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How Russia Stopped The Blitzkrieg

vil says...

Also key: have an enormous country to play with, enough to stretch enemy supply lines and front lines.
Also key: nas mnogo.

The Dolly Zoom: More Than A Cheap Trick

Payback says...

First time I actually noticed a dolly zoom, was Poltergeist (Spielberg's, not that new abomination) the scene where the hallway stretches out as the mom is trying to get to the daughter's room.

Far Cry 5 : Official Announce Trailer | Ubisoft

ChaosEngine says...

really? This just feels kinda stupid.

Lone guy rises up to overthrow dictator is stretching believability at the best of times, but in the US? Er, they tried that and even with Trump as President, the feds tend to not be enthusiastic about that kinda thing.

Also, the reason Far Cry 3 worked so well (at least for the first half) was that Vaas was such a great character (Michael Mando is one of the best actors working today).

But hey, at least it makes a change from white dude saves the ethnics with local magic!!

Rick and Morty - Fart Kills The Gear Police

Al Franken SLAMS Trump For Firing Comey

ChaosEngine says...

"we do know that the Russians interfered"

Do we, though? I mean, I hate Trump as much as the next guy, and I certainly wouldn't be even vaguely surprised that Putin would do something like that, but it's a bit of a stretch to say we KNOW they interfered.

I thought that was the whole point of this investigation?

Also, I thought we grew out of the "bob SLAMS dave" titles 5 years ago.

THE DARK TOWER - Official Trailer

moonsammy says...

I don't know that Carlin's voice would be the right one, but doing so wouldn't necessarily be an issue for the character of Blaine. Seems reasonable to have a computer simulation of a particular voice rather than a voice actor specifically acting out each line. I'd argue however that if we're going to resurrect someone to voice Blaine, let's go with Alan Rickman. Just the right blend of civilized / polite and deadly serious / menacing.

I've been a fan of the books from sometime between 3 and 4, and love most of the story. The last three books lost me some, as they felt quite different in tone. Even Wizard and Glass felt a bit of a miss, though it was a solid story in its own right. I frequently avoid watching trailers for films I know I'll see, so as to avoid spoilers and being mislead if the trailer happened to be poorly made. I plan to see this movie, and originally came here for the comments exclusively; having read them, I chose to watch it. I get the impression that the actors treat the characters well, and they feel like good interpretations. McConaughey's Walter is hard to read with what little we see here, but I've generally liked him in other things.

My biggest worry is that visuals all seem too clean, and the more sci-fi direction bothers me some. To me Mid-World always seemed like a character itself. An ancient thing, being stretched thin, fighting to hold itself together and losing. High tech doesn't feel right there, like the extreme entropy would have rendered it all non-operative. There was some tech here and there in the books, but most of it was broken or breaking down.

00Scud00 said:

Blaine is a pain. But if we resurrect George Carlin to voice act him that could be fun.
I'm cautiously optimistic about this, they've clearly taken liberties, but then most of what I have seen could still fit into the lore of the books.

Is a Grand Jury Now Looking into Trump?

noims says...

It's one thing looking into Trump's campaign team - or other teams associated with him - but it's another thing altogether looking into the man himself. Nothing Olberman said lead me to the latter conclusion.

The idea that there is "a grand jury now looking into Trump", while extremely appealing to me, is a big stretch. Heads might roll, but I'd say any politician in his position would be happy to throw absolutely anyone under that bus to save themselves. I really wish I could say it was just him that would do so.

InfoWar's Alex Jones Has Nothing On Tuck Buckford

newtboy says...

Well, his hero, Glen Beck, has admitted he was acting totally insane for money and fame, not because he believed his insanity, and begged for forgiveness while continuing to do it himself and produce other similar shows. No stretch to think Jones is following his lead all the way to the bank.

Fantomas said:

If AJ really is faking it all, that puts a whole new spin on his confrontation with Cenk from TYT during the election.

Trump's Wiretapping Claims Destroyed By Comey

noims says...

If that man ever needs help getting unplugged from anything, I'm sure the queue would stretch across the country... no matter what country he's in.

lurgee said:

The Donald needs to unplug from INFOWARS.

Deadpool 2 Teaser

RFlagg says...

I'd guess the Firefly posters were more a nod to geeks. Deadpool 2's director, David Leitch (also directed John Wick), did stunt work in Serenity. Or could be a joke about Ryan Reynolds, Fireflies in the Garden, though that one is a bit more of a stretch. I'd guess it mostly is about just a nod for the sort of geeks who got behind the project in the first place... or perhaps a casting hint at who may be in Deadpool 2...

As for a rehabilitation idea, this may have filmed around the same time Fox said they'd be open to a reboot if Joss himself would be on board. Though given that came news came out in early February, I'd think this had already been filmed and in the bag by that point, unless they cut things that close in film making. If it was filmed after that news, then it certainly was a nod to that news.

John Oliver - Obamacare

Can Trump read?

asynchronice says...

I think this is a tad bit overblown; I have to review agreements, (T&C/MSA/etc.) all the time and sometimes the wording is INTENTIONALLY vague and broad, and sometimes legal meanings of words and phrases are not the common definitions. It's why you have legal counsel.

I'm no fan of Trump, by any stretch, but a 70-year old dude who doesn't like to read fine print isn't terribly surprising to me.

How Amazon May Monopolize ALL Of Retail - Nerdwriter

spawnflagger says...

I think Nerdwriter's knowledge of AWS is superficial (he admitted just finding out about them). AWS are not licensing their tech to other companies, they are renting time out on servers using their tech (mostly software). That graphic he showed of market share is also misleading - if you look closely it's just survey results of "do you use x,y,z cloud provider(s)?" (although undoubtedly AWS is the most popular by any measurement of # of customers, but it's not necessarily the biggest - hard to say because Microsoft, Google, and Amazon don't publish their numbers).
Renting time out on a server is orders of magnitude more scalable than installing and maintaining a bunch of sensors at thousands of retail locations.
Since their patents are vague enough, they could license that "idea" out to other companies who want to attempt the same thing, but probably they want full control of any brick-and-mortar store, to minimize support costs, and provide a consistent experience.
Plus, not every retail experience is like a grocery store, so it's a bit of a stretch to say they'll take over all retail everywhere...

Insane woman assaults legal e-bike rider on public path

Chairman_woo says...

I'm pretty much with you on this one dude. But I think arguing kidnapping & lethal force is a bit of a stretch even in (most of) the USA.

I realise you aren't advocating for that anyway, but I suspect in most jurisdictions lethal force here (or even just a good kicking) would have been a trip to jail.

"Spirit of the law" is very significant in most courts. While this could be defined as kidnapping on the most narrowly technical of terms, it would take a hell of a lawyer to make it stick don't you think?

It definitely wouldn't fly in the UK at any rate.

newtboy said:

Being detained by force is kidnapping. In no jurisdiction that I know of is kidnapping not justification for killing someone, no matter how little they threaten onlookers. ;-) Lucky for her he wasn't a stand your ground don't back down asshole in a stand your ground state.

Are humans contributing only 3% of CO2 in the atmosphere?

bcglorf says...

TLDW version:

Of the CO2 pumped in to our atmosphere every year, human emissions only make up 3-4% of the total. Natural CO2 emissions globally DO greatly dwarf our burning of fossil fuels and other activities. This is an entirely undisputed fact, and is universally accepted and agreed upon.

As for global greenhouse effect, the CO2 remaining in the atmosphere contributes between 10-30% of the energy being trapped depending on how you count it. This is again an entirely undisputed fact, universally accepted and agreed upon.

Yes, CO2 is a small(ish) part of the global greenhouse effect, and yes, humans only add an extra 3% per year to existing natural emissions. That 3% can add up if it doesn't leave the atmosphere and builds up year over year. We have measured for it, and see that is in fact happening. We have measured the resulting warming and energy inputs and it is in fact warming.

If people want to observe those fractions of fractions stretch out error bars on analysis and projections, that's more fair. Your error bars get magnified a couple times along the way. Most of the time good scientists take that into account, although some have certainly been much less rigorous when speaking publicly than when publishing(Yes, I'm looking at you James Hansen).

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