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cricket (Member Profile)

Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

best moments and highlights from the 5th republican debate

newtboy says...

Wow....Carson really meant a "moment" of silence for victims, didn't he.

Did Christie really just say that working with congress is going to make his eyes glaze over? He knows that that's a large part of the job he's trying to get, doesn't he?

"They don't need to be forced, they need to be asked." is about the worst, most uninformed, proof of a lack of understanding answer Fiorina could have given to the question..."They say they WONT help the FBI, now, crack encrypted communications from ISIS, should they be forced to?"

"You would carpet bomb where ISIS is...not a city, but the location of the troops."...I guess Cruz just doesn't know the ISIS troops are mainly in the cities.

"If you're an American citizen, and you decide to join up with ISIS, we're not going to read you your Miranda rights, you're going to be treated as an enemy combatant, a member of an army attacking this country..." shows clearly that Rubio doesn't understand 'innocent until proven guilty', the basis of our legal system, and has decided that anyone ACCUSED of joining ISIS deserves illegal imprisonment without trial and without end. Marco Rubio has joined ISIS....go get him boys.

"Getting our smartest and getting our best to infiltrate their...internet." That's going to be fairly hard for Trump after he rounds up all the Muslims and deports them for being in the wrong religion, or executes them for something a family member did. I don't really think our best and smartest Muslims are going to want to work for him at that point.

I'm pretty sure that's the first time in history that Trump complained about being mentioned too often.

I'm stunned that I watched the whole thing. My brain hurts, and I just threw up in my mouth a little...but I did it.

... Best View of Pluto’s Craters, Mountains and Icy Plains

Curious says...

Stunning that we're so up and close to it. Still, one pixel does not make a "feature". It's like saying you can make out someone's face when their head is a grey box.

How We Stop ISIS - Waleed Aly (The Project)

Januari says...

Your such a coward bob... being terrified of refugees who've literally lost everything is 'leadership' in your view. Its amazing to me that you can somehow equate that to courage and leadership. That level of cognitive dissonance is just stunning.

bobknight33 said:

The Dupe is Obama, leading from behind. What a pussy. Bernie, what a joke.
Hillary What a fraud who also cant call these killer for what they are.

The Democrats and scared pussies. Agreed Republicans are controlled by the old guard but there is fresh conservatives who are standing up and being heard.

Real Time with Bill Maher: Why Do They Hate Us?

PlayhousePals says...

HAha!, Great minds. I just finished posting that [been waiting for my unsifteds to open up a space]. That was one of the best interviews I've seen on Real Time. She is so eloquent and stunning. Why more people can't be of like mind is baffling to me.

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

The interview with Asra Nomani was great. I'm a big fan of her outlook, and like the #boycottsaudi idea.

NASA | Thermonuclear Art – The Sun In Ultra-HD (4K)

THE X-FILES | What If...

Whales Play Under the Northern Lights in Norway

Homeless Hero Sacrifies

Lawdeedaw says...

newtboy, death has long not been considered snuff if it newsworthy, historic or artful. Or haven't you seen the millions of fucking police and troops killing people on the sift? They are allowed because they are "unexpected" and newsworthy. In fact that is exactly what @lucky760 told me back then. Guess he was wrong back then eh?

Or how about when I posted the video of mother nature being a powerful, awe inspiring motherfucker? There was definitely death in this vein there. I was told it was fine, because it showed the artistic power of mother-nature. That came from the mods and nearly everyone else. A few did argue their point, "But, shows someone dying..."

Or how about the world's ten greatest tragedies that showed a fighter pilot drown with his jet? Oh the video was historically based, but that particular pilot's death was in no way historical at all. Yet it was defended and remained.

Honestly, if you have no clue what you are talking about, then shut up. You can argue the homeless saving people does not matter (not newsworthy,) you could argue that I could have edited it, but don't pull that bullshit "just because both die from gunshots."

In my opinion this is the definition of newsworthy. More of this needs shown to the world so they fucking have to eat the truth--that heroes can be poor street men. This is art in a very sad way. Like a fucking painting of a great man standing, defending a wall against a force much larger than his own. This is fucking news because no one expects it and it stuns people awake.

newtboy said:

I'm sorry, but by what insane definition or theory do you NOT consider this *snuff?!? It is the literal definition of the word, and is in fact double snuff as it seems both the 'hero' and the kidnapper are killed. Just because you feel the one death was 'heroic', and the other totally justified, does not make it any less a snuff film.
Good on the homeless man for saving the woman.
Bad on @Lawdeedaw for posting snuff.

Amazing Takedown

iaui says...

I think this sparring partner is a guinea pig for filming this move and he knows what is going to happen, perhaps having practiced it a bit. Still, it definitely looks like it stuns him.

chicchorea said:

The practicality gets me. Someone untrained or such perhaps.

I still ponder his sparring partner's lack of proper/effective defense. The dropping of his guard looks like he is catching the leg and holding on to it rather than blocking much less avoiding the attack.

Your point about weighing less seems salient.

The Himalayas from 20,000 ft.(watch full screen and HD)

Honda “Paper” by PES

Sea Stills - Ray Collins

The Terrifying Truth of Childhood Technology Addiction

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