risks by themselves.) But man, I had to really search for information. Luckily I found some sites that try to fill this knowledge gap for safety purposes.

Well said. Let people make an INFORMED opinion.

TYT: Legalizing Drugs Decreases Use

curiousity says...

One point that always seems to be missing from talks about this subject is about the false propaganda regarding risks for individual drugs. With drugs legalized, the government *should* lose initiative to maintain the lies that are funded by government money. Anyone remember the emotional trite of "This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs", as they crack an egg into pan?

Having real information about the risks instead of made-up bullshit empowers people to make decisions based off of facts instead of emotional arguments. I've personally turned down some experiences because I didn't like the risk when combined with my personality type (or just the risks by themselves.) But man, I had to really search for information. Luckily I found some sites that try to fill this knowledge gap for safety purposes.

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