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Dog Trainer Saves Dog with CPR

Payback says...

>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^visionep:
The owner is SOOOO annoying. It's a dog lady.. hold it together.
The other problem here is even if the dog lives long term it is going to have major behavior problems with an idiot owner like that. She is praising the dogs nervous behavior after it recovers so it will likely become very neurotic.

What in the name of fuck are you talking about?
First off, who the fuck are you to tell people what they should be upset about? If i don't really care about my mum, and your mum dies, am i in my rights to tell you to shut the fuck up crying about just your mum?
Second off, how the hell is she rewarding nervous behaviour? The dog is scared, it experienced a trauma, she is cuddling the dog. Best bet is to remain calm so that the dog knows that everything is ok, but that's pretty hard given the situation.
You're talking pseudo science bollocks and hopefully you realise that before you open up your dog training advice centre. I'd be surprised if you even owned a dog. Take it from someone with experience - the only thing she did wrong was panic, and i'd have done the same wrong if any of my dogs collapsed.

I love my mom.

Just sayin'

Dog Trainer Saves Dog with CPR

dannym3141 says...

>> ^visionep:

The owner is SOOOO annoying. It's a dog lady.. hold it together.
The other problem here is even if the dog lives long term it is going to have major behavior problems with an idiot owner like that. She is praising the dogs nervous behavior after it recovers so it will likely become very neurotic.

What in the name of fuck are you talking about?

First off, who the fuck are you to tell people what they should be upset about? If i don't really care about my mum, and your mum dies, am i in my rights to tell you to shut the fuck up crying about just your mum?

Second off, how the hell is she rewarding nervous behaviour? The dog is scared, it experienced a trauma, she is cuddling the dog. Best bet is to remain calm so that the dog knows that everything is ok, but that's pretty hard given the situation.

You're talking pseudo science bollocks and hopefully you realise that before you open up your dog training advice centre. I'd be surprised if you even owned a dog. Take it from someone with experience - the only thing she did wrong was panic, and i'd have done the same wrong if any of my dogs collapsed.

Dog Trainer Saves Dog with CPR

Lowen says...

You should know that not everyone has the perfect control over their emotions that Vulcans and (apparently) you do, they lose their shit in situations like this. She was probably sure they dog would die then and there, who would have thought the trainer knew doggie CPR?

>> ^visionep:
You are right that most people, including myself, really love their animals and that some people potentially would have a hard time containing their grief or fear when the animal is in a bad situation, that's not what I was commenting on. When the dog started recovering the lady kept up her hysteria and really showed that she doesn't understand or care how dogs think which in my mind shows that she was putting her own feelings before the dogs well being.

Dog Trainer Saves Dog with CPR

visionep says...

I'm no troll, so I guess my only other option is idiot? I'm glad you were available to define my choices so succinctly.

I am a dog owner who has great affection for his animals I value the quality of life for my animals so I take the time to learn about and understand how they think instead of humanizing my animal and then wondering why it doesn't act like one of my children.

You are right that most people, including myself, really love their animals and that some people potentially would have a hard time containing their grief or fear when the animal is in a bad situation, that's not what I was commenting on. When the dog started recovering the lady kept up her hysteria and really showed that she doesn't understand or care how dogs think which in my mind shows that she was putting her own feelings before the dogs well being.


"it's a dog lady... hold it together?" Nice one.
You are either a troll, or an idiot who obviously can't understand the rather well-known affection an owner may have for his/her pet.
Get lost.

Dog Trainer Saves Dog with CPR

Dog Trainer Saves Dog with CPR

doogle says...

Choose one:

  1. The Lord works in mysterious ways. He has a plan for all of us, and all of God's creatures. That dog dodged the bullet for now.
  2. Natural selection was delayed. But it'll catch up to this one.

>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^doogle:
I give him another 6 months.

Care to express in a little more detail why you think that doctor ?
@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since July 7th, 2007" class="profilelink">doogle

Dog Trainer Saves Dog with CPR

Aerial refueling in heavy fog causes MASSIVE sparking

GeeSussFreeK says...

Neato! I knew this thread had the could be a generator of information.

>> ^bareboards2:

From my ex-military pilot, currently sim military pilot trainer big brother, in response to this vid:
My Fuel Boom Operator Friend says the static discharge is no biggie, he would plug this guy and give him all the fuel he wants. He wouldn't let him close within a 1/2 mile without seeing him though. Once he sees him he will let the vis drop a bit more. He estimates the video is showing greater than 1/2 mile vis. Which means he would be closing on a radar return outside of the 1/2 mile point - skin paint only. The WX radar has to be off when he gets this close. Theoretically, the WX Radar might trigger a big boom.
I dumped fuel inflight in the vicinity of lightning once as we were in a world of hurt (Unsafe gear, no brakes, hydraulic leak all over said gear and brakes) - and there were no rules against it - and since I didn't blow up no new rules were written. This was my best opportunity to have my own WARNING in the aircraft manual - they are usually written in someone's blood.
I had an F-111 driver tell me the story about when he was frustrated with his wing man during a rejoin because his wingman couldn't find him in the weather at night. His dump mast was between the engines near the exhaust. So he hit dump, turned ff fuel dump, and then quickly went to afterburners. He claims the resulting fuel air blast could be seen with your eyes closed.

Aerial refueling in heavy fog causes MASSIVE sparking

bareboards2 says...

From my ex-military pilot, currently sim military pilot trainer big brother, in response to this vid:

My Fuel Boom Operator Friend says the static discharge is no biggie, he would plug this guy and give him all the fuel he wants. He wouldn't let him close within a 1/2 mile without seeing him though. Once he sees him he will let the vis drop a bit more. He estimates the video is showing greater than 1/2 mile vis. Which means he would be closing on a radar return outside of the 1/2 mile point - skin paint only. The WX radar has to be off when he gets this close. Theoretically, the WX Radar might trigger a big boom.

I dumped fuel inflight in the vicinity of lightning once as we were in a world of hurt (Unsafe gear, no brakes, hydraulic leak all over said gear and brakes) - and there were no rules against it - and since I didn't blow up no new rules were written. This was my best opportunity to have my own WARNING in the aircraft manual - they are usually written in someone's blood.

I had an F-111 driver tell me the story about when he was frustrated with his wing man during a rejoin because his wingman couldn't find him in the weather at night. His dump mast was between the engines near the exhaust. So he hit dump, turned ff fuel dump, and then quickly went to afterburners. He claims the resulting fuel air blast could be seen with your eyes closed.

arvana (Member Profile)

Conan O'Brien stunts with a pro Hollywood stuntman

Jennifer Lopez is stealing your soul (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

kronosposeidon says...

And of course, she's looking at the camera. Such a narcissist.

Remember about five or ten years ago when she was on the cover of every goddamn magazine even remotely related to entertainment? I'm sure if Popular Mechanics had asked her to be on the cover she would have done it, provided they picked her up in a limo, supplied Evian water, brought her trainer, catered truffles, pâté de fois gras, and snake urine soup, let her bring tamarin monkeys, wove a carpet made from baby hair for her to walk on, commissioned Philip Glass to write a symphony in her honor, bought her the Yankees, made her pope, killed Ben Affleck, and gave her a ride home on the space shuttle.

MGM Lion Attack in Las Vegas

Experiment using the Starwars Force Trainer men v women

Thomas Edison Electrocutes An Elephant (1903)

EMPIRE says...

>> ^garmachi:

Did anybody even read the description to this, or was it added after people started insulting Edison. It's not like he did it on a lark one lazy Sunday. That would be a dick move.
Imagine if a killer whale or a lion mauled and ate three trainers. The public (many of you, in fact) would take up pitchforks and torches demanding the termination of such a beast. This is exactly what happened here.
Although admittedly, it would seem far less cruel if the elephant didn't have such a damn cute name!

Edison was an asshole, and a thief. Most of the things he "invented" were actually bought agressively, or plainly stolen from others.

And I, for one would never demand the termination of a wild elephant or any other wild animal for that matter, because they killed someone. Guess what? They're wild. They are not on this earth to entertain us.

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