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Countdown Special Comment - Prop 8

blahpook says...

Jasmyne Cannick (a black lesbian) wrote an LA Times op-ed piece on how the gay community did not reach out to the black community in a way that would 'speak' to them. You can listen to her talk about this (quite forcefully and almost abrasively in my opinion) on NPR. Lots of people took issue with this view and I myself find it hard to understand the offense she takes, though I can see her point about the priorities for the black community (i.e., get out the vote, regardless of discord over 'smaller' issues) being different from the national priorities. (I myself have told people just to VOTE even when I know they are not voting for my man. Her point is that other issues that presented themselves as more universal to her race took precedence in the election).

Though she did not see it as such, I think that gay marriage is a civil rights issue, and that opposition speaks more to fear than to an actual belief that it causes a 'threat.'

While more emotionally charged and less objective, I think the Alvin Lau's spoken poetry makes the point more universally.

Obama apologizes for being a cockblocker

Sharon Stone screen tests for Basic Instinct

U.S caught lying about Iran (1.30 mins)

rychan says...

I'm the one who's mislead?

Holocaust denial, 2005 "In a 14 December speech in the city of Zahedan in southeastern Sistan va Baluchistan Province, Ahmadinejad said that if the Holocaust took place in Europe and Europeans feel so guilty about it, then that is where Israel should be located, state television reported. "They have created a myth today and they call it the massacre of the Jews [the Holocaust],"

Threat to is Isreal, 2005 "This week, Hamas head Khalid Mish'al visited Tehran. Designated a foreign terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department, Hamas advocates the destruction of Israel. "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it," ... Mish'al told Ahmadinejad on 12 December that Hamas appreciates Iran's stance against Israel generally and the president's "insistence on the illegitimate nature of Israel,""

Threat to Isreal, 2005 and 2001 "Mr Ahmadinejad told some 3,000 students in Tehran that Israel's establishment had been a move by the West against the Islamic world. He was addressing a conference entitled The World without Zionism and his comments were reported by the Iranian state news agency Irna. "As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map," he said, referring to Iran's late revolutionary leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. In 2001, former Iranian president Hashemi Rafsanjani speculated that a Muslim state that developed a nuclear weapon might use it to destroy Israel. ... Mr Ahmadinejad warned leaders of Muslim nations who recognised the state of Israel that they faced "the wrath of their own people". "

Threat to Isreal, June 2nd 2008, Ahmadinejad "The Zionist regime has lost its raison d'être. Today, the Palestinians identify with your name [Khomeini], your memory, and in your path. They are walking in your illuminated path and the Zionist regime has reached a total dead end. Thanks to God, your wish will soon be realized, and this germ of corruption will be wiped off."

"Death to America" is still a very popular chant. Here it is at a recent rally

Here's an article talking about its use in parliament recently

Here's an article mentioning Ahmadinejad's use of the phrase recently

I'm not condoning what the US and CIA did in Iran. I'm not talking about that at all. I'm saying that Iran might actually be dangerous.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em (1sttube Talk Post)

Anyone Watching Mad Men? (1sttube Talk Post)

Penn Jillette: This I Believe

stephen colbert swallows a banana and totally loses it

McCain Girls - It's Raining McCain!

Can a Jew Join the KKK?

LeadingZero says...

Aww, he's messing up that bigoted man's nice little club.

For anyone who finds this video especially compelling, they may want to learn about Stetson Kennedy and how he infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940's and managed to seriously undermine their recruiting efforts. It involves the Superman radio program. Really.

Stetson briefly recounts the story in an interview here:

Sixteen Candles greatest hits (cheesy 80s flick) - Good/bad? Discuss.

Single Young Men and Females (Femme Talk Post)

Cat Fails Miserably

Explanation Please? (Sift Talk Post)

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