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Trump publicly blows his cover for national emergency

newtboy says...

Embedded swamp Trump. Yes, that sounds right.
Trump and his people have all been guilty of what he called swamp behavior to an extreme never seen in America, so many removed for abuse of office and theft, most while being praised by Trump. He didn't remove any for their crimes, he's only removed people for not properly kissing his ass and repeating his lies. Those removed for criminal malfeasance were often removed against his wishes and with his praise.

These are his people...the "individuates" he chose and hired. I agree he did the right thing firing most of those he did fire, but absolutely the wrong thing when he hired them and the wrong thing again with those he replaced them with who are usually worse....and worst of all he didn't remove the swamp monster in chief, you know, the one pumping stagnant feculant water into Washington by the metric ton.

No Bob, many were treasonous crimes, all were intentional crimes of moral turpitude. Hiding tens of millions paid to you by Russia and testifying you have no ties to them, that's not a process crime as you pretend, and was happening during and after his campaign and 100% for Trump's benefit.
Flynn, you can't trap someone who isn't committing a crime. They only trapped him into lying under oath about the crime he had already committed for Trump and at Trump's direction....subversion....when they already had proof he had done it. Duh.

How many of Trump's "best people" are convicted of being unreported foreign agents? How many in Obama's administration were?

Please stop spouting moronic lies, Dimitri, and give us back the Bob that knows English, please. When you start spouting clear insanity like this paired with losing your grasp of what you claim is your native language, we know another agent is posting as "Bob" today, and he's the one who's like an angry 6 year old trying to make political arguments with no knowledge whatsoever besides which party the players belong to.

bobknight33 said:

With all the leaking going and embedded swamp Trump in his administration Trump had done the right thing to fire/remove those individuates.

WRT Muller investigation. most process crimes and crimes that occurred before Trump or unrelated to Trump run for POTUS.

WRT to Michael Flynn,-- pure set up to entrap Flynn.


newtboy says...

I like carrots, and if eating a full serving a day increased my lifetime risk for one cancer from 5-6%, I would eat exactly the same amount of carrots, but if I could reduce that risk increase based on the soil I grow them in or other factors under my control I would.
...and there aren't 800 studies saying bacon CAUSES cancer, there are studies that indicate eating it regularly increases your risk slightly....but I know, that's too advanced a concept, better to just fudge it and lie by telling people it's conclusive that each slice of bacon increases your cancer risk by 18% and insult anyone who corrects you. Fuck.

I drive, that's risky. Walking is risky. I use my bathroom....risky. I weld, super risky, use power tools, risky, breath in America, that's far more risky than bacon, drink water here, risk, go outside in public, all kinds of risks. If a 1% increase in one area of risk stops you, you would be dead already. You choose your risks, you just want to choose other people's risks too, because they aren't getting scared of what you want.

Plenty could make me quit bacon. Again, you spout nonsense you know nothing about. A simple lack of curing would make me not eat it, proof the supply chain is contaminated with human parasites or certain diseases. A slightly higher risk factor for one type of cancer, fuck no, you know that's not enough to dissuade most people from things they enjoy, that's why you exaggerate.

I don't claim to know what made you that way, but you are hyper biased towards all things vegan and against all things non vegan which results in constant dishonesty. No question at all.

transmorpher said:

Allow me to demonstrate your bias in this situation.

Q: if instead of bacon, what if they had 800 studies showing that, say, carrots cause cancer. Would you be arguing about the stats, or would you stop eating carrots?

I'm pretty sure you'd stop eating carrots. But because you enjoy bacon so much, it's having a impact on your reasoning. That is your bias.

I can prove this further by asking you what it would take to make you give up bacon. And I'm quite sure you would say nothing. Perhaps short of some instant effect, I know you would never stop eating it, no matter strong the evidence. In fact many people don't. They rather go blind and hav their legs amputated from preventable diabetes than give up their instant comfort foods. They are so biased they lose their own limbs, and still refuse to accept the reality.

You also you like to claim that me being vegan makes me biased. But the truth is that the Science made me vegan. And not the other way around. The reduction of animal cruelty is just a bonus.


newtboy says...

So you don't understand math or statistics? Stop spouting them then. I've explained your mistake repeatedly, you are not repeating what they said, you are twisting and exaggerating it to support your hypothesis.
(Unscrupulous) People can come up with statistics to prove anything....forfty percent of all people know that.

Stress is a major cause of heart disease. That is no joke.

transmorpher said:

Exaggerating what exactly? All I'm doing is repeating the WHO and WCRF lines of.
"DON'T EAT PROCESSED MEAT, IT CAUSES CANCER" it's a bit hard to exaggerate such a clear message.

Incessant worrying not required, you simply leave it off your shopping list like you do with asbestos, radioactive materials, and tobacco.

People aren't dying by the millions from worrying about risk factors. But they are dying from preventable forms of heart-disease and cancer. This is no joke.

Ann Coulter: The Coulter Veto

newtboy says...

I understand the feeling, but sadly, ignoring the vitriolic bile people like her spout only allows them to go unchallenged, which they convince their naive followers is proof they're 100% correct, so correct even their haters can't contradict them....and it works.

I've always liked that Bill puts her, and other far right wingers, on his show to show his audience exactly the nonsense they're peddling so they can be well prepared to obliterate idiots that repeat it in public.

And yes, she has always failed to hide her schadenfreude at the misfortunes of the less fortunate and clearly derives pleasure from their pain.

Drachen_Jager said:

Nobody should give this terrible human being air.
There are a lot of liars and underhanded dealers among the Republican party and their supporters, but most of them seem to lie, cheat, and steal for financial benefit or power. I've always had the feeling that she does it simply because she enjoys hurting other people and causing disruption.

Do Not Watch This Without A Barf Bag

BSR says...

If my grandfather said the type of deluded irrational nonsense he spouts daily, I would be institutionalized. Both my grandfathers were dead before I was born.

newtboy said:

If your grandfather said the type of deluded irrational nonsense he spouts daily, you would have them institutionalized....

Do Not Watch This Without A Barf Bag

newtboy says...

Who is dumb enough to still listen to that delusional fraud lie about everything? I would love to see the average IQ of a Trump supporter studied....that could be step one towards intelligence testing for voting rights, something we need to avoid repeating this disaster.
If your grandfather said the type of deluded irrational nonsense he spouts daily, you would have them institutionalized....and that would be appropriate.
Time to make him prove he's mentally fit for office in court.....Pence too. If he swears he believed Trump, he's unfit. If he swears he knew Trump was lying and a fraud but went along with the frauds, he's unfit.

Preview Of The Next Two Years - Pelosi, Schumer, Trump

newtboy says...

Just as honest as always....none of them supported "the wall", in fact, it didn't sound like any supported building any walls at all.

This just proves that you knew you were lying when you repeated the nonsense Trump spouts, claiming Democrats want open borders.
Democrats do believe in border security, just not this silly, sophomoric, stupidly simplistic solution sold by a simpleton.

bobknight33 said:

All for the wall until the rubber meats the road.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

newtboy says...

I do get to say what constitutes American values in my opinion, an opinion informed by civics class, something it seems most people were deprived of. Those values are honesty, fairness, and equality under the law.....honoring one's word/agreements, helping the needy, standing up for right not just maximum profit internationally. These are historically the values America held dear....but no longer, at least not officially.

Fox does not honor those values, it rarely gives them lip service and never more.

Well, the boy cried wolf 1000 times this year, and twice there were wolves, you go ahead and drop everything and keep running, pitchfork in hand every time he cries out, I quit listening to him the second time there was no wolf, only a boy laughing at us. Call me emotional and dismissive, I disagree but that's fine. You don't want to know what I think about you and that boy.

Good reporters would not associate with those zealous, hyper biased, hypocritical blatant propagandists, so no, there aren't good reporters there. Maybe some who occasionally tell some truths, that's not enough by far to be "good", and as a network they've squandered any chance they had for redemption as a legitimate news organization with zeal and glee repeatedly. know me so well. I don't watch any Trump bashing sessions, they were boring before he was elected. I haven't had my tv on CNN in years, not that they're solely Trump bashing sessions, but they do host some.
You seem to think any news not stroking his ego is a bashing session, quoting him, out of bounds bashing, discussing his new policies, out of bounds emotionality, discussing his recent court losses, out of bounds schadenfreude, pointing out constant stream of blatant self serving lies, out of bounds emotional garbage. Only positive spin is real news...Fox is real news with real reporters, not >80% hyper biased hosts spouting opinion as fact. No thanks....Homie don't play dat.

Briguy1960 said:

What you don't get is you don't get to say what constitutes Americas values when you only listen and watch propaganda as you put if from the side that validates your opinons.
Keep living in a fantasy world but I prefer to see things from others perspectives too.
Not simply what the biased agenda based main stream media is pushing very hard down my throat on a daily basis.
The fact you dismiss Woodward because he is on that site speaks volumes about your closed mindedness but regardless his message isn't only on there and you failed to address it.
Fox is by no means as bad you say.
Not all of it.
There are good reporters on there but you will never admit it because they refuse to spend their entire segment bashing Trump which is the only thing you and your ilk will tolerate.
The anger and emotion is real.
Now if only cooler heads and common sense would be IN again instead of this emotional garbage (from both sides btw)

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

newtboy says...

Fox is, and they don't get my views on purpose. I don't listen to consummate liars and blatant propagandists except to see what nonsense they're spouting in today's attack on American values.
Point me to Woodward saying the same thing on non right wing propaganda outlets and I'll listen.
Point me to another propaganda outlet, I'll ignore it.
I thought I was clear about that.
I believe the boy who cried wolf deserved to be eaten.

I also don't really care about a reporters opinion about a legal, constitutional matter, no matter which side of the issue they're on. They aren't constitutional lawyers....their opinion is meaningless noise....just like most everything on Fox.....biased opinion entertainment, not news.

Briguy1960 said:

Woodward is no Trump cheerleader and you know that for a fact.

Actually the point I was making is Woodward wasn't only talking about the incident with Acosta.
Great minds see through the emotional overload I guess...

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

newtboy says...

Or perhaps that they stopped her to accuse her of a crime, confront, and challenge her. None of your definitions include this "in error or being rude" inference you want to draw from it, that's your bias twisting definitions to suit your faux outrage.

I accosted my wife at the door with surprise plans to go out to dinner. I would use that sentence. I'm 48....not sure what generation you're from.

What nonsense are you spouting one said she shouldn't have been accosted, you just take umbrage with the term for some reason, so decry the report as biased fake news or something.
Using the proper word to describe events is nothing like Fox making shit up. I don't have a clue what you mean.

Too late, I'm bald. That excuses me from having to watch any more Faux news. ;-)

Derp. That would be a Trump, not an Accosta.

Have fun with your persecution complex. I find you ridiculous and incapable of honest evaluation. Bye now.

Briguy1960 said:

If someone accosts another person, especially a stranger, they stop them or go up to them and speak to them in a way that seems rude or threatening.
[formal, disapproval]
A man had accosted me in the street. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: confront, challenge, address, stop More Synonyms of accost
COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers
Word Frequency
accost in British
(əˈkɒst )
1. (transitive)
to approach, stop, and speak to (a person), as to ask a question, accuse of a crime, solicit sexually, etc

It is suggesting the police were in error or were being rude at best.
This is how most people of my generation would understand the term.
So all I have to do is shed my clothes now and let things swing in the wind and I can do whatever I please, even coming within feet of the potus?
I don't think It would be a pretty picture/outcome for several reasons.
Biased reporting.
Just because Fox does it doesn't make it right.
You admit you can't even stand watching Fox for more than a couple of minutes.
You therefore have no ground to stand on.
You must endure it until your hair starts falling out as I have with CNN.
That's about 5 minutes.

Another definition might work as well.
The reporter constantly berated,grandstanded and hogged the microphone refusing to show an ounce of decorum.
He pulled an Acosta.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

newtboy says...

Ok, I, and almost all non right wingers disagree. CNN and Faux are no where near the same level. CNN may have some bias against the man who actively encouraged right wing terrorists to attack them as enemies of America and continues to do so....that's perfectly reasonable and professional.
What they don't do is make up stories out of thin air like Faux, edit video to create false impressions that are diametrically opposed to reality, hire mostly frauds who have been caught falsifying reports, repeat obvious lies because their preferred candidate/politician said them, or go on the campaign trail with candidates not to report, but to speak on their behalf. Your conflation of the two is either disingenuous, outrageously ignorant, or insane, you choose.

I watch more than enough Faux to know what they are, pure propaganda. You can deny it all you like, that only makes you look ignorant or dishonest. I'm certain I watch more Faux than you watch CNN, yet you've made similar (but less honest) claims about them, you must not watch it enough to know of what of you speak, you just take a convicted frauds word that they're liars as gospel and never investigate it seems.

You don't know me, sir, or you wouldn't make such a spurious claim. I gather information from multiple opposing sources. How could I debunk the lies from Faux and OAN if I don't watch them spout those lies?

Then how about what Trump himself did?...turnabout is fair play, so in this instance two wrongs might make things more right, at least more balanced. The left playing fairly, honorably, and attempting to avoid even the appearance of impropriety got us Trump, who has no such qualms. I hope Democrats don't sit on their high horse and complain that Trump doesn't play fair while he destroys our democracy and's well past time to start tossing the steaming shit back at them.

Trump raped his pre-teen daughters on film and bragged about it, that's why he won't show us their long form medical and financial records.....that's far truer than his birther claims.
Also, his kids are all illegals, born to non citizens as anchor babies, (all his baby mommas are immigrants/invaders) when he tries to remove birthright citizenship they should be deported immediately. ;-)

No, none of those people are good at reporting news, not one can separate their rabid hyper biased opinions from fact, although Smith is doing better lately......but slightly better than god awful isn't good.
Fox is a joke, period. They don't have reporters, they have hosts. They're an opinion/entertainment/propaganda network, not a news network. It's really sad that you watch them but don't understand that basic fact, and you defend them as offering good reporting while also admitting they aren't even news...WTF, man?

The thing there is the news media is not being unprofessional, Trump is, but you're listening to him as if he wasn't an impudent infant and believing the nonsense that reporting on his constant vitriolic foibles is unprofessional. It's simply not.

Trump is the leader of the nation, not CNN, not his advisors, not Hannity. He is not being led to the right, he's dragging centrists far right or attacking them if they refuse to go along.
How about maybe he tries to lead towards civility and professionalism instead of impetuously attack any detractors like a spoiled brat, blaming them for his own actions?

Briguy1960 said:

I do place CNN and Fox in the same category.
That is how low CNN has sunk and how much better Fox has become in my experiences watching what amounts to garbage reporting on a whole.
Trump did this today blah blah blah but yes he still lusts after his daughter.
He is actually saying she is just a really hot looking young woman as he works in that business but lets go there anyway.
Fox is not pure propaganda.
You don't watch it enough to see the right people to know of what of you speak.
I don't simply watch what appeals to me or justifies my point of view which too many people like you are doing with the rise of the internet.
Relying on late night comedy shows who never show Fox News or Trump saying anything good is useless too.
Shep Smith, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace are pretty decent at giving you the news.
Yes Fox is a joke at times and seems to be in Trumps pocket but there is good reporting on there and some good reporters.
You just have to skip the garbage like Hannity a lot of the time and the judge jeannie idiot all of the time.
Laura Ingram seems to be there just to act the asshole.
Tucker can be good sometimes looking at the current insane trends.
I watch several sources everyday to get an overall view on how things get reported and it is eye opening.
I never liked what the Republicans and Fox did to Obama but 2 wrongs don't make a right and after all Fox News is just entertainment right?
CNN has been around how long?
It was once very respected.
You don't seem to be grasping my point.
I don't like most of how Trump does things.
Even when he is doing something good he ruins it sometimes by the way he words it.
I think he is being led by people and could have been a lot more palpable to the left but they have pulled the strings and yanked him back most everytime.
The birther thing showed how low class he will always be despite his money and gross looking home with all the ugly so called appointments.
I am saying he is playing the media and it is suffering as a result and the media by acting unprofessionally is playing along.

CNN Red Pills itself. The Economy is GREAT.

newtboy says...

So wrong, try research. Wikipedia has all this information easily available.
Obama turned it around 180 degrees from the Republican's path of doom we were on at -2.8% GDP up to 2.5% in only one year, and eventually hit a yearly 2.9% gdp, that took time and Herculean effort against obstructionist Republicans who's only job from before he was sworn in was making him a one term president by obstructing him, a job they failed.
Trump started with a strong economy of at least 2.3% growth and a complicit congress, and GDP growth is actually STILL much lower than under Obama. Trump has coasted fairly flatly which is better than expected, Obama deftly turned us around from the cliff Bush was driving off. Obama had a positive swing of 5.1%, expectations are a 3.1% GDP growth for 2018, a positive swing of .8%, and that's expected to drop .5% for the next two years.

5.1% upswing >.8% upswing. Trump is limping along, Obama stopped the Republican crash AND did better overall. I wish you wouldn't spout such nonsense.

bobknight33 said:

Obama slow walked the economy to his pre-election levels. Trump stomped on the gas peddle.

Samantha Bee, Full Frontal - Voter Suppression

newtboy says...

You replied to yourself here....likely because this wasn't meant for me, as your terrible English, impossibly bad for an American, would tip us off that you're not an American and are nothing but another Russian troll stumping for Trump, willing to spout any nonsense no matter how it contradicts reality. Really, Bobski, if you want to be taken seriously, you need to learn English better than the Nigerian princes who need your help with international banking.

You must be completely insane if you think protecting a targeted group of American citizens from clear attacks against their constitutional rights is the racist move, but trying to remove their constitutional rights, that's not.

You are apparently willfully ignorant, so you have zero idea what poor people, who are mostly minorities, face. I have been one, living in East Palo Alto in the late 80's. When you work 16 hour days +3 hours on the bus getting there just to scrape by with zero savings, asking them to spend a full day at the dmv and a voting tax of $50+ (the cost of a license), you make the right to vote conditional on having a day off, the required documentation for a license/ID, and $50 to spare. Make getting a license/ID free and under 5 min online, you might have a point. As it stands, you're just being intentionally dense and trying to hide from the obvious, clear, unambiguous racist nature of ALL voter tests. There's a reason the states implementing these laws were precluded from making voter laws before 2011.....they had been found to be unconstitutionally and blatantly racist by the supreme court.

Republicans want id laws to disenfranchise minorities because they don't represent minorities and don't expect their votes, they're clear and open about it behind closed doors, have been since the Southern Strategy, and it's 100% obvious when you look at their implementation, they ALL effect minorities at a rate 4+ times over whites in areas where whites are 3/4 the population....that's by design, they have been repeatedly caught testing to ensure those results when crafting the laws.

Illegals don't vote, that's nonsense you got from the liar in Chief with not a shred of evidence that a single one successfully voted after his 2 year red herring investigation that wasted (tens of?) millions of dollars over something he made up to excuse his losing the election by 3000000+- votes. It's pure bullshit, you and we know it, that's why you never heard the results of his investigation.

Today, Trump declared publicly he's a proud nationalist.....another word for neo Nazi. There goes Republican's humanity.
He's also added more to the deficit than anyone ever, during a period of growth! Obama did better, consistently reducing the deficit, during a recession! So much for fiscal responsibility.
Now Republicans have organized and paid central Americans to march towards America to rile up their base and blame democrats without evidence, knowing under 100 will even be allowed to apply for asylum and none allowed entry. Any semblance of honesty gone, fear and hatred of anyone "different", that's all the right has left.
I'm guessing you're still on board, because nothing but tribe matters to you, not truth, not rationality, not even supporting a proud Nazi.

bobknight33 said:

So this boils down to a discrimination of minorities.

So glad of you to be their champion. That you need to look down and these class of citizen that you must intervene.

I think higher of minorities. They are my equal. I don't look down in pity as you do. I believe minorities can find a way to obtain an ID. Its not that hard or expensive.

I'll ignore your un-intentional racism and chalk it up to you being miss informed by main stream media. No hard feelings, newt. Your are not alone.

Republicans want ID laws so only AMERICANS vote. Democrats do not want ID laws. Hence to allow ILLEGALS to vote. Democrats don't care about minorities, just votes.

Samantha Bee, Full Frontal - Voter Suppression

newtboy says...

Bwaahahaha. I'm the resident troll, says the person who spouts insane right wing propaganda and insults on what they call a liberal site, and is almost always wrong on the facts.
I would hope to appear as a troll to such a person.
I found a lot wrong with your did you looking at your response.
Btw, you can travel just fine without an id or license, driving is not a right.
I'm a resident "right wing fact" of many. Hilarious you think fact checkers are trolls....that says far more about you than it does about me.

Edit: Oh yeah, I get it now, fact checkers are trolls to right wingers, because facts are for liberals.

bobknight33 said:

@newtboy is the resident Troll He checks everything. He will find something wrong.

T.I. has Melania Trump...

newtboy says...

You are such a caricature of a ridiculous reality challenged republican that I know you aren't for real. Colbert couldn't spout such nonsense with a straight face, and he's a professional idiot republican.

Orange Kanye (DJ Chump) would own the plantation if it was 1818, he could walk off and back on at will.

Keep lying to yourself, no one else buys it.
Republicans champion civil rights and equality for minorities and despise racists, democrats support blatantly racist programs and laws and have embraced open racists and Nazis into their party...and the sun makes it dark and cold and water gets you dry. See, I can spout nonsense too, but only a moron would ever believe any of it.

#walkaway again? The fake movement that exists only in right wing fantasy that uses stock photos to "prove" there are "real people" walking away? Jesus, Bob, you just have to keep begging for more poo pie, even after we told you it's made from shit and showed you the video of it being made. WTF, man?!
Is it true?
Are you just setting up rational counter argument by spouting easily debunked irrational tripe? Sure looks that way sometimes.

bobknight33 said:

Your just pissed because "orange Kanye" walked of the plantation.

Wake up, many blacks have had enough of the Democrat lies. Guess it makes these blacks smarter than you. #walkaway.

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