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Iraqi Patriot Missile Defense System

How Did Ana Get Hired at The Young Turks? (Ana Kasparian)

Cute pianist plays Mozart

"F*ck your Honda Civic, I've A Horse Outside!" A pikey rap..

chicchorea says...

Yes sir, me as well.

The quote was more homage to my introduction to pickeys via, what quickly became, one of my favorite British comedies.
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

I sometimes struggle with this dialect, but I could understand everything these guys were saying. >> ^chicchorea:
"Now, there is a problem with Pikeys or Gypsies: you can't really understand much of what's being said. It's not Irish, it's not English, it's just . . . well, it's just Pikey." Turkish in Snatch.

"F*ck your Honda Civic, I've A Horse Outside!" A pikey rap..

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I sometimes struggle with this dialect, but I could understand everything these guys were saying. >> ^chicchorea:

"Now, there is a problem with Pikeys or Gypsies: you can't really understand much of what's being said. It's not Irish, it's not English, it's just . . . well, it's just Pikey." Turkish in Snatch.

"F*ck your Honda Civic, I've A Horse Outside!" A pikey rap..

Bill Maher Stands By Mohammed Remarks

cybrbeast says...

>> ^Jinx:

Man, that Sharia Law bullshit keeps getting referenced without people really knowing the facts. Research it please, and that means going further than the Daily Mail I'm afraid.
Ok, lets get some actual stats up in this.
Christian - 41,000,000 - 71%
Muslim - 1,600,000 - 3%
No Religion - 8,500,000 - 15%
Why is Mohammed the most popular name? Probably because it accounts for a very large percentage of those 1.6 million. The rest of us Brits make names up, steal names from other cultures and generally aren't naming our kids as traditionally. Consequently no one name trumps Mohammed. So is Maher racist for his remarks? No, just horrible misinformed. I expected better.
Oh, and of those 71% Christians I expect the vast majority are basically agnostic or deist. As for seperation of Church and State...well it might be in your constitution but I think we do it more justice. Some irony huh.

I'm amazed that someone as informed as Maher would make such a stupid mistake in logic and such ridiculous remarks. There is no threat of a Muslim majority rising up in any EU nation. Yes their birthrates are higher than the national average but it has been decreasing as more Muslims get assimilated into society.

Sadly a lot of Europeans share the same ridiculous ideas as Maher and this has led to an alarming rise in fear and bad sentiment towards Muslims.

Newsweek: Why Fears Of A Muslim Takeover Are All Wrong
"There is no Europewide data available, but one study says fertility rates among Turkish-born women in the Netherlands fell from 3.2 in 1990 to 1.9 in 2005, barely above the figure for native-born Dutch."

Belgium: Burqa Ban in Public Places

Morganth says...

>> ^Shepppard:

>> ^Lithic:
Yeah, I've heard this argument before, but no matter which way I look at it I just can't make any sense out of how you are supposed to make people MORE FREE by FORBIDDING THEM TO DRESS HOW THEY WANT.
It's not the right place to start and it's not the right way to go.

That's a fine thought process..
If that's what the women actually want.
Who knows what the women want? with their culture generally they're stifled out by the 'dominant' men. There was an episode of no reservations once, I don't remember exactly where his was, but the women all had to wear burqas. Black, full body burqas, in one of the hottest places on earth, while the men got to wear whatever they wanted, be it a white robe, or westernized clothing.
I can't help but think that the woman probably DO want to wear something completely different, but don't speak out because it's A) against the religion, or B) going to upset the 'dominant' males.
This is a way I see for them to finally have some form of freedom, even relinquishing a bit of their religions control, because there's finally a reason to defy it.

What do they want? The ones that actually wear the burqas probably wouldn't be able to tell you. If even from childhood your own father and most of the other men in your life (and maybe the women too) are telling you that you're a second-rate citizen or less of a person because of you're gender, I imagine that after a while you start to believe it.

It sort of depends on the strictness of their up-bringing. When you see little girls who are 2-years old wearing headscarves, you know that they're going to be the teenagers wearing them. When the parents don't care, they're in jeans and t-shirts and that really pisses off some of the older generation. A few months ago I overhead two elderly Turkish women on the tram complaining that "too many good Turkish girls dress like infidels these days."

Ordering an icecream in Instanbul

Ordering an icecream in Instanbul

Ordering an icecream in Instanbul

Ordering an icecream in Instanbul

Israeli Commandos “Executing” Flotilla Passenger

theali says...

Israel does have many hours of footage that they shot themselves and the many recordings that they confiscated from the passengers.

They would have released the the tapes in their entirety, if it would have indemnified them. They have only release a couple of minutes of highly edited and selective clips, of passengers defending their ship then labeled all the passengers as terrorist sympathizers.

There was an American citizen killed on that flotilla, there is no disputed of that. I can't believe US is acting so passe over that. If ANY other country had done this to US, there would have been a HUGE retaliation, but with Israel, US even comes to their defense.

Watch the TYT analysis on the incident:

>> ^kronosposeidon:

Well I'll grant you that much. I also believe that the Israelis had no right to board the ship. However, in this particular video, I can't tell if the Israels are harming anyone or not. That's why I say it wouldn't be useful as evidence of wrongdoing.
Everyone knows the Israelis boarded the ship, but exactly what happened after they boarded the ship is uncertain, and this video raises questions without answering any. That's why I say it's not useful. >> ^theali:
The fact that they boarded a Turkish ship in International waters is wrong to begin with. >> ^kronosposeidon:
Not a video I would use as evidence of Israeli wrongdoing. Can't hardly see shit.

Israeli Commandos “Executing” Flotilla Passenger

kronosposeidon says...

Well I'll grant you that much. I also believe that the Israelis had no right to board the ship. However, in this particular video, I can't tell if the Israels are harming anyone or not. That's why I say it wouldn't be useful as evidence of wrongdoing.

Everyone knows the Israelis boarded the ship, but exactly what happened after they boarded the ship is uncertain, and this video raises questions without answering any. That's why I say it's not useful. >> ^theali:

The fact that they boarded a Turkish ship in International waters is wrong to begin with. >> ^kronosposeidon:
Not a video I would use as evidence of Israeli wrongdoing. Can't hardly see shit.

Israeli Commandos “Executing” Flotilla Passenger

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