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Female High School Kicker Hits Like A Girl

entr0py says...

I'm happy to see the concept of male only sports dying off.

At the same time it's sad, after all we know about the long term effects of repeated concussions, to see adults encouraging teenagers to slowly give each other brain damage.

I know it's traditional and fun, but burying your head in the sand over this reality is a failure as a parent or teacher. Also, just another terrible idea about what to do with your head.

The Vegan Who Started a Butcher Shop

newtboy says...

Duh. Soylent green is made from elderly people, not teenagers, and as such it's made from pretty tainted meat. I'll take some Soylent pink, made from pure milk fed baby.

Not murder if they're terminally ill and ask you to do it, in many states.

Far more ethical to work for proper animal treatment than to insist on something that will never happen in a way that makes those you wish to convince your adversaries. He'll get WAY farther towards ending some animal suffering that your methods ever will. Your methods have had many people reply to you that they will eat MORE meat just to spite you, or so you've said in the your methods are obviously failing badly, so are unethical as they cause MORE animal suffering.

Most available vegan food is processed today, so is in the same category you put bacon and deli turkey. Unprocessed meats are also far healthier than processed meats, and are more nutrient dense than plants.

Depending on the curing process, it can be bad or good (and again, not PROVEN to cause just backed off that claim on the other why make it again?)

He wants less harm done to he's winning. he wants people to eat MORE healthily, he's winning. He wants to move away from a zealous, all or nothing movement that's failing in it's goals and making enemies in the effort, he's winning.

There isn't enough available land to switch to purely vegetarianism either, you're point is ridiculous, no one is advocating feeding all people on pure meat....he's not even advocating for vegetarians to eat meat, and said so clearly. If you had a point to make, then you've failed.

You say that like vegans aren't mostly pasty sickly looking people that look about 2 years late for death by wasting syndrome.

transmorpher said:

With logic like Ben Rukle's, I'm surprised he's not advocating Soylent Green:
It's full of nutrients that people need, since it's made from people.
It's environmentally friendly because humans are a renewable resource.
It's ethical cause people these days live comfortable lives, so it's fine to kill them in their teens.

The good old "killing humanely" argument. Yes it's better than factory farming, but killing a human in a nicer way is still murder by law, and so is treating them nicely before killing them.
If ethical living is his goal, then he's failed.

I've also heard his story many times. Eats mainly vegan junk food, which lacks nutrients (as does all processed junk food), and then somehow links that to all vegan food being unhealthy.

This is why I'm always banging on about eating unprocessed whole foods, they are nutrient dense.

You'll also notice that at the end they are eating specifically processed meat - the type proven to cause cancer. (as well as the worlds #1 killer heart-disease).
If he wants healthy food, then he's failed.

When it comes to sustainability, foods like potatoes, rice, and grains give you the most calories output for energy/water/land put in.
There also simply isn't enough land on the planet to farm animals this way and feed everyone.
If he wants sustainable farming, then he's failed.

Also he looks like he's about 2 years late for a heart-attack.

How Was Burning Man?

eric3579 (Member Profile)

The New Wave of YouTube "Skeptics"

Babymech says...

I always felt that my progressive ideology was a natural result of my atheism and 'skepticism', so it was really weird to find all these angry conservatives online shouting at women, muslims and black people while calling themselves atheists and rational skeptics.

I think the 'problem' with SJWs online is that a lot of concepts that 20 years ago would have been discussed mainly by well-educated academics, such as privilege, appropriation, etc., are now becoming mainstream and are being wielded by teenagers, lunatics, and people who are no smarter than you or I. This is technically a good thing - we need to get those concepts into the open if we are ever going to address the real problems they describe - but it means that there will be some people who fuck up or overreach while trying out these concepts. If somebody badly wants an excuse to dismiss all of feminism, or all of racial equality, there will thus inevitable be some teenager online with a webcam who is all too happy to give them that excuse - but why look for that excuse in the first place?

Jim Jefferies on Bill Cosby and Rape Jokes

bareboards2 says...


If you read my original comment, that says it all about how I feel about this particular "rape joke."

It'll get funny when we don't live in a world where women are fingered while passed out and teenage boys take video of the assault instead of stopping it. Like those Swedish bicyclists did.

Maybe these jokes are funnier in Sweden, where sexual assault isn't the norm.

Kid Gets Custom Trump Shirt Made Gets Special Message

newtboy says...

Hilarious. Maybe they should have tried to not giggle like naughty teenagers making a prank call if they want to be taken seriously.
First, they did make the shirt he asked for, a quality one it seemed, just with a bonus secret message.
Second, Trump supporters are the same people who advocate the refusal of service for people who offend their religious (or political) sensibilities, so what's his problem? He was probably hoping they would refuse him service so he could use the video as proof that "liberals" are totally hypocritical and refuse service to those they dislike but vilify "conservatives" for the same thing, but got something unexpected instead.

It's now pretty clear that initially they did this looking for and expecting a negative reaction they could exploit somehow, then pressed the point when they got one, thinking they 'got them' and now he can be the conservative hero of the week.

To be fair though, what response does one expect when one goes into a business in a firmly red state like Alabama or Mississippi, and an even more firmly Republican city, and then go to a world famously Republican neighborhood in that city, enter a store with a Trump sign in the window and ask them to make you a HILLARY T-shirt? I would bet $10 it involves threats of violence if not actual violence and firearms, not a quality shirt with a 'secret' message inside.

Babymech said:

Given how weird and neutral in tone his video is, I wouldn't be stunned if he knows exactly how much positive attention he gave them and if it was entirely planned.

Edit: Maybe not -

How High Can You Hear? [test]

Shayde says...

15.5 kHz @ 48, though there was an undertone that continued longer. I guess I'm not a teenager any more.

It's a pretty good test of my cheapo Logitech computer speakers as I got the same result with fairly high-specced headphones.

Deconstructing Gorillaz - How They Blurred The Genre Lines

ChaosEngine says...

His point about trapping yourself in genres is excellent. It's really easy to label yourself and dismiss other genres as crap (god knows, I was guilty of it myself when I was a teenager).

But there are no bad genres, there is only bad music. Yeah, I still have very little time for most of the fluff in the charts, but that doesn't mean there isn't occasionally a great pop tune that catches my ear.

Cops Don't Like to Be Honked At in Colorado

littledragon_79 says...

As much as I'll defend police, this guy can ram his entire head up his shit-doesn't-smell ass. The rider can subpoena his phone records to verify that it was in fact a police related call, not sending dick picks to teenagers. And the goings on of a public official are abso-fucking-lutely the business of citizens.

I'd say reprimand and remediate the officer, but this may be the behaviors the bosses want exhibited. I think a lot of problems with law enforcement today need to be addressed from the top down...not always reacting to the end result.

Family of giraffes on your front doorstep ;)

Stephen Fry Hates Dancing

SDGundamX says...

He's not actually serious in this monologue, is he? He just comes across as an old man screaming "Get a haircut, you hippie!" before throwing some teenagers off his front lawn.

Dude, it's the 21st century. Social dancing in public has been a thing since my grandmother was a teenager back in the "roaring 20s." Only an idiot can't understand the idea of expressing your emotions with your body (rather than say a pen, paintbrush, or your voice). And Stephen Fry has never struck me as an idiot, so I'm not sure where this monologue is coming from.

The Single Most Uncomfortable Moment in TMNT.

The Single Most Uncomfortable Moment in TMNT.

Late Sleeper? Blame Your Genes.

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