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Vegetable Garden in Front Yard Brings Wrath of City

Vegetable Garden in Front Yard Brings Wrath of City

Anyone up for a Los Angeles Sift Up? (Sift Talk Post)

ant says...

>> ^Issykitty:

They have other things to drink there, I'm sure @ant. Chocolate milk, sodas, water, water with ice, water without ice, water with lemon, iced tea, orange juice, apple juice, tomato juice, lemonade, club soda, virgin fruit drinks, iced tea/ lemonades (also known as arnold palmers), cherry cokes, shirley temples...

"And then?" Yep, I just drink water with no ice since it's free and good for my body. I just can't drink too much or else I will pee. Funny, I just went to TGIF today for lunch with my old Christian friends.

Anyone up for a Los Angeles Sift Up? (Sift Talk Post)

Issykitty says...

They have other things to drink there, I'm sure @ant. Chocolate milk, sodas, water, water with ice, water without ice, water with lemon, iced tea, orange juice, apple juice, tomato juice, lemonade, club soda, virgin fruit drinks, iced tea/ lemonades (also known as arnold palmers), cherry cokes, shirley temples...

The State Is Not Great: How Government Poisons Everything

truth-is-the-nemesis says...

@ Marbles

If it were the case that as you claim that 'taxes & regulations are there to help the goals of big business' and thus hurt the small business owner's, then this clearly goes against the libertarian ideology of 'people power' as the philosophy goes 'produce needed goods or services and the market will decide who succeeds & who fails'.

Maybe all the small business owner's looking to start a business should look to other places such as Canada or elsewhere in the world to set up their first business that are not as restrained by government regulations as you claim there is too much to make it ultimately successful & then return as a larger world player, & then help change the regulations for other entrepreneurs with your own lobbying power.

the libertarian viewpoint seems to be that without any regulations the world to be a perfect place, & the small business man would have equal chance against the world players such as Wal-mart, McDonald's, Cola-Cola Etc. when in reality it would be far worse, not just for other businesses but for the safety concerns of the entire country such as the salmonella scares a few years back with spinach & tomatoes, lead in toys for made from China & here is a list of 100 items recalled by the FDA from April to June 2011 due to the risk of danger proposed to the public
before you endanger everyone else around you consider for a moment the efforts of organisations such as this and many others who in a very real way 'guard you while you sleep', and if the big business goliath's really could govern themselves effectively as many claim, then there would be no need for them.

Business Administrator Quotes GodFather Movie in Response

BoneRemake says...

Self link is direct violation of policy, just like calling people names and hurtful direct comments. We all dance to the same music.

Throw your tomato's and cabbage when you feel comfortable.

Super 8 is Good Retro Fun (Blog Entry by dag)

Fire Tornado - Go Fuckin' Go

Titli's Dogmatic Kitchen -- she tells you how to make pizza

Ryjkyj says...

Oh, she's absolutely trolling. I just like to hear different people's ideas about pizza. I ate at a place in NYC once called "Una Pizza Napolitana". It's closed now but the guy who started it was obsessed. He only used ingredients directly from Naples. His sauce was nothing but crushed San Marzano tomatoes. All of his pizzas were cooked in a wood-fired oven at 600 degrees. And the best part was that he only served four kinds of pizza: Pizza margherita with cheese, without cheese, with the tomatoes sliced or with no tomatoes at all. No substitutions, and the only other thing he had in the restaurant was salt. That's it. Great pizza, but like I said, the guy was absolutely obsessed.

Titli's Dogmatic Kitchen -- she tells you how to make pizza

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^djsunkid:

AAARGH! My head is exploding with how wrong she is. SO WRONG. SO WRONG. I can't even deal with this. I'm pretty sure she is trolling pizza experts.

I love pizza, so I'm not saying she's right. There are several things here that I wouldn't do, like use tomato paste. But I'm really curious to know all the things that you find so wrong with this. (I'm aware that you're a chef)

Movies I've Walked Out of Because they're Really, Really Bad: a List (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

They do seem to be getting much worse. I try to rely on Rotten Tomatos, but this time I was confused by the relatively high audience rating. 72% of the people thought this movie was great. I think that depresses me most of all.

>> ^campionidelmondo:

So...the new Pirates is bad compared to the previous Pirates movies? I was afraid that would happend since Gore Verbinski was no longer on board and they'd surely try to imitate whatever he had going instead of letting the new director shape it in his own style.
I walk out of movies alot I guess. Mostly to get drinks. Sometimes I go back in. Last movie I saw (Battle LA) I wouldn't have been able to sit through without alcohol. We ended up laughing our asses off during most of the scenes, it was fun. Movie was shit though, like most movies. But that's how it's always been.

Why kids don't have cooking shows

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'kids, cooking, pizza, knife, blender, tomatoes, cheese, grater' to 'kids, cooking, pizza, knife, blender, tomatoes, cheese, grater, little chefs' - edited by Fusionaut

PlantLab Plant Production Unit, Grow stuff without the sun

BoneRemake says...

My garden is powered by a 150 watts high pressure sodium light gutted from a Security light. It works very well, last I heard of Led technology was from years ago, its very nice to see it going into such high production and applications. I have four month old big herb plants ready for outside, I had to take down my 3 foot brandywine tomato plant because it was just to damn big !

Indoor garden = FTW !

Two Babies Discuss Important Things

Two Babies Discuss Important Things

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