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Sweet, Sweet Ebay Trick Takes Greedy Lady To School

nock says...

The other bidders were probably serious, but it's hard not to get scammed with a 2nd chance offer. I mean, the seller can just have a friend up-bid the item and then if the friend actually wins, they can do a 2nd chance offer to get the last sucker that bid.
>> ^spoco2:

I was going to say that this was extremely over the top considering he probably could have given a second chance offer to the bidders who missed out, but in the reddit post he says he had tried all the losing bidders ('I already got turned down by the losing bidders', which begs the question, were they serious too?), and that there was seriously no time left to resell them at all due to it being on the next day.
So, yeah, with all of that taken into account, and her behaviour, she deserves all she got. Bravo

Sweet, Sweet Ebay Trick Takes Greedy Lady To School

spoco2 says...

I was going to say that this was extremely over the top considering he probably could have given a second chance offer to the bidders who missed out, but in the reddit post he says he had tried all the losing bidders ('I already got turned down by the losing bidders', which begs the question, were they serious too?), and that there was seriously no time left to resell them at all due to it being on the next day.

So, yeah, with all of that taken into account, and her behaviour, she deserves all she got. Bravo

Miley Cyrus smoking Salvia

blankfist (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Not evil, no. Just driven by a voracious invisible hand that cares not for me and thee.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Haha. Rural businesses are evil. They kill people for the lulz.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Thanks for the link. I think the most important part of the article is this:

Imagine an actual for profit fire company. Would they really do this? Would they really turn down a higher fee and risk the bad press of being the compnay that sat there while a familty home burned?

My answer to that is, yes - probably, they would. Because a rural area only has the population density to support a single private fire department. It's them or nothing. And letting the house burn down sends a heck of a message to other potential subscribers.

With a defacto monopoly on a service for the common good, a private business will do whatever increases subscribers and profits the most.

Where Time-Warner is the only broadband provider, they will raise prices to the sweet spot, just under where people will actually drop their subscription - and fight tooth and nail against anything that undermines their monopoly.

The same mindless devotion to profit would apply to a privatized fire department. Keep your money-grubbing corporations out of my community services please! This includes things like fastfood companies sponsoring my kids text books.

some things, BlankFist, are just not solved by a free-market. I hope someday you'll moderate your political views to the shades of gray that represent a non-black-and-white reality.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
You asked a while back, and I feel this guy did a decent job of answering it.

dag (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

Haha. Rural businesses are evil. They kill people for the lulz.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Thanks for the link. I think the most important part of the article is this:

Imagine an actual for profit fire company. Would they really do this? Would they really turn down a higher fee and risk the bad press of being the compnay that sat there while a familty home burned?

My answer to that is, yes - probably, they would. Because a rural area only has the population density to support a single private fire department. It's them or nothing. And letting the house burn down sends a heck of a message to other potential subscribers.

With a defacto monopoly on a service for the common good, a private business will do whatever increases subscribers and profits the most.

Where Time-Warner is the only broadband provider, they will raise prices to the sweet spot, just under where people will actually drop their subscription - and fight tooth and nail against anything that undermines their monopoly.

The same mindless devotion to profit would apply to a privatized fire department. Keep your money-grubbing corporations out of my community services please! This includes things like fastfood companies sponsoring my kids text books.

some things, BlankFist, are just not solved by a free-market. I hope someday you'll moderate your political views to the shades of gray that represent a non-black-and-white reality.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
You asked a while back, and I feel this guy did a decent job of answering it.

blankfist (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Thanks for the link. I think the most important part of the article is this:

Imagine an actual for profit fire company. Would they really do this? Would they really turn down a higher fee and risk the bad press of being the compnay that sat there while a familty home burned?

My answer to that is, yes - probably, they would. Because a rural area only has the population density to support a single private fire department. It's them or nothing. And letting the house burn down sends a heck of a message to other potential subscribers.

With a defacto monopoly on a service for the common good, a private business will do whatever increases subscribers and profits the most.

Where Time-Warner is the only broadband provider, they will raise prices to the sweet spot, just under where people will actually drop their subscription - and fight tooth and nail against anything that undermines their monopoly.

The same mindless devotion to profit would apply to a privatized fire department. Keep your money-grubbing corporations out of my community services please! This includes things like fastfood companies sponsoring my kids text books.

some things, BlankFist, are just not solved by a free-market. I hope someday you'll moderate your political views to the shades of gray that represent a non-black-and-white reality.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
You asked a while back, and I feel this guy did a decent job of answering it.

300 years of fossil-fueled addiction in 5 minutes

Maybe it's time I created a channel... (Sift Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

Arabia would be cool, but *middleeast might be a better invocation, only so members would know that it includes Israel. It would include Israel, am I not mistaken?

*Tech might be contentious, because MarineGunrock asked for that channel eons ago and was turned down by the admins, who said that the Geek and Engineering channels already covered tech stuff. But maybe you could change their minds? I don't know.

Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis: Bruce Willis

Donnie Darko - "I Think About Girls A Lot"

Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis: Bruce Willis

GeeSussFreeK (Member Profile)

demon_ix (Member Profile)

What Wall Street Reform Means For You

MrFisk says...

White House:
Here are a few highlights:

* There's now a single agency responsible for looking out for consumers: the Bureau for Consumer Financial Protections. Instead of seven agencies dealing with these issues part-time, one agency will be in charge of establishing clear rules of the road for banks, mortgage companies, payday lenders and credit card lenders.
* Mortgage brokers won't make a higher commission by selling people mortgages that they can't afford. This was a major factor in the recent housing crisis. Now brokers and banks have to take into consideration a borrower's ability to repay before giving a home loan.
* You’ll be able to get a free credit score if you’re denied a loan, an apartment, or a job because of your credit, so you won’t be turned down without knowing why. Right now, you get one free credit report a year, but you can’t see your credit score for free, even if a lender or employer rejects your application because you have bad credit.
* No more bailing out banks with our tax dollars, no more "too big to fail." If a company's in trouble because of risky gambles, it will have to liquidate -- and do so before it can take down the rest of the financial system.

Lann (Member Profile)

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