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Hope Walks On A Glass Floor

Payback says...

I'm almost certain she can detect the glass. I doubt it's a cliff she sees, more like a large pool of water.
Something she should be cautious of, not terrified.
Thinking all cliffs now must be plate glass isn't Golden Lab level intelligence, that's like POTUS level.

SFOGuy said:

Precisely; you would want her to default to stopping at the edge of any apparent cliff.
Why train that away???

Balancing dog

Payback says...

I'm upvoting for it through benefit of doubt, and despite my, I think are likely racist, fears about his training.

He neither looks mistreated nor terrified. I wish to see what sort of reward he got for it. Either a treat or even an ear scratch would make me feel better about it.

Delaware State Trooper Pulls Gun on Black Man For Speeding

newtboy says...

Sadly, it's because these "good cops" all but never police their criminal brothers in blue, and the excessively few who have stood up are almost always threatened until they are run out of law enforcement.

Right now police departments are fighting tooth and nail against a new California law requiring them to disclose records of criminal misconduct committed by police and the investigations of that misconduct, and they are terrified that information is about to be public....only one reason for that.

When they catch a gang member who didn't pull any trigger but stood with those who did, alibiing them and hiding evidence for them, driving the getaway car and being a lookout, they gleefully call him a bad actor and charge him like the rest. Turnabout is fair play.

Don't get me wrong, I do not advocate murdering police, but I understand why many people would. They do not resemble the people who protect and serve all too often, and far worse imo the "good ones" ride or die with the worst ones. I only advocate avoiding them as much as possible, and if stopped, answering any question with "Am I suspected of committing a crime? Then kindly ask my attorney, I have nothing to say." as my brother's lawyer taught me, and trying to not be can always sue over the civil liberty violations later.

I also believe 1000 good deeds don't erase one criminal one as they often argue....especially when it's your job.

That's why....but hey man, it's just, like, my opinion, man.

BSR said:

You realize you're condemning the good cops for lack of a better answer, right? Why would you steer me or someone else that way?

Steve Buscemi's Face Transferred To Jennifer Lawrence's Body

Jinx says...

We survived for 1000s of years without antibiotics as well, doesn't mean we shouldn't be at least a little terrified about a world without them.

Buttle said:

Somehow we survived for thousands of years without video evidence. We can do it again.

Indonesian Tsunami Hits Concert

shagen454 says...

That is one of the most anxiety inducing & terrifying things I have ever seen. But, hopefully after those maximal 3D show effects hit the crowd the Universe found an even better place for em.

Georgia Cop On Tape Telling Woman We Only Kill Black People

Payback says...

I like that he's retiring over this, even if he isn't a raging racist, his judgement sucks dick. Telling a terrified woman that you kill people isn't a good way to defuse anything unless she's racist too.

Emotional Wedding Haka

fuzzywuzzywasabear says...

That was pathetic. Women: not Haka. White people: not Haka. (Not that there are any full-blood Maori's left, but for fuck's sake at least look like one.) Haka now seems to be some kind of novelty dance that anyone can do whenever they please. It is supposed to be terrifying; you are filling your enemies with the fear that that are about to be slaughtered and eaten. Why the fuck would anyone do it at a wedding?

Chinese "UBER" Commercial -- DIDI

Woman steps into the line of fire to save a homeless man

diego says...

Its kind of comical how terrified american police officers always appear in these videos. The contrast between the police officer and the woman's composure is too much, they may want to consider improving their selection procedure and training techniques.

the elephant in the room, and no one wants to admit it right or left, is that the history of police /judicial systems has never been good. Im not saying it to advocate for anarchy but basically everywhere, always, police abuse their power, while preventing very little crime / providing justice. I dont pretend to know all of history, but I never get much of a response when I say this and I thinks its because power corrupts no matter what, and there will always be minority others to justify abusing. The very very best you can hope for is to have enough oversight so as to make the corruption spread out, obscure, and minimal but even then...

For a long time I thought the US police was at least more effective in closing cases but between the US getting its ass kicked in the drug war despite the militarized police and a report I saw about poor coordination across state lines leading to murders and missing persons cases going unresolved for decades

No joking around about the turkey

eric3579 says...

If you happen to be cooking a Turkey today, do let us know about it in the comments. Holidays can be so amusing, terrifying and plain exhausting. Good luck everyone

(edit) also anything amusing or interesting about your turkey day would be fun to hear about.

Escalator goes wild in Roma

bcglorf says...

Forget elevators, the videos of escalator failures are terrifying.

You expect to laugh at the out of order escalator sign because oh no, now they are normal stairways, then the reality is that catastrophic escalator failure is human cheese grater mode..

Woman Freaks Out Over Encounter With Whales, Calls 911

Really bored at work.

Ankles Are Overrated When it Comes to Dance

Finally There Is Bipartisan Agreement: Trump Blew It

Spacedog79 says...

There are many good reasons to oppose Trump but I don't think thawing relations with Russia should be one of them. Sure they may have meddled in elections but they are rank amateurs compared to America who do it to just about everyone, friend or foe.

I get the distinct impression that there is a powerful section of the American oligarchy who are terrified of peace with Russia and are trying everything they can to stir up fear and hatred in the public, and its working. Mention Russia and it's borderline hysteria, it's really not healthy.

newtboy said:

"Witch hunt" you've tipped your hand, indicating no amount of evidence will ever be enough to convince you because you believe Trump, even when he contradicts himself....except when he tells you there was clear Russian governmental interference, because he finished that sentence by saying "and others", which under a red hat means it doesn't matter, pay no attention to the Vlad behind the collusion, no collusion, no

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