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Babymech (Member Profile)

enoch says...

yeah..i didnt really get it either.
had to look it up even.
making me do research to understand a video,fucking kids these days and their new verbiage.

A cuckold is the husband of an adulterous wife. In evolutionary biology, the term is also applied to males who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are not genetically their own.[1]

i guess the word is applicable,in a severely abstract way.kind of a stretch if you ask me.

Babymech said:

Does cuck mean anything to shitty people online anymore, or is it just a generic insult they throw everywhere? I mean, someone being cuckolded / fetishizing being cuckolded seems like a hyperspecific descriptor, not a generic bad thing.

Sportscaster Talks Dallas Police Shooting And Police Abuse

newtboy says...

I'm totally with you on the need to understand the motives that drove him to this desperate and indefensible action.
I don't think trying to understand what happened is condoning it, but I do think it's a necessary step in trying to keep it from repeating.

I don't think it's a stretch to think that he had some bad encounters with police. I don't think it's a stretch to guess that he felt abused by a nation that he served in war but wouldn't stand with him (or those like him) when police abuse them. I don't think it's a stretch to believe he thought his community was under attack from the police, and that belief was reinforced daily on the news. It's only a guess, but I would guess he didn't have a great life, so didn't have much to lose in this suicide attack (he couldn't think he would survive).

I also don't think it's a stretch to believe this won't be the last time this happens if the current division between police and citizens continues to grow. One can only hope that this terroristic act will foster empathy in both directions...for, and from police, or I fear we're doomed to see an escalation of this kind of thing.

kir_mokum said:

this is exactly why there will be no learning or awareness gained from this tragedy. you are either "defending a "terrorist"" [not your words, but it is a prevailing part of the public narrative] or you're towing the party line and making sure nothing changes.

i'm not defending the killing of anyone but i am trying to understand why. i'm trying to consider the context and internal logic that drove someone to do this. this made sense to him and we should try to understand why. and honestly, this type of desperate, damaging, and explosive reaction isn't surprising to me considering recent events, the coverage and public reaction to those events, and the categorical inaction that follows.

it is possible to empathize without endorsing the actions.

San Francisco, Silicon Valley, And The Bay Area Explained

newtboy jokingly says...

And Solano. That's not how it's pronounced by locals either.
I disagree that it's forgiveable to call SF Silicon's not even IN a valley. Maybe it's OK to say it's in the Silicon Valley Area, but not in the valley proper.
I lived there in the 80's-90's (Palo Alto-Menlo Park), and the Santa Clara valley WAS Silicon valley back then. I can forgive the boundaries being stretched to neighboring counties, but they must actually be IN a VALLEY or I'm going to balk at calling them Silicon VALLEY. ;-)

eric3579 said:

Had to go back and listen closer this time. Hewlett he pronounces wrong, as its not the same as when you say Hewlett Packard. He gets Contra Costa wrong the first time and then right the second time. He also says San Jose funny and Palo Alto and Alameda (the second time) wrong.

Debunking Gun Control Arguments

Drachen_Jager says...

That's BS.

With a 5 round maximum capacity you're going to be reloading a lot and there's no reasonable argument why anyone needs more for hunting (and home defence is a red herring).

I think the whole law/culture issue addressed above is actually linked. Take the example of the Autobahn which is very much a parallel. Germans made a law saying you can drive as fast as you want on certain stretches of highway, a culture of high-speed driving developed, people die. The majority in Germany wants to do away with them, but the 10% who want to drive recklessly in their BMWs and Mercedes along with the manufacturers fight new legislation every time.

The law created the culture, and now the culture is preventing the laws from being changed. Just as in the US, the cycle has to break somewhere. Government can't legislate the culture, but they can change the laws and if the US ever gets to a point where guns aren't in the hands of whoever wants one then the argument for needing a 'home security' weapon drops. People feel safer, there are fewer shootings and the whole situation de-escalates.

I'm not saying barring suspected terrorists from owning firearms will accomplish that, but it would be a (very) modest start in the right direction.

scheherazade said:

Then you end up with people taping mags together and reloading within a second or so.
Even faster if they count shots and stop firing at capacity-1 before reloading.
There are work-arounds...

Newly engineered water superglue

newtboy says...

Perhaps I misunderstood, but I thought it was simply transmitting electricity, not creating it. I was thinking it would work as a sensor where, when it's stretched passed the limit, it will no longer have continuity and could sound an alert.
If I'm wrong and it does MAKE voltage, then yes, synthetic muscles for anything really, not just prosthetics, but androids, underwater machines, etc.

Payback said:

Anything that can create voltage through movement should be able to create movement through voltage, unless it's a chemical process. I'm thinking of synthetic muscles for prosthetics.

Newly engineered water superglue

newtboy says...

It seems like high quality industrial silicone.
The ionic version was awesome, and could make a stretch great sensor.

Rashida Jones coaches Stephen on how to be a Feminist

Imagoamin says...

@newtboy Uh..dude, "humanist" and "individualist" are already philosophical schools of thought that have determined meanings that aren't anywhere near the realm of feminism (eg, an activist movement for equal rights).

I mean, unless you're trying to stretch humanist to not mean, essentially, secular thought distancing from the dogma of the church and individualist as not the idea of the individual has more weight than collective good or the state. But.. you might have to contend with the fact those aren't the definitions of things you believe you came up with.

Mathematician Hacked His Way To True Love On OkCupid

NOX says...

wikipedia describes hacking as "exploring the details of programmable systems and stretching their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary", which I find to be a rather fitting definition. But it is true that the term "hacking" is mostly associated with computer crime.

Payback said:

I don't see how this is hacking. More like applied mathematics and a dash of desperation.

The Julie Ruin - Run Fast (Official Lyric Video)

Safety is Number One Priority with Balloons

oritteropo says...

I think it is to do with stretching too, but I don't think he pre-stretched it I just think the more inflated balloon was stretched by inflation.

The test would be to fully inflate two balloons, half deflate one, and then connect them.

Payback said:

He probably stretched the left balloon before filling it, making the pressure inside less than the right, which he didn’t pre-stretch.

Safety is Number One Priority with Balloons

Payback says...

He probably stretched the left balloon before filling it, making the pressure inside less than the right, which he didn’t pre-stretch.

What is Restless Leg Syndrome?

EMPIRE says...

I'm pretty sure I had a case of RLS once, during the night.

It was horrible. I was really really tired, and wanted to fall asleep, but whenever I stopped moving in bed, I just felt the uncontrollable urge to move and stretch my legs.

Fortunately it only happened that one time. I hope it never happens again.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

Another entry in our series "Prison is For Plebs":

Edit: That's less than their net earnings in '06 alone, nobody gets his/her anus stretched on a daily basis, everyone gets to keep all the bonuses that were based around fraud, aaaaaand.... >50% of this penalty is tax deductible again. So yeah... a job well done by Schneiderman and his band of merry men.

Stop Voting for the Lesser of Two Evils

ChaosEngine says...

The problem is that the American election process is so fucked that calling it a democracy is actually getting to be a bit of a stretch these days.

The fact that @entr0py recognizes that his (her?) vote doesn't count should be a massive red flag. It is beyond stupid that in 2016, votes for a countrywide position (i.e. president) are split up at a local level.

And that's before you even get to the problems of how much first past the post voting sucks

The presidential elections should be carried out under STV
and congress under mmp

Unfortunately, until you get some election reform.... you're kinda stuck with it.

Sorry, but if your choice is Clinton or Trump/Cruz? You HAVE to vote lesser of two evils. (although, I'm still hoping that if Bernie doesn't get the democration nomination, he might still run as a 3rd party)

Sad Affleck thinks about his life

Sarzy says...

Well, I can only speak for myself, but for me this movie has 99 problems and Affleck ain't one. I actually kind of liked his older, angrier, and more severe take on Batman. It wasn't a great performance by any stretch, but I think he did about as well as anyone could have done given the circumstances.

eric3579 said:

So for those who might know, will this movie go down as the worst batman film ever and or the worst portrayal of batman? I don't watch superhero films, just curious if affleck will be saddled with being in or being the worst batman of all time.

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