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Two Babies Discuss Important Things

Better with a beard (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

Ornthoron says...

>> ^Sarzy:

Oh, several. Yeah, I was thinking about that the other day. I tend to get really enthusiastic about stuff and then lose interest pretty quickly. The internet is littered with my abandoned projects. In my time I've started a personal website (with a bunch of links, like you'd see a lot back when the internet was a bit younger), Duke Nukem 3D fansite (back in the '90s), a Driver blog, an Interstate '82 blog (remember that game? Yeah, neither do I), a Rotten Tomatoes-style gaming review aggregator, a Day of the Tentacle sprite comic, a candy blog, a 1001 Essential Movies blog, a movie review site with a friend, and now this beard blog. And that's off the top of my head -- I'm probably forgetting something.
>> ^darkrowan:
How many blogs do you have now?

I never touched Interstate '82, but I had much fun with its predecessor Interstate '76. Great game, with exquisite music.

Oh, and you should do Donald Sutherland on your blog!

Quiet these days .... (Sift Talk Post)

ant says...

>> ^Sagemind:

Ok, ok, slip of concentration - I was at work and my attention was divided - So sorry to have made a mistake. Jeesh!
All fixed now....
By the way, it is a known fact that ants love to herd aphids around and tomato plants are famous for playing hosts to these farms - I wasn't trying to be offensive - just stating facts and connecting dots between post topics.
(not sure what the down-vote was for...)
>> ^ant:
>> ^Sagemind:
Ant can use you're plants to farm up some aphids! Aphids love tomato plants
>> ^BoneRemake:
my tomato plants flowers opened up.
I am giddy.
I get to rape them soon with a q tip.

"Ant can use you are plants..."? HUH?

Downvote for the basic grammar error. Hehe! I upvoted for the correction and reply. Thanks!

Quiet these days .... (Sift Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

Ok, ok, slip of concentration - I was at work and my attention was divided - So sorry to have made a mistake. Jeesh!
All fixed now....

By the way, it is a known fact that ants love to herd aphids around and tomato plants are famous for playing hosts to these farms - I wasn't trying to be offensive - just stating facts and connecting dots between post topics.

(not sure what the down-vote was for...)

>> ^ant:

>> ^Sagemind:
Ant can use you're plants to farm up some aphids! Aphids love tomato plants
>> ^BoneRemake:
my tomato plants flowers opened up.
I am giddy.
I get to rape them soon with a q tip.

"Ant can use you are plants..."? HUH?

Quiet these days .... (Sift Talk Post)

Quiet these days .... (Sift Talk Post)

Quiet these days .... (Sift Talk Post)

Quiet these days .... (Sift Talk Post)

BoneRemake says...

My tomato plants flowers are opening up, I will have to pollinate them soon manually, as I do not have bees around. 26 inches is the tallest point on the plant. I grew them from seed starting around Christmas time, everything else is well but those tomatoes shot right up ~!

Ya know there is lots actually up, maybe thats why its so quiet.

MikesHL13 (Member Profile)

It's Not Just A Plant -A Documentary (Cannabis/Ganja/weed)

Better with a beard (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

Sarzy says...

Oh, several. Yeah, I was thinking about that the other day. I tend to get really enthusiastic about stuff and then lose interest pretty quickly. The internet is littered with my abandoned projects. In my time I've started a personal website (with a bunch of links, like you'd see a lot back when the internet was a bit younger), Duke Nukem 3D fansite (back in the '90s), a Driver blog, an Interstate '82 blog (remember that game? Yeah, neither do I), a Rotten Tomatoes-style gaming review aggregator, a Day of the Tentacle sprite comic, a candy blog, a 1001 Essential Movies blog, a movie review site with a friend, and now this beard blog. And that's off the top of my head -- I'm probably forgetting something.
>> ^darkrowan:

How many blogs do you have now?

Family Guy - She's Not a Whore if She's an Actress

jwray says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

There's tons of stuff that can spread disease that's perfectly legal tho.
We should outlaw hospitals and animal processing factories, spinach tomato & peanut farms, schools and offices.. doorknobs & handles.
Why not simply establish the same rules for brothels as for porn?
Why not devise a profit sharing structure so the workers get properly compensated?
Why not offer sexual abuse & addiction counseling?
Why not offer marriage and relationship therapy?
Something like planned parenthood but for brothels.
Yay! Sex health services for a better society.

>> ^jwray:
>> ^Xax:
So true. If it's solely for you, get the fuck in jail. But if others can watch, high five!

That's actually kinda logical for the purpose of controlling the spread of disease. It's better for people to watch porno and fap at home than go to brothels.

That sounds good, but perhaps it should be illegal to abstain from vaccinations.

Family Guy - She's Not a Whore if She's an Actress

GenjiKilpatrick says...

There's tons of stuff that can spread disease that's perfectly legal tho.

We should outlaw hospitals and animal processing factories, spinach tomato & peanut farms, schools and offices.. doorknobs & handles.

Why not simply establish the same rules for brothels as for porn?

Why not devise a profit sharing structure so the workers get properly compensated?

Why not offer sexual abuse & addiction counseling?

Why not offer marriage and relationship therapy?

Something like planned parenthood but for brothels.

Yay! Sex health services for a better society.

>> ^jwray:

>> ^Xax:
So true. If it's solely for you, get the fuck in jail. But if others can watch, high five!

That's actually kinda logical for the purpose of controlling the spread of disease. It's better for people to watch porno and fap at home than go to brothels.

PETA's New Superbowl Ad/Porno Shoot

spoco2 says...

Fuck Peta, fuck them right off, they have completely lost the fucking plot. Yes, this is Actually a Peta Ad, which they market as being 'banned' and 'too hot to show'... yeah, no shit, did you even bother submitting it? I'm sure you really thought it would get on the air.

So, it's not OK to eat meat, but it IS OK to objectify human women and have them perform sexual acts with vegetables (and fruit, let's not forget the tomatoes) for the camera in a wholly dirty feeling way?

THIS is how you expect to make people want to not eat meat?

Sorry Peta but you have gone mental and seem to think that you are just in doing fricken anything at all in the name of 'saving animals'.

Ha... this is hilarious. There is a site called Myths about Peta debunked and it's number 2 myth is the one I fricking love about Peta and the 'debunking' is hilarious.

OK so...
'Myth': PETA's vice-president is a hypocrite because she uses insulin, a medication derived from animal testing. (But wait, it's better... the insulin she takes actually CONTAINS an animal product derived from pigs).

And their so called 'debunking' of this is:

# Insulin has already been found, and the test animals have already suffered, so there's no point boycotting it now.
# She needs it to live, and she needs her life to fight for the rights of animals. What would her ghost do? Rattle chains at KFC until they die of laughter?

I'm not even going to comment, it's stupidity speaks for itself.

Peta are horrible, this 'ad' is horrible.

I kind of want to upvote this to get lots of videosift comments on it, but kind of don't because I hate for them to get any coverage thanks to it, which is what they really want... no, fuck it, I think most people will find this to be fucking pathetic and disgusting and it will hopefully see a decline in support for Peta and their militant ways.

BTW: If you are a vegetarian or vegan, good for you, I have no issue, but it's a personal thing, not something to be forced on others. Kind of like religion in that regard.

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