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Woman Pressures Cheetahs into Accepting Her

'ThunderCats' Trailer from WonderCon 2011.

Carl Sagan's Fictional Cosmos

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Carl Sagan, Cosmos, Transformers, Alf, Thundercats, he man' to 'Carl Sagan, Cosmos, Transformers, Alf, Thundercats, he man, mork' - edited by ponceleon

2001: A Space Odyssey - The low budget version

ThunderCats Remake Trailer

ant says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

Nothing about this particularly excites me but, at the same time, nothing about it is totally revolting either.
I'd check it out if I had TV.

You don't need a TV. You have Internet and a computer screen.

Leaked test footage from the Thundercats reboot

Leaked test footage from the Thundercats reboot

skinnydaddy1 says...

>> ^ant:

>> ^skinnydaddy1:
>> ^ant:
Stop ruining my 80s/1980s childhood, Hollyweird! I think the new animated one would be bad too.

Sorry, This is not the Reboot. This is Footage From Abandoned Thundercats CGI Movie. You do not have to worry this project was killed. stamped flat, set on fire, and the ashes buried under Chernobyl. I believe this is the only surviving footage. The people who had come up with this are a couple of feet away from the ashes.

OK good, but what about that new animated series? Ugh.

I have no clue yet, That one came out of left field. Your going to see a lot of that from now on. They don't have any new ideas and rebooting old IP is still far cheaper then developing new ones. This way they get the old fan base just to see if its as good and destroys the rabid fan boys that scare away people. Transformers, Star Trek and GI joe proved it could work so its now the single most growing field in movies and TV. I've also heard there is a group looking to Reboot SDF Macross (Robotech), Star Blazers, Galaxy Rangers, Freakazoid and Mask. Sorry to say they are going to Squeeze the 80's dry and not use any KY.

Leaked test footage from the Thundercats reboot

ant says...

>> ^skinnydaddy1:

>> ^ant:
Stop ruining my 80s/1980s childhood, Hollyweird! I think the new animated one would be bad too.

Sorry, This is not the Reboot. This is Footage From Abandoned Thundercats CGI Movie. You do not have to worry this project was killed. stamped flat, set on fire, and the ashes buried under Chernobyl. I believe this is the only surviving footage. The people who had come up with this are a couple of feet away from the ashes.

OK good, but what about that new animated series? Ugh.

Leaked test footage from the Thundercats reboot

skinnydaddy1 says...

>> ^ant:

Stop ruining my 80s/1980s childhood, Hollyweird! I think the new animated one would be bad too.

Sorry, This is not the Reboot. This is Footage From Abandoned Thundercats CGI Movie. You do not have to worry this project was killed. stamped flat, set on fire, and the ashes buried under Chernobyl. I believe this is the only surviving footage. The people who had come up with this are a couple of feet away from the ashes.

Hybrid (Member Profile)

Leaked test footage from the Thundercats reboot

Leaked test footage from the Thundercats reboot

Crosswords says...

I have fond memories of the old thundercats, though I've not seen it since I was 7 or 8, so I can't really make a value judgment based on what I thought was good back then and what I think is good now. Do they have episodes of that you can watch online? I know hulu has he-man and a few other things.

As far as CGI goes, at least it's still a cartoon style. I really hate crappy CGI they try to pass off as real.

Phil Davison's #1 fan

Nancy Pelosi, Wicked Witch of the West

Saturday morning cartoons taught you collectivism! (Politics Talk Post)

blankfist says...

My point isn't whether or not the messages could have a prolonged effect on the children, but that trying to politically manipulate children using cartoons is disingenuous and irresponsible.

I think it's okay that Popeye eats spinach and tells children it's good for them. I think it's okay that He-man says smoking is harmful to your health. I think it's okay the Thundercats say it's dangerous to run away from home.

I don't think it's responsible to tell children they should go along with whatever the group wants and being an individual is reckless and selfish.

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