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Who Is America? (2018) | First Look | Sacha Baron Cohen SHOW

ChaosEngine says...

Ok, I gave it another go.

Jesus fucking christ.... you're right. It's still not that funny, but it is terrifying. That asshole laughing at the "it's not rape if it's your wife" gag? I think I could be pro-gun just in the hope that someone shoots that motherfucker.

To be honest, at this stage, I just found the accent and makeup distracting. It's unnecessary. You could probably just talk to these guys and they would say the same shit. No false persona required.

Ok, the bit about the kids being able to see in slow motion and the "cardi b neural pathway to the wiz khalifa" did make me laugh.

bcglorf said:

I agree with you, I reluctantly watched this because my opinion of Sacha's other stuff has been the same. You fish long enough and edit enough and you can get a lot of stuff together making people look stupid. I've found I really don't enjoy most of his previous schticks because of this.

This bit is different if you watch the last half. This isn't comedy style funny, but rather in it's prime Daily Show laugh instead of cry funny. I like this BECAUSE it has the potential to ruin people's careers, and normally that's what I've hated about Sacha's schticks before.

However, getting lobbyists, and then elected congressmen to advocate on camera for getting school children as young as 4-5 armed in schools helps society. If we can identify people this monstrous, compromised or willing to pander and get some of them out of office, that's good.



Reverse Thrusters Captain!

Can I have my rims back?

bcglorf says...

Mostly the trouble depends on where you work and how publicly you make your statement. I'd mostly get called a racist, but working for a partially publicly funded place if I was vocal enough losing your job or being told to apologise and be quiet are real possibilities.

The not allowed to talk about it applies much more heavily to anyone in the media. A recent example would be an aboriginal man that was recently shot by a white farmer. The narrative on the national CBC media made a big deal about rampant racism in the region against aboriginals. In their coverage of local opinion it was even more one sided, as they described two sides, the grieving family of the deceased and their supporters, and then the racists who sided with the farmer because they hated aboriginal people. They very slowly, reluctantly and buried deep under a lot of disclaimers released more information on the case.

The young man that was killed was in a truck with 4 of his friends, and their story was that they got a flat tire and pulled into the yard to seek help with repairs. The CBC ran that much right away. They were much more reluctant to include that the RCMP had been called BEFORE the truck got onto that farm because they had been trying to steal a truck from a neighbouring farm already beforehand. It wasn't until during the trial that even more came out, and CBC again reluctantly included details from the friends that where with the victim. All the occupants of the vehicle had been drinking very heavily all afternoon. They admitted to 'checking cars' at the earlier neighbouring farm. They admitted to using the butt end of a rifle to try and break the windows of the truck at the neighbouring farm, but the stock broke off the gun. It was found at the neighbouring farm by police. Upon arriving at the final farm, they admitted trying to start up an ATV and going through and unlocked vehicle there as well, but disagreed on who was doing which. The trial even included text messages from the night before wondering if one of the friends would be able to "go on missions" tomorrow because they were hiding from police after a liquor store robbery. The farmer also mentioned being scared about what could happen the day of the shooting because he thought back to a story he'd been told about 2 farmers being killed on their yards a few years before he'd moved into the area. Only 1 media outlet in the country, and in 1 article checked out that the identity of one of those killers back then turned out to be the victims uncle. I had to go back looking for the original article from when those murders took place to be sure that the current news article wasn't just sensationalising things.

Now of course none of that means you want to see somebody getting killed over property theft. None of that means racism in any way shape or form is justified. However, when there was a rampant run of rural crime across the area and farmers were getting more and more fed up and nervous about their safety something bad was eventually going to happen. It's a tragedy, but our media was absolutely terrified of covering the full story because listing the facts I just laid out is considered racist. Your blaming the victim. My listing of the above facts is not supposed to be done without including many times more explanations and reasons that this was the white man's fault.

Ultimately, the absolute failure to talk openly about things in Canada is getting people killed. We absolutely need to be clear that stealing doesn't deserve a death penalty. We ALSO need to tell a group of young adults that were going farm to farm, with a loaded rifle, raging drunk, stealing and breaking into vehicles that doing that was a BAD idea and one of the reasons is that doing so might get you shot by someone that doesn't know if your going to hurt them or not. I really believe if the kids had been white that would have been the narrative, but because of race it wasn't. It just makes things worse and inspires more risky and dangerous decisions from people in the future and more people will continue to get hurt.

Fairbs said:

when you talk about getting in trouble, do you mean being called a racist and if not what kind of trouble?

I find it interesting that in the states, people often use an over represented prison population (relative to % of normal population) to indicate that 'those' people are bad. I think with yours and Drachen Jagers comments, you are actually coming from a place that is trying to find a solution to the discrepancy and looking at the underlying conditions that got people into where they are. I wish more people were like that. I also appreciate the insight into the Aboriginal population in Canada. It sounds pretty similar to what's going on in the States.

Melania At Child Prisons Wears"I Don't Really Care, Do You?"

newtboy says...

No Bob, it has not.

A few cases a year of forcibly separating children from their family for cause or temporarily holding unaccompanied minors is in no way the same as jailing every refugee, legal or not, and separating thousands of children a month.

And real Republicans (not you) have finally found the Rubicon they won't cross, and are starting to become Democrats in large numbers with some long respected Republicans leading them in an effort to slow the Trumpian destruction they went along with for too long....i just hope enough of them to counteract the know nothing tribalistic morons that are replacing intelligent people in your party.

You are such a careless and sad liar...if you're going to lie, come up with better, harder to disprove lies, or face a lambasting for your stupidity and gullibility in believing Russian propaganda once again (after falling into that pit so many times I can't count) without ever making the tiniest bit of effort to see if what you wish is true and have been told by oan Jones RT or faux is true actually is true (hint, it never is).

You just love spreading obvious, easily debunked, idiotic lies....
But Jesus, Bob, even for you, this is pathetic, and that's saying a lot.

Fuck any person going on a humanitarian trip to see terrified displaced separated refugee children while wearing a message saying "I don't care". They are either too heartless or brainless to deserve a whit of respect, there's no middle ground.
Fuck anyone willing to tear apart thousands of families as a form of political blackmail , fuck them in the ass with a billy club if they have no plan on how to reverse their family separations when their bullying tactic fails.
Fuck anyone standing with and defending those indefensible actions of human garbage.

bobknight33 said:

No F the left.

This has been going on for decades. Now under Trump only the Left is piling on..

You Will Not Believe What Obama Says About Trump

Funny dog sings lalalala.

Bionic spider

Black Mirror — Now Entering the Twilight Zone

ChaosEngine says...

Yeah, I loved that one too. Terrifyingly plausible.

Payback said:

My personal favourite was Hated in the Nation. I can totally see it happening. Hard science fiction, almost no science fantasy. A.I. and autonomous drones, nihilistic hacker. Awesome.

Chaos, that hole completely dropped me out of it.

Skilift in georgia goes mad

eric3579 says...

Another terrifying angle

At least ten people were injured in a ski-lift crush in Georgia’s mountain resort of Gudauri.

The citizens of Georgia, Ukraine, Russia and Sweden were reportedly taken to a hospital with minor injuries.

A ski lift malfunction was reported at Sadzele mountain ski trail in Gudauri in the morning on 16 March. There was an emergency stop after which the ski lift chairs started sliding back. The riders had to jump off the ski lift to survive.
According to the Georgian Healthcare Minister, David Sergeenko, 8 people turned to the Gudauri-based medical emergency clinic.

“Luckily no one was killed or seriously injured. There are two patients, the nationals of Ukraine and Sweden, who still need to be paid particular attention,” said David Sergeenko. According to the Georgian Healthcare Minister, the Ukrainian citizen has an open fracture of a forearm, while another injured person, a Swedish national, is a pregnant woman. Both of them have been transported from Gudauri to Tbilisi by helicopter.

The Georgian Ministry of Interior has instituted criminal proceedings under Article 275 of the Criminal Code of Georgia – “violation of safety regulations or procedures for the operation of the railway, water, air or cableway transport traffic”.

enoch (Member Profile)

radx says...

Not as informative as Greenwald's recent piece on Hamilton 68, but you just gotta love Taibbi's style.

"By an extraordinary coincidence, virtually all the "anti-system" movements and candidates that so terrified the political establishment two years ago have since been identified as covert or overt Russian destabilization initiatives, puppeteered from afar by the diabolical anti-Western dictator, Vladimir von Putin-Evil."

And on this decade's most effective propaganda effort so far, the Hamilton 68 dashboard:

"That these people now are being upheld as heroes of liberalism is incredible. Only a few short years ago they were widely derided as the very dumbest people in the country, raving paranoiacs who humped every false lead from Niger to Ahmed Chalabi's hotel suite in order to justify invasions, torture, secret prisons and the establishment of a monstrous, intractable, and illegal surveillance regime. And now we're letting these same people dominate every news cycle when this time, years early, they're already admitting they might be wrong?"

Ladies.. here is why 99% of Guys don't approach you..

newtboy says...

Sorry, but I disagree.

Touching a shoulder or hand can be enough to be accused of abuse.
Shit, just look at Shawn White, who was in a band with friends, and is now accused of sexual harassment for telling bandmates how he wants them to dress on stage, like most band leaders do, and for "making" her (and other friends) watch 2 girls 1 cup, like most teenagers/immature people did....publicly accused after settling with the band member who complained long after the fact and who accepted a settlement to drop it.
If that's sexual harassment, every man is is every woman. Your parents are monsters, they actually forced you to wear what they said. Context is irrelevant.

Yes, today, asking a co-worker out and nothing more can and has led to harassment accusations and removal from their job....Jeffrey Tambor today, and he's never even heard what the accusations against him are or who made them, but he's already fired and his show, transparent, is certainly cancelled.

It's not that the whole world paints all men as rapists, it's that when any one person does paint any man (except Trump) as an abuser, the whole world seems to back them up without investigation or evidence. That's a problem, and is terrifying to many single men.

And women wonder why sexbots are becoming more popular daily, it's because to many men, their precious fairy vaginas aren't worth the risk of permanent scarlet lettering when there's a safe alternative. I just hope this has the positive effect of slowing population growth.

It's not about doing something that one thinks might lead to accusations, it's that any interactions can, and there's no recourse at all if you're accused, you're considered guilty off the bat.

Jinx said:

I'm usually more worried that I am going to be rejected by somebody I have to, you know, see again on Monday morning. I kinda feel that If you are genuinely concerned that asking somebody out could be seen as sexual harassment...then you might be doing it wrong. Yeah, I think it is unfair and sexist that men are expected to the ones to initiate (unfair on both sexes actually...), but let's not go overstate things and pretend that our difficulties finding a partner is because the world wants to paint us all as rapists.

BSR (Member Profile)

Dashcam Video Of Alabama Cop Who Shot Man Holding His Wallet

newtboy says...

I also know nothing more than the video shows.

Would I do that? no, but I'm paranoid and have a terrible estimation of average police. That said, I don't think he did either. The jerky movements were because his door closed on him unexpectedly, making him drop his wallet. Without that accident making him fumble, wallet in raised hands shouldn't be scary.

Don't get me wrong, I agree it's not smart to have anything in your hands until cops are seemingly feeling safe because they're known to overreact with deadly force over nothing...but it's not fair to anyone to expect everyone to be terrified of police enough to sit perfectly still until told exactly what to do, with failure to do so ending in being shot. That ends with more citizens and more cops shot over nothing but fear.

Khufu said:

Don't know the full story, but all I'm saying is that if a cop is coming up to your car, even if he doesn't have his gun drawn, would you be all jerky like that and pull your wallet out in front of you will both hands really fast? from the cop's point of view it would have appeared very much like the guy was pulling a gun. Not saying the cop was right, just that if I was playing the game I mentioned I would have shot him too. but I'm not a cop so....

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