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SNL - Sweaty balls

Half-Life 2 question... (Videogames Talk Post)

karaidl says...

Yep, the storyline on the Ep1 website confirms that. Check out the first line in the second paragraph.

Even if they do explain it all in HL3, it'll still be very silly. "Oh yea, Gordon, we knew all about the whole stasis thing, but we decided not to mention it to heighten the dramatic suspense."

youdiejoe (Member Profile)

qruel says...

i came by your post way of ANTs profile message board. wow that's some really cool video footage. I really like your use of macro. one drop of water is enough for a week with one of those tiny ANTs.

In reply to this comment by youdiejoe:
yeah, I got a heads up from the writer of the story that she had used 2 of my videos. Then it got slashdoted and my video has gotten nearly 5k hits in the last 4 hours.

In reply to this comment by ant: has your videos embedded! Nice work!

ant (Member Profile)

youdiejoe (Member Profile)

New Light Bulbs in Plain English

boombap (Member Profile)

bobraingod says...

My apologies, I rarely log into videosift

You could rarely go wrong with the Meters; I picked up their Funkify Your Life: The Meters Anthology before a road trip and was groovin' across statelines. I don't really know if I would really consider Booker T & the MGs "funk" but I tend to group them with the Meters. The Very Best of Booker T. & the MG's will get you through a long day... Stax 50th Anniversary Celebration falls into the same cat., not exactly funk but some great music!

I guess the funkiest thing I'd listen to recently was Sly and the Family Stone's Greatest Hits and There's a Riot Goin' On. Hits brings up some pop and party, while Riot is more dirty. Any which way, you can't go wrong with any of that stuff. Happy listening!

In reply to this comment by boombap:

In reply to your comment:
The song at the beginning (and at the end) is the Meters' "Handclapping Song" from the album Struttin'.

thanks for the song id! Any other good funk reccomendations?

Cops taser & murder injured man who crawled from car fire

gluonium says...

What a disgustingly biased and deceitful (not to mention unbelievably annoyingly edited) video this is. I trust this woman's story about as much as the local street corner raving lunatic. Check out her only other lovely video by the way, which is of soldier effigy burning as a means of war protest (and wherein the comments of said video she blithely declares her belief that all US soldiers are "baby raping pigs"). There is vastly more to this story than this nutty woman is letting on. (of course this is a story written by the "corporate owned media apologists" according to this woman so we shouldn't trust it at all. (never mind that no reason or evidence is given for the belief that the local reporting on the story is somehow inherently in corrupt collusion with a supposedly criminal police department) The officer who shot him is obviously a trigger happy incompetent pussy who should be punished for using lethal force in a situation which did not require it, but that said, the whole weird scenario appears to be a borderline/near suicide by cop incident, however bizarre.

America to the Rescue - The Daily Show

twiddles says...

Oh Diogenes you need to go find a lantern. The usinfo web site is nothing more than Bush's mouth piece Karen Hughes. And why should I believe Bergen without any citations by him?

Did bin Laden receive funds, weapons or training directly from the CIA? No, but all mujahideen benefited in one way or another from the CIA's support of Pakistan's ISI. And bin Laden would not have any reason to go to Afghanistan and become a freedom fighter if not for the United States' prodding that led to the Soviet invasion in the first place. Directly or indirectly the CIA's meddling in that part of the country had a hand in creating Al Qaeda.

My citations?

swampgirl (Member Profile)

Zifnab (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

michie (Member Profile)

Pring4 (Member Profile)

ghostcake (Member Profile)

d00kie says...

Cheers mate. I just found it a bit of a pain in the arse that the guy thought it was a self link, and then when i told him it wasn't, set about all this crap about promoting war...

In reply to your comment:
The Navy video is cool. I don't see how it's trying to promote the WAR? These retards think that supporting something that is essential to our country, is evil or something. Do they really think the country they live in could survive without a military force.

Fuck they're naive.

In reply to your comment:
nah, just had a mate send me that video..... tax dollars would be useful though.... lol, but nah, i'm in no way affiliated with any war recruitment.

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