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BSR (Member Profile)

Dog Feels Petting Instead of Abuse For The First Time

Digitalfiend says...

I'm not sure I could ever stop eating meat (primarily chicken), but I understand that there is serious mistreatment and mismanagement of farm animals. I think a greater adoption in North America of CAK (controlled atmosphere killing) via something like high concentrations of nitrogen gas would be a great improvement, especially if it could be extended to pigs and cows. The old stun bolt or electric immobilization (for poultry) and throat-cut method seems so barbaric and I find it hard to believe that it doesn't result in pain.

The Alabama Hammer

Flying over Iceland (Part. II)

newtboy says...

Gorgeous. I went there last summer. It is that stunning. I strongly suggest it as a vacation destination to anyone adventurous.


When you spend the time, energy, and exorbitant amounts of money to go see the unspoiled wilderness and nature, and some asshole ruins it by flying their drone overhead for a few hours, it's enraging.
That happened to us twice (maybe by the same group at different places, we aren't sure). I was ready to grab that drone and throw it in the berg filled lagoon, or the beautiful collimated basalt waterfall they were flying in front of. I had to wait over an hour at the waterfall for the assholes to move out of the picture....they had walked past the 'don't go past this sign' signs to get the shots they wanted right in front of the falls, and refused to move or get back on the trail.

If you own a drone, please be respectful of the rules and of others, or know that it's your fault when someone loses it and destroys your toy. Don't act like the world belongs to you, and other people's peaceful enjoyment of natural areas don't matter.
Your youtube views don't trump my right to peace and quiet in nature.
I feel like drones need to be regulated in public spaces for that reason. Not totally banned, but given specific days when it's allowed and make most parks and all natural parks off limits at all other times.
Drone footage is amazing, drones buzzing overhead are amazingly annoying.

blackfox42 (Member Profile)

Woman Refuses to Leave Uber Car

Babymech says...

I think the argument is not that his behavior is stunning etiquette, but it is understandable and his frustration is relatable. Optimally he would've just sat in silence, or driven around to the other entrance, but all things considered, her behavior was more unacceptable. Or to put it another way - this was three minutes out of their respective days. There may be an infinite number of circumstances on either side that we don't see, that would swing our opinion either way. However, if we ignore their emotional states, and just look at the principle, she was dead wrong.

If a restaurant or movie theatre wants to kick you out in the middle of a meal, you can't stay. If a hotel wants to kick you out at 2 am (and lets you pack and take your stuff), you can't stay. That's why they can call the cops to get you out if you refuse to leave - because they have the presumptive right to decide who stays and goes. You have no right to call the cops and ask them to stop the owner from kicking you out, because you have no fundamental right to stay there.

I am not going to say that you're trolling, and your arguments are not unreasonable or dickish, but you're wrong. (In principle) you have a number of potential recourses that you can choose when a proprietor asks you to leave. (in principle) refusing to leave is not one of the options you have any right to exercise.

We can come up with scenarios where it could be argued that you should be allowed to refuse to leave:

1. You're staying at a ski lodge and you will die if you are kicked out into the cold. Then we're no longer talking consumer rights but emergency / health and safety rights.

2. If you leave the premises, you would lose all your other means of recourse, for example if you don't have contact or identifying information for the business you're at. In that case you can ask for that information, and then leave.

In principle, however, sticking around isn't an option, and there's no sane reason why it should be an option. If the business in question doesn't have a valid reason for kicking you out, you get to sue them afterwards.

ChaosEngine said:

Yes, disagreeing is trolling.


What? That's acceptable behaviour when someone does something you don't like, right?

ant (Member Profile)

Kid Gets Custom Trump Shirt Made Gets Special Message

Babymech says...

Given how weird and neutral in tone his video is, I wouldn't be stunned if he knows exactly how much positive attention he gave them and if it was entirely planned.

Edit: Maybe not -

newtboy said:

Kid doesn't know he just gave that T-shirt company some really good free publicity. Many more people will buy shirts there now, while they might lose 2 Trump customers. I'm pretty sure they'll be OK.

I think they did him a solid, not only making what appears to be a well made shirt, but also subliminally including the underlying message that his logo carries, at no extra charge. He can turn his shirt inside out if people get insulted at his logo, what's on the inside is less provocative.

Samantha Bee on Orlando - Again? Again.

PlayhousePals says...

Yowza! That wasn't MY experience landing in Auckland from Australia during Little Feat's April 2001 tour. They pulled out ALL the stops from dogs to a selected body search [one of the techs was detained because his glasses case smelled of marijuana!] The St. James Theater and the people we met there were delightful however and the country is absolutely stunning. I'd go back in a heartbeat [after fumigating my clothes and belongings of course] =o)

sirex said:

Landing in auckland i got "ayyy bro, did you see the (rugby) game ? We smashed 'em!".

I live in NZ. Its fucking awesome.

Ebru - Turkish Islamic Art of Marbling

The Wonderful Art of Marbling ...

This film explains how Marbled Book Covers are made

Caught My Chicken Sleeping

MilkmanDan says...

One sample "weird chicken behavior" is psychotically aggressive bantam (miniature) roosters.

Too small and ill equipped (not much spur, etc.) to do any damage to a human, but they *act* like they think they are velociraptors or something. Bring food in, fill their water, get vaguely close to them ... they attack your feet. My dad taught me to put my shoe between their legs and lift/kick them into a wall -- pretty hard. Stuns / dazes them for a minute or so -- long enough to fill their feed or whatever. But stay longer than that and they'll be right back to attacking your feet.

On the female side, hens sometimes choose very bizarre locations to lay their eggs. We had a metal cylindrical feeder thing with a tray at the bottom -- fill cracked corn or whatever into the cylinder (open on top), and it will gravity flow down as they eat some out of the bottom tray. We had one hen that liked to jump in the top of that cylinder (maybe 10 inch diameter) and then lay eggs on top of the food in there. Extremely tight fit, no room to move -- like putting your arm in a Pringles can. Sometimes she got stuck if the surface of the food was too far down.

I've even seen a hen that sat on the surface of a bough in a cedar tree. Enough branch and cedar foliage to hold up the hen's body, but then we found an egg right under her on the ground -- not dense enough material to actually keep the egg from falling through. The egg was broken, but the hen just stubbornly sat in that tree for a day or two, not realizing what had happened.

ant said:


Come Visit Australia

ChaosEngine says...

As an NZ resident, I am morally obliged to point out that Australia is a horrible place populated by criminals and terrible rugby teams, but I did live there for two years and in reality, it's not actually that bad.

Yes, their government are a shower of complete dickheads both in their own right and in the fact that they have their collective head shoved so far up Americas arse they can practically see the back of uncle sams tonsils. The immigration policy is pretty much barbaric and they seem hellbent on ruining the country as fast as humanly possible. And I haven't even gotten started on how unbelievably racist the country as a whole is (this is a country that only got rid of it's "White Australia Policy" in the 70s).

Border security, while they can be complete arseholes are not nearly as bad as they're portrayed on those TV shows. They do have a lot of idiots flouting the biosecurity laws (Johnny Depp is the least of their problems), but in general as long as you don't make the mistake of not being white, they're far more interested in any fruit you might have than any bills with coke on them. (side note: don't bring cash to Australia, almost every transaction is electronic there).

But the country itself has some great things going for it. Some of the scenery is amazing, the parts of the reef that aren't bleached are stunning, the food in the cities is amazing (as is the coffee, especially in Melbourne and Sydney).

Mordhaus said:

Sadly this seems very plausible after the series I just watched on Netflix , Border Security, Australia's First Line. If people think we treat incoming people rough, they should watch that show. Almost every episode they show some poor sad sack that committed a crime or something 20+ years ago that just wants to come and visit. Most of the time the response is gtfo and don't come back for 3 years, except for one guy who did 12 years in prison for drug trafficking. He just happened to be Sugar Shane Mosley's trainer, so they were like "We should by all rights deny his visa, but we have to weigh the benefit to Australia's citizens that might have bought tickets to the fight....yep, let him in." Or they have a sniffer scanner that picks up what seems to be infinitesimal amounts of any sort of drug residue, which means you get body searched and they go through every thing you have with a fine toothed comb.

I turned to my wife and said, "We are never going to Australia." She asked why and I told her that every bit of the US cash anyone comes into contact with is inundated with multiple types of drug residues. We would probably show up and get cavity searched for 14 different types of drugs. Anyway, after watching the show, I felt it was clear that the government of Australia is very comfortable with the "Come here, spend shitloads of money, and then gtfo because we don't want you here" attitude.

Gerbil Feels Betrayed

iaui says...

I think somehow the lil guy gets hurt or something and goes in to some sort of stunned shock. He looks like he's shaking after he stops responding.

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