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America's Test Kitchen DIY Bacon

TheFreak says...

Asian markets tend to have the best price on pork belly. I pay $1.50/lb. 200-225 is way to hot. Go lower if you can unless you really want your bacon precooked. After curing and rinsing, give it one more day in the fridge uncovered to form a sticky film, called the pelicle. This will help the bacon grab the smokey flavor. Enjoy.

Shelley Lubben On Abuse In The Porn Industry - (Very NSFW)

youdiejoe says...

Having worked in the adult industry as an editor, photographer and videographer for several years I can say that most porn shoots are not even remotely like what Ms. Lubben describes. BUT that is not to say, that as with all industries, there are small unprofessional companies that crop up that don’t follow industry guidelines and ethics.

The company I worked for did fetish porn, so slapping, choking and inflicting pain were all a part of the days work. The actors that perform in these videos are professionals who have very clear guidelines as to what they will and won’t do, those guidelines are in writing with the contract signed by them prior to shooting and are gone over again in a interview prior to shooting the scene which are recorded on camera. All professional production companies work with talent agencies who are familiar with what scenes their actors are willing to perform in and also have a clear list of their artists “hard no’s”. Again, unprofessional agents and companies will not follow these guidelines.

Porn is not mostly shot at private locations as Ms. Lubben asserts in the video, it’s shot either on sound stages or at locations that are rented from private owners and permitted with the city for shooting a film. Here again, unprofessional companies will slide past these regulations and shoot rogue.

Bodily fluids?! Yes, of course, it’s sex. All the fluids she spoke of are part of sexual contact and rightfully so are part of the shoots. Again a professional company is prepared to clean up and deal with this. If anal work is part of the shoot, actors are given guidelines, if they are not already familiar with them, on how to prepare themselves for this kind of a shoot, including dietary info and a bowel evacuation schedule prior to shooting.

Up to date health reports are verified prior to starting work, if you aren’t compliant, no shoot. PERIOD. People’s lives and welfare are at stake and it’s taken very seriously.

My personal take on the video shown here is that Ms. Lubben has a very personal agenda, her experience in the industry was not a good one and it seems to fall under working for unprofessional companies. The video “Porn Set” used to illustrate her points in her speech shows actors who obviously had major issues with the shoots they were working on and who should have left them immediately. Also from the video shown it looked like some of the actors were either high or drunk. The use of drugs and alcohol on set is a huge NO at any professional shoot; Ms. Lubben’s experience in the industry again seems to fall foul of that. I personally have turned away actors (in the kindest way possible) who were visibly intoxicated showing up for to work. It’s incredibly unsafe as with any work place to perform impaired.

How to solve these problems? Regulation is a good start, but also a sticky area (no pun intended) for gov’t to get involved in. Porn is a multi-billion dollar industry with little to no regulation. BUT as you begin to regulate, you legitimize the actions of porn, which in the simplest of terms is prostitution, and with that word politicians start to turn and run. Should gov’t be involved? I for one think in the long run it should be, to protect the workers health and safety and weed out the unprofessional elements of the porn industry, and who knows eventually professionalize the sex industry all together.

Silence on the Power Point limitation? (Money Talk Post)

Silence on the Power Point limitation? (Money Talk Post)

ant (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

In reply to this comment by ant:
"And then?"

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
OK. You lady can go first.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:

I will throw mandures at your pretty face.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
But I don't want to be squished by your ugly/smelly/dirty foot, honey.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
It better be clean!

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
OK, now I think I will have to terminate you.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Thank you. As for identity, I was pointing out the typo. ;

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Nice mugshot! You look very nice. :

Thank you very much and you don't look so bad yourself antinator ;

As for my identity...I thought we had established I was a fairy! :

Yu dun lik spellng mstks du u? Duz thes driv u krazee?

I'd like to see you try tough guy. Just keep in mind that I carry a can of raid in my purse.

Mmm, Raid. I love sniffing that.

....and there's always my foot.

That would be the least of your worries dear ant.

I'll step in a BIG steamy pile of manure before the big s-q-u-i-s-h...smells even better than Raid.

*licks lips* Bring it on antinator, bring it on...

If I go first, you'll be a sticky mess beneath my shoe.

And then??? Well I guess it would all be over for you at that point wouldn't it?

ant (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

In reply to this comment by ant:
OK. You lady can go first.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:

I will throw mandures at your pretty face.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
But I don't want to be squished by your ugly/smelly/dirty foot, honey.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
It better be clean!

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
OK, now I think I will have to terminate you.

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Thank you. As for identity, I was pointing out the typo. ;

In reply to this comment by pumkinandstorm:
In reply to this comment by ant:
Nice mugshot! You look very nice. :

Thank you very much and you don't look so bad yourself antinator ;

As for my identity...I thought we had established I was a fairy! :

Yu dun lik spellng mstks du u? Duz thes driv u krazee?

I'd like to see you try tough guy. Just keep in mind that I carry a can of raid in my purse.

Mmm, Raid. I love sniffing that.

....and there's always my foot.

That would be the least of your worries dear ant.

I'll step in a BIG steamy pile of manure before the big s-q-u-i-s-h...smells even better than Raid.

*licks lips* Bring it on antinator, bring it on...

If I go first, you'll be a sticky mess beneath my shoe.

Bullied Canadian Teen Leaves Behind A Chilling Video

messenger says...

Good conversation points Yogi.

Hurting people isn't a freedom of speech issue. He stalked her and tormented her. If he'd done it by distributing flyers it would still be criminal, not protected speech.

I don't think that vigilantism is justice, but when someone does something bad to someone else, IMO they give up the expectation that others won't do that same thing to them. In other words, while I wouldn't be the one who maliciously distributes his info, he has to accept that it's fair by virtue of his own actions.

Thanks for being honest and open about your feelings relating to judgement of her suicide. You've made most of my argument for me already, but I'll add a couple things. First, you say, "... I don't think words is a good enough reason." You say it like words are just painless electric signals produced in our brains from oscillations of our eardrums, and so shouldn't cause anxiety. I can't disagree more. I was bullied as a kid for two years, and looking back, I'm really thankful that it was almost all physical and exclusion. It hurt, and I felt powerless, but the people bullying me didn't spend a lot of effort attacking my character aside from calling me fag. They also didn't begin to ruin my social life by turning entire schools against me, even after moving. And even if it weren't that severe, to a teenager, any words that contain some ring of truth will stick. And teens are extremely self-conscious, so anything negative they will accept as probably accurate.

Second, you say, "...without good reason". The word "good" is itself a judgement. That guy told Amanda since she was 12 that she was never going to have any friends, and he had made sure of it. She had never known any other social reality, and it seemed like the torment was literally going to last forever. To a bullied 15-year-old, the time when things will be better is probably four years away. To me that's nothing, probably you neither. I'm going to be 40 in four years, and it feels like it's next door. Yet for me at 15, 19 was an imaginary concept. Having no friends at 15, in our primitive brains, equals certain death. It wasn't a logical decision any more than hooking up with some guy with a girlfriend who said he liked her.

Finally, and this isn't my strongest point here, you say that you went through hard times and never thought suicide was the answer. For you. You're not the yardstick the rest of the world is measured by. I could equally ask you why you didn't kill yourself when clearly Amanda thought it was the answer. People are just different.

Less to argue with you, and more to move along your internal debate.

As for me, I'm not exactly settled in my full opinion, but I can say I respect the decision to commit suicide. This article by Michael Landsberg about his friend, hockey player Wade Belak's suicide was formative for me. In it he says, "People kill themselves when the fear of living another moment outweighs the fear of dying at that moment." People with loving young families and without any "obvious" problems find reason to kill themselves. I have to acknowledge that reality in any personal opinion of suicide.>> ^Yogi:

This is a very sticky subject especially if you don't understand all the nuance. I mean it's about freedom or speech which Americans cherish rightly but it's also about not acting like a complete dick, which it seems most Americans still cherish. Now tormenting or abuse I think is much different than me coming on here and telling @Sagemind to go kill himself because he smells.
I'm not sure if I agree with Anon releasing this persons info either. Maybe it makes you feel good in the revenge center but is that really how we want justice to work?
Personally I also have an issue with someone who committed suicide. I'm still exploring it because I don't think it's right for me to tell someone how they should react to things, especially when given differences in upbringing or simple brain chemistry. I guess I'll just say that I think suicide is quitting, I don't like it and I don't really respect people that do it without good reason, and I don't think words is a good enough reason. This is my experience from my life of horror and feeling like utter shit a lot of the time. I never thought that ending it would be an answer and I don't necessarily understand those that do. Sorry I didn't want to cede the intellectual ground but I felt I had to be honest and maybe that'll start a conversation about how other people feel about people who commit suicide.

Bullied Canadian Teen Leaves Behind A Chilling Video

alcom says...

Well said, Yogi. I think the awareness of bullying and online safety is what we should take away from this story. I'm glad the vid made it to the Sift if only to promote awareness.

>> ^Yogi:

This is a very sticky subject especially if you don't understand all the nuance. I mean it's about freedom or speech which Americans cherish rightly but it's also about not acting like a complete dick, which it seems most Americans still cherish. Now tormenting or abuse I think is much different than me coming on here and telling @Sagemind to go kill himself because he smells.
I'm not sure if I agree with Anon releasing this persons info either. Maybe it makes you feel good in the revenge center but is that really how we want justice to work?
Personally I also have an issue with someone who committed suicide. I'm still exploring it because I don't think it's right for me to tell someone how they should react to things, especially when given differences in upbringing or simple brain chemistry. I guess I'll just say that I think suicide is quitting, I don't like it and I don't really respect people that do it without good reason, and I don't think words is a good enough reason. This is my experience from my life of horror and feeling like utter shit a lot of the time. I never thought that ending it would be an answer and I don't necessarily understand those that do. Sorry I didn't want to cede the intellectual ground but I felt I had to be honest and maybe that'll start a conversation about how other people feel about people who commit suicide.

Bullied Canadian Teen Leaves Behind A Chilling Video

Yogi says...

This is a very sticky subject especially if you don't understand all the nuance. I mean it's about freedom or speech which Americans cherish rightly but it's also about not acting like a complete dick, which it seems most Americans still cherish. Now tormenting or abuse I think is much different than me coming on here and telling @Sagemind to go kill himself because he smells.

I'm not sure if I agree with Anon releasing this persons info either. Maybe it makes you feel good in the revenge center but is that really how we want justice to work?

Personally I also have an issue with someone who committed suicide. I'm still exploring it because I don't think it's right for me to tell someone how they should react to things, especially when given differences in upbringing or simple brain chemistry. I guess I'll just say that I think suicide is quitting, I don't like it and I don't really respect people that do it without good reason, and I don't think words is a good enough reason. This is my experience from my life of horror and feeling like utter shit a lot of the time. I never thought that ending it would be an answer and I don't necessarily understand those that do. Sorry I didn't want to cede the intellectual ground but I felt I had to be honest and maybe that'll start a conversation about how other people feel about people who commit suicide.

VideoSift 5 Hosts (Sift Talk Post)

VideoSift 5 Hosts (Sift Talk Post)

The Duct Tape Movie Lie

chingalera says...

He's using a shit brand maybe??? Some duct tape is so sticky it's hard to use face muscles to break the stick, eh?

Always irked me that a bad guy wouldn't take the extra time to do the double-wrap. Duct tape fuses with duct tape y'know?! Oh, and if the perp's charge is particularly fussy??...The ol' sock-before-tape in the mouth'll have 'em begging to follow your orders!!

Ohhhhh...So THAT'S What Has Been Happening to the Pillows!!!

EepyBird's Sticky Note Experiment

Incredible Sticky Paper Notes Experiment

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